147 research outputs found

    Quantum Corrals, Eigenmodes and Quantum Mirages in s-wave Superconductors

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    We study the electronic structure of magnetic and non-magnetic quantum corrals embedded in s-wave superconductors. We demonstrate that a quantum mirage of an impurity bound state peak can be projected from the occupied into the empty focus of a non-magnetic quantum corral via the excitation of the corral's eigenmodes. We observe an enhanced coupling between magnetic impurities inside the corral, which can be varied through oscillations in the corral's impurity potential. Finally, we discuss the form of eigenmodes in magnetic quantum corrals.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Peningkatan Kualitas Kerja Melalui Pola Pembinaan (Capacity Building) Dosen Muda Pada Program Studi Administrasi Pendidikan Sps Upi

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    Ukuran kinerja dosen yang baik ditentukan oleh pencapaian setiap komponen dalam indikator akademik, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Dalam pelaksanaannya sering ditemukan hal-hal yang memposisikan bahwa distribusi ketiga indikator tersebut tidak memenuhi standar yang ditetukan, apalagi ketika didasarkan kepada ukuran/alat dalam bentuk Beban Kinerja Dosen. Beberapa hal yang ingin diangkat dalam penelitian ini meliputi kemampuan dosen muda dalam pembelajaran, kehadiran dosen muda dalam proses pembelajaran, dan kesiapan dosen muda dalam meneruskan estapet pembinaan mata kuliah. Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini meliputi hal-hal sebagai berikut:1) Bagaimana kemampuan dosen muda dalam proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas? 2) Bagaimana komitmen dan tanggungjawab dosen muda terhadap tugas pokok dan fungsi sebagai tenaga dosen? 3) Bagaimana pola-pola kadersisasi dilakukan dalam pengembangan keilmuan dan pengembangan profesi? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif kualitatif dengan menggungkan instrumen terbuka, wawancara, dan studi dokumentatif terhadap hasil-hasil kerja dosen. Hasil yang diperoleh meliputi; Pemahaman dan kemampuan dosen muda dalam menerjemahkan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya menjadi ukuran dosen muda untuk memperoleh kesempatan madiri dalam pembelajaran atau masih harus memperoleh bimbingan dari dosen senior/pembina. Dalam bidang akademik dibuktikan dengan proses pembelajaran dan bimbingan yang dilakukan di kelas, penelitian dibuktikan dengan karya ilmiah yang dihasilan, dan pengabdian masyarakat dibuktikan dengan bentuk-bentuk pengembangan yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan masyarakat, baik masyarakat umum maupun secara khusus masyarakat pendidikan

    Binding energy of an impurity in polar microspheres

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    We have examined the binding energy of a polaron bound to a hydrogenic donor impurity located in a spherical quantum dot by means of a variational technique for both finite and infinite potential models. The polaronic effect on the binding energy has been considered taking into account the ion-phonon coupling by using the Lee-Low-Pines variational method. The results we have obtained show that the binding energies are drastically affected by the dot radius, the potential barrier height and the polaronic effects.We have examined the binding energy of a polaron bound to a hydrogenic donor impurity located in a spherical quantum dot by means of a variational technique for both finite and infinite potential models. The polaronic effect on the binding energy has been considered taking into account the ion-phonon coupling by using the Lee-Low-Pines variational method. The results we have obtained show that the binding energies are drastically affected by the dot radius, the potential barrier height and the polaronic effects

    Pengaruh Regulasi, Pembiayaan Dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Terhadap Efektivitas Manajemen Sarana Prasarana Sekolah, Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Efektivitas Pembelajaran Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama Se Kota Sukabumi

