474 research outputs found

    Shock and Release Temperatures in Molybdenum

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    Shock and release temperatures in Mo were calculated, taking account of heating from plastic flow predicted using the Steinberg-Guinan model. Plastic flow was calculated self-consistently with the shock jump conditions: this is necessary for a rigorous estimate of the locus of shock states accessible. The temperatures obtained were significantly higher than predicted assuming ideal hydrodynamic loading. The temperatures were compared with surface emission spectrometry measurements for Mo shocked to around 60GPa and then released into vacuum or into a LiF window. Shock loading was induced by the impact of a planar projectile, accelerated by high explosive or in a gas gun. Surface velocimetry showed an elastic wave at the start of release from the shocked state; the amplitude of the elastic wave matched the prediction to around 10%, indicating that the predicted flow stress in the shocked state was reasonable. The measured temperatures were consistent with the simulations, indicating that the fraction of plastic work converted to heat was in the range 70-100% for these loading conditions

    Pyrometric Measurement of the Temperature of Shocked Molybdenum

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    Measurements of the temperature of Mo shocked to ~60 GPa and then released to ~28 GPa were previously attempted using high explosive driven flyer plates and pyrometry. Analysis of the radiance traces at different wavelengths indicates that the temporal evolution of the radiance can be explained by a contribution from the LiF window to the measured thermal radiation. Fitting the radiance traces with a simple model, supported by continuum dynamics studies which were able to relate structures in the radiance history to hydrodynamic events in the experiment, the contribution of the window was obtained and hence the temperature of the Mo sample. The shock-and release temperature obtained in the Mo was 762+/-40K which is consistent with calculations taking the contribution of plastic work to the heating into account. The radiance obtained for the LiF window shows a non thermal distribution which can be described by a bulk temperature of 624+/-112K and hot spots (less than 0.5% in total volume) within the window at a temperature of about 2000K

    Explanation for Anomalous Shock Temperatures Measured by Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy

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    Neutron resonance spectrometry (NRS) has been used to measure the temperature inside Mo samples during shock loading. The temperatures obtained were significantly higher than predicted assuming ideal hydrodynamic loading. The effect of plastic flow and non-ideal projectile behavior were assessed. Plastic flow was calculated self-consistently with the shock jump conditions: this is necessary for a rigorous estimate of the locus of shock states accessible. Plastic flow was estimated to contribute a temperature rise of 53K compared with hydrodynamic flow. Simulations were performed of the operation of the explosively-driven projectile system used to induce the shock in the Mo sample. The simulations predicted that the projectile was significantly curved on impact, and still accelerating. The resulting spatial variations in load, including radial components of velocity, were predicted to increase the apparent temperature that would be deduced from the width of the neutron resonance by 160K. These corrections are sufficient to reconcile the apparent temperatures deduced using NRS with the accepted properties of Mo, in particular its equation of state.Comment: near-final version, waiting for final consent from an autho

    Evaluation and comparison of three IR detectors and three amplifier designs for a new high-speed IR pyrometer

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    At Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), a high-speed, four-wavelength, infrared (IR) pyrometer has been used for surface temperature measurements in shock-physics experiments for several years. The pyrometer uses solid state detectors and a single fiber-optic cable for transmission of light from the target surface to the detectors. This instrument has recently been redesigned for an upcoming experiment at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Three different IR detectors (two HgCdTe variants as well as the existing InSb chip) were compared for sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, and bandwidth. Of major concern was detector amplifier recovery time from overload saturation. In shock physics experiments, a short but very bright precursor frequently accompanies shock breakout (often from trapped air). This precursor can saturate the amplifier and may ''swamp-out'' the signal of interest before the amplifier recovers. With this in mind, we evaluated two new amplifier designs by the Perry Amplifier Company for linearity, signal-to-noise characteristics, gain, and saturation recovery time. This paper describes experimental setup for detector comparison and results obtained. Furthermore, we discuss new amplifier design and suitability for highspeed infrared pyrometry in shock physics experiments

    Gene transfer into hepatocytes using asialoglycoprotein receptor mediated endocytosis of DNA complexed with an artificial tetra-antennary galactose ligand

