474 research outputs found

    Le politiche della sostenibilità

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    Analisi e correlazioni tra emissioni inquinanti, parco veicolare, percorrenze. Possibili soluzion

    Enti Locali ed emission trading: linee di azione per il settore mobilità

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    Da un punto di vista quantitativo, l’entità delle emissioni di gas serra imputabili al sistema dei " trasporti" costituiscono in alcuni contesti (e periodi dell'anno) una percentuale superiore al 70% del totale emissioni. In molti casi gli Enti Locali possono essere considerati i "gestori" del sistema trasporti. Si deve quindi operare per includere nel monitoraggio delle emissioni (1990 versus 2005) tutte le politiche adottate per il sistema della mobilità persone e merci) poiché il settore, seppur non esplicitato nelle prime formulazioni risulta certamente assimilabile a quelli compresi nell’ambito di applicazione della direttiva Emissions Tradin

    Reducing Pollution in Rome: Programs and Policies

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    Air pollution in italian cities. Annual PM10 concentrations in Italy (1995-2001) per type of station. In these areas road transport is one of the leading environmental pressures concerning: . air pollutant emissions. noise; land use. Moreover safety and congestion issues due to road traffic must be considered. DaimlerChrysler (automobile company) signed in 2005 the Magdeburg Declaration with UNEP stating to promote sustainable mobility by supporting activities and further tap the potential of biofuels. This was further agreed upon in a MoU in February 2006. The two organizations call on producers for biofuels to take environmental and sustainability aspects into account in their cultivation processes and intend to support the development of a ‘sustainability seal’ (similar to what FSC provides for wood products) for the cultivation of biomass for biofuels. Other activities of the partnership include conducting engine tests, promoting a Jatropha project in India, organizing the biennial Magdeburg Environmental Forum (platform for experts) and the development of second-generation biofuels (DaimlerChrysler 2006).To promote the sustainable use of biofuels, DaimlerChrysler signed the Magdeburg Declaration, an agreement with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to cooperate in this area. DaimlerChrysler will provide the technical prerequisites to make it possible for passenger cars to fill up with fuel containing 10% of biodiesel or bioethanol. In a memorandum of understanding signed in February 2006, DaimlerChrysler specified further details of our cooperation with the UNEP. As part of cooperation to develop standards for the sustainable production of biomass for biofuels

    Cosa possono “fare” gli Enti Locali per dare attuazione agli obblighi normativi in materia di qualità dell’aria?

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    Cosa possono “fare” gli Enti Locali ... etimologia “fare” : dal latino facere, dal sanscrito dha = fare, porre (dhà-tr = creatore) (dà-man = creatura) - Esprime in modo generale l’azione e si usa con il significato di Operare, Agire, Compiere, Eseguire, Produrre, Esercitare... Per quanto riguarda la contrazione delle emissioni inquinanti considerati i dati aggiornati dei superamenti 2006, l'etimo di “fare” e le poche azioni previste molte sono le azioni da intraprendere

    Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) compared to enhanced treatment as usual (E-TAU) for suicidal patients in an inpatient setting: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Santel M, Beblo T, Neuner F, et al. Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) compared to enhanced treatment as usual (E-TAU) for suicidal patients in an inpatient setting: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. 2020;20(1): 183.Background The Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) is a therapeutic framework that has been shown to reduce suicidal ideation and overall symptom distress. CAMS has not been previously evaluated in a standard acute inpatient mental health care setting with only short treatment times for suicidal patients. In this randomized controlled trial (RCT) we are investigating whether CAMS is more effective than Enhanced-Treatment as Usual (E-TAU) in reducing suicidal thoughts as primary outcome variable. We are also investigating depressive symptoms, general symptom relief, and the quality of the therapeutic alliance as secondary outcomes. Methods/Design This RCT is designed as a single-center, two-armed, parallel group observer-blinded clinical effectiveness investigation. We are recruiting and randomizing 60 participants with different diagnoses, who are admitted as inpatients because of acute suicidal thoughts or behaviors into the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Ev. Hospital Bethel in Bielefeld, Germany. The duration of treatment will vary depending on patients’ needs and clinical assessments ranging between 10 and 40 days. Patients are assessed four times, at admission, discharge, 1 month, and 5 months post-discharge. The primary outcome measure is the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. Other outcome measures are administered as assessment timepoints including severity of psychiatric symptoms, depression, reasons for living, and therapeutic relationship. Discussion This effectiveness study is being conducted on an acute ward in a psychiatric clinic where patients have multiple problems and diagnoses. Treatment is somewhat limited, and therapists have a large caseloads. The results of this study can thus be generalizable to a typical inpatient psychiatric hospital settings

    Inferring and perturbing cell fate regulomes in human brain organoids

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    Self-organizing neural organoids grown from pluripotent stem cells(1-3) combined with single-cell genomic technologies provide opportunities to examine gene regulatory networks underlying human brain development. Here we acquire single-cell transcriptome and accessible chromatin data over a dense time course in human organoids covering neuroepithelial formation, patterning, brain regionalization and neurogenesis, and identify temporally dynamic and brain-region-specific regulatory regions. We developed Pando-a flexible framework that incorporates multi-omic data and predictions of transcription-factor-binding sites to infer a global gene regulatory network describing organoid development. We use pooled genetic perturbation with single-cell transcriptome readout to assess transcription factor requirement for cell fate and state regulation in organoids. We find that certain factors regulate the abundance of cell fates, whereas other factors affect neuronal cell states after differentiation. We show that the transcription factor GLI3 is required for cortical fate establishment in humans, recapitulating previous research performed in mammalian model systems. We measure transcriptome and chromatin accessibility in normal or GLI3-perturbed cells and identify two distinct GLI3 regulomes that are central to telencephalic fate decisions: one regulating dorsoventral patterning with HES4/5 as direct GLI3 targets, and one controlling ganglionic eminence diversification later in development. Together, we provide a framework for how human model systems and single-cell technologies can be leveraged to reconstruct human developmental biology

    Mitochondrial dynamics: quantifying mitochondrial fusion in vitro

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    Mitochondrial fusion is an essential process for preserving the integrity and stability of mitochondrial DNA; however, regulation of this process remains largely mysterious. In this issue of BMC Biology, Schauss and colleagues describe a simple, reliable, and robust novel assay that allows fusion of mammalian mitochondria to be quantified in vitro