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    Peran sarana prasarana pendidikan di dalam proses pembelajaran merupakan pendukung. Akan tetapi dari berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan, baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri menempatkan posisi sarana prasarana sebagai faktor yang tidak kalah pentingnya dalam mencapai keberhasilan pembelajaran. Penellitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar faktor-faktor regulasi, pembiayaan dan partisipasi masyarakat berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas manajemen sarana prasarana sekolah, serta bagaimanakah dampaknya terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran di sekolah.Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah metoda kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif, yaitu dengan cara explanatory survey, dimana digunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengukur dari sampel atas populasi. Objek penelitian (populasi) adalah seluruh SMP (negeri dan swasta) yang ada di Kota Sukabuni dengan responden Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Sarana Prasarana, Guru dan Ketua Komite Sekolah. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dari regulasi, pembiayaan dan partisipasi masyarakat baik sendiri-sendiri maupun secara bersama-sama terhadap efektivitas manajemen sarana prasarana pendidikan dan dampaknya positif pula terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran. Sehubungan dengan adanya pengaruh yang positif, selanjutnya direkomendasikan agar pihak sekolah lebih memperhatikan aspek-aspek regulasi, pembiayaan dan partisipasi masyarakat agar lebih meningkatkan efektivitas manajemen sarana prasarana pendidikan sehingga akan berdampak positif terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran di sekolah. The role of educational infrastructure in the learning process is as a supporter. However, from various studies conducted, both domestically and abroad, Its put the infrastructure position is no less important factor in achieving successful learning. This Study is intended to determine how far that regulatory factors, financing and public participation influence the effectiveness of educational infrastructure management, and how do they impact on the effectiveness of learning in schools.The method used is quantitative methods by descriptive and verification methods, namely by way of explanatory survey, which used a questionnaire as a measure of the population sample. Object of study (population) is all secondary schools (public and private) in the Sukabumi City with respondents are Principal, Vice Principal of Infrastructure Affairs, Teachers and Chairman of the School Committee. From this study it can be concluded that there is a positive effect of regulation, financing and public participation either individually or jointly to to the educational infrastructure management effectiveness and positive impact also on the effectiveness of learning.In connection with the positive influence, furthermore it is recommended that the school pay more attention to aspects of regulatory, financing and public participation to further increase the effectiveness of educational management infrastructure that will have a positive impact on the effectiveness of learning in schools

    Model Pengembangan Kapasitas Manajemen Sekolah (School Capacitybuilding) Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan

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    Rendahnya mutu pendidikan yang ditandai dengan rendahnya profesionalisme pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan; kurangnya ketersediaan dan pemanfaatan sarana-prasarana; lemahnya penggalian, manajemen dan akuntabilitas keuangan; dan kurangnya prakarsa/inisiatif berinovasi dalam pengembangan kurikulum merupakan akar masalah perlunya peningkatan kapasitas manajemen sekolah dalam merespons kebutuhan stakeholders dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Tiga segitiga sama sisi kapasitas yaitu kapasitas individu, kapasitas organisasi, kapasitas kepemimpinan menjadi fokus kajian pengembangan kapasitas manajemen sekolah. Penelitian yang melibatkan mahasiswa ini secara intensif menggunakan metode R&D dalam rekabangun model yang paling feasibel untuk membangun kapasitas manajemen sekolah yang efektif dan efisien pada SMA di Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengembangan kapasitas manajemen sekolah dimulai dari peningkatan kemampuan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan profesional yang dilandasai pengembangan diri secara individual dan kelompok, dilakukan secara kontinu dan dengan penilaian kinerja yang valid. Alat untuk meningkatkan keberlanjutan bagi pengembangan kapasitas manajemen adalah kolegialitas dan prinsip pelaksanaannya adalah berkelanjutan melalui suatu action plan yang terukur. Model yang dikembangkan adalah 4CeeS untuk kepemimpinan bintang 5. 4CS (Casing, Communicating, Competencies, Contribution, Sample), Bintang lima 2 dimensi (Dimensi 1 : spirit-self dicipline, relationship-heart, purpose; Dimensi 2: Constructivistic Leadership-Valuebased leadership-servant leadership; transformationalleadership;visionary leadership)The low quality of education in Indonesia has been indicated by several phenomena, such as the low quality of teachers' and educational staffs professionalism; the lack of facility, deficiency of educational financing in terms of absorption, budgeting, and accountability; the lack of educational innovations in developing curriculum. Those fundamental problems indicate the need of improvement in terms of capacity development for school management that will be able to response to stakeholder's needs and scientific development. Importantly, there are three important aspects that should be kept in mind to develop the capacity of school management. Those important aspects are individual, organizational, and leadership capacity. To construct a feasible model that will be able to build an efficient and effective senior high school management in West Java-Indonesia, this study employed a research and development (R&D) methodology. The findings revealed that the development of school management was started from the improvements done by teachers and administrators underlined. The improvements made were laid on the foundation of individual and organizational development through managerial tools. One of the tools that could be used was collegiality. It was recommended therefore that the collegiality should be based on measurable action plans that lead to a 4CS model — Casing, Communicating, Competencies, Contribution, and Sample. 4CS model is adopted from five-star leadership that has two dimensions. When the first dimension consists of self-discipline spirit, affective relationship, and purpose, the second dimension consists of constructive, value-based, servant, transformational, and visionary leadership