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    We have constructed an artificial ligand for the hepatocyte-specific asialoglycoprotein receptor for the purpose of generating a synthetic delivery system for DNA. This ligand has a tetra-antennary structure, containing four terminal galactose residues on a branched carrier peptide. The carbohydrate residues of this glycopeptide were introduced by reductive coupling of lactose to the alpha- and epsilon-amino groups of the two N-terminal lysines on the carrier peptide. The C-terminus of the peptide, containing a cysteine separated from the branched N-terminus by a 10 amino acid spacer sequence, was used for conjugation to 3-(2-pyridyldithio)propionate-modified polylysine via disulfide bond formation. Complexes containing plasmid DNA bound to these galactose-polylysine conjugates have been used for asialoglycoprotein receptor-mediated transfer of a luciferase gene into human (HepG2) and murine (BNL CL.2) hepatocyte cell lines. Gene transfer was strongly promoted when amphipathic peptides with pH-controlled membrane-disruption activity, derived from the N-terminal sequence of influenza virus hemagglutinin HA-2, were also present in these DNA complexes. Thus, we have essentially borrowed the small functional domains of two large proteins, asialoglycoprotein and hemagglutinin, and assembled them into a supramolecular complex to generate an efficient gene-transfer system

    Culture of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells with Serum but without Exogenous Growth Factors Is Sufficient to Generate Functional Hepatocyte-Like Cells

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    Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC) have been used to study lineage specification in vitro, including towards a hepatocyte-like fate, and such investigations guided lineage differentiation protocols for human (h)ESC. We recently described a four-step protocol to induce hepatocyte-like cells from hESC which also induced hepatocyte-like cell differentiation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells. As ESC also spontaneously generate hepatocyte-like cells, we here tested whether the growth factors and serum used in this protocol are required to commit mESC and hESC to hepatocyte-like cells. Culture of mESC from two different mouse strains in the absence of serum and growth factors did not induce primitive streak/definitive endoderm genes but induced default differentiation to neuroectoderm on day 6. Although Activin-A and Wnt3 induced primitive streak/definitive endoderm transcripts most robustly in mESC, simple addition of serum also induced these transcripts. Expression of hepatoblast genes occurred earlier when growth factors were used for mESC differentiation. However, further maturation towards functional hepatocyte-like cells was similar in mESC progeny from cultures with serum, irrespective of the addition of growth factors, and irrespective of the mouse strain. This is in contrast to hESC, where growth factors are required for specification towards functional hepatocyte-like cells. Culture of mESC with serum but without growth factors did not induce preferential differentiation towards primitive endoderm or neuroectoderm. Thus, although induction of primitive streak/definitive endoderm specific genes and proteins is more robust when mESC are exposed to a combination of serum and exogenous growth factors, ultimate generation of hepatocyte-like cells from mESC occurs equally well in the presence or absence of exogenous growth factors. The latter is in contrast to what we observed for hESC. These results suggest that differences exist between lineage specific differentiation potential of mESC and hESC, requiring optimization of different protocols for ESC from either species

    Using Search Query Surveillance to Monitor Tax Avoidance and Smoking Cessation following the United States' 2009 “SCHIP” Cigarette Tax Increase

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    Smokers can use the web to continue or quit their habit. Online vendors sell reduced or tax-free cigarettes lowering smoking costs, while health advocates use the web to promote cessation. We examined how smokers' tax avoidance and smoking cessation Internet search queries were motivated by the United States' (US) 2009 State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) federal cigarette excise tax increase and two other state specific tax increases. Google keyword searches among residents in a taxed geography (US or US state) were compared to an untaxed geography (Canada) for two years around each tax increase. Search data were normalized to a relative search volume (RSV) scale, where the highest search proportion was labeled 100 with lesser proportions scaled by how they relatively compared to the highest proportion. Changes in RSV were estimated by comparing means during and after the tax increase to means before the tax increase, across taxed and untaxed geographies. The SCHIP tax was associated with an 11.8% (95% confidence interval [95%CI], 5.7 to 17.9; p<.001) immediate increase in cessation searches; however, searches quickly abated and approximated differences from pre-tax levels in Canada during the months after the tax. Tax avoidance searches increased 27.9% (95%CI, 15.9 to 39.9; p<.001) and 5.3% (95%CI, 3.6 to 7.1; p<.001) during and in the months after the tax compared to Canada, respectively, suggesting avoidance is the more pronounced and durable response. Trends were similar for state-specific tax increases but suggest strong interactive processes across taxes. When the SCHIP tax followed Florida's tax, versus not, it promoted more cessation and avoidance searches. Efforts to combat tax avoidance and increase cessation may be enhanced by using interventions targeted and tailored to smokers' searches. Search query surveillance is a valuable real-time, free and public method, that may be generalized to other behavioral, biological, informational or psychological outcomes manifested online