    Bethe ansatz approach to thermodynamics of superconducting magnetic alloys

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    We derive thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations for a model describing an U→∞U\to\infty Anderson impurity embedded in a BCS superconductor. The equations are solved analytically in the zero-temperature limit, T=0. It is shown that the impurities depress superconductivity in the Kondo limit, however at T=0 the system remains in the superconducting state for any impurity concentration. In the mixed-valence regime, an impurity contribution to the density of states of the system near the Fermi level overcompensates a Cooper pairs weakening, and superconductivity is enhanced.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, to appear in PR

    Alacsony D-vitamin-szint a Semmelweis Egyetem betegei körében

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    Even in developed countries the prevalence of subjects with suboptimal vitamin D levels is high. The aim of this retrospective data analysis was to evaluate the prevalence of severe and moderate vitamin D deficiencies (defined as vitamin D levels<15 ng/ml and 15-30 ng/ml, respectively) among patients evaluated at Semmelweis University during a period between April, 2009 and March, 2010. Methods and results: The average vitamin D level of 5808 subjects (3936 women and 1872 men) was 25.5 +/- 10.9 ng/ml. The prevalence of moderate and severe vitamin D deficiency in whole population was 72% and 12%, respectively. Higher than normal vitamin D levels were measured in 0.8% of subjects. Female gender, older age and winter season were independent risk factors for vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D levels were measured repeatedly in 1307 subjects. Interestingly, vitamin D levels measured later were lower compared to those measured at the first time (27.07+/-13.2 vs. 25.9+/-9.11 ng/ml, p<0.001). The prevalence of severe and moderate vitamin D deficiency was 8.1 and 71.5 per cent when vitamin D levels were measured at the second time. Of the 110 patients with severe vitamin D deficiency measured repeatedly only 11 patients (10%) presented with normal vitamin D levels at the second time. Conclusions: These data indicate that severe and moderate vitamin D deficiencies are common in patients evaluated at Semmelweis University. Repeated measurements of vitamin D levels raise the notion that the efficacy of supplementation used for correction of vitamin D levels is not optimal

    Bound States for a Magnetic Impurity in a Superconductor

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    We discuss a solvable model describing an Anderson like impurity in a BCS superconductor. The model can be mapped onto an Ising field theory in a boundary magnetic field, with the Ising fermions being the quasi-particles of the Bogoliubov transformation in BCS theory. The reflection S-matrix exhibits Andreev scattering, and the existence of bound states of the quasi-particles with the impurity lying inside the superconducting gap.Comment: 7 pages, Plain Te

    Gap States in Dilute Magnetic Alloy Superconductors

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    We study states in the superconducting gap induced by magnetic impurities using self-consistent quantum Monte Carlo with maximum entropy and formally exact analytic continuation methods. The magnetic impurity susceptibility has different characteristics for T_{0} \alt T_{c0} and T_{0} \agt T_{c0} (T0T_{0}: Kondo temperature, Tc0T_{c0}: superconducting transition temperature) due to the crossover between a doublet and a singlet ground state. We systematically study the location and the weight of the gap states and the gap parameter as a function of T0/Tc0T_{0}/T_{c0} and the concentration of the impurities.Comment: 4 pages in ReVTeX including 4 encapsulated Postscript figure
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