125 research outputs found

    First beam test of Laser Engineered Surface Structures (LESS) at cryogenic temperature in CERN SPS accelerator

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    Electron cloud mitigation is an essential requirement for accelerators of positive particles with high intensity beams to guarantee beam stability and limited heat load in cryogenic systems. Laser Engineered Surface Structures (LESS) are being considered, within the High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC collider at CERN (HL-LHC), as an option to reduce the Secondary Electron Yield (SEY) of the surfaces facing the beam, thus suppressing the elec-tron cloud phenomenon. As part of this study, a 2.2 m long Beam Screen (BS) with LESS has been tested at cryogenic temperature in the COLD bore EXperiment (COLDEX) facility in the SPS accelerator at CERN. In this paper, we describe the manufacturing procedure of the beam screen, the employed laser treatment technique and discuss our first observations in COLDEX confirming electron cloud suppression.Electron cloud mitigation is an essential requirement for accelerators of positive particles with high intensity beams to guarantee beam stability and limited heat load in cryogenic systems. Laser Engineered Surface Structures (LESS) are being considered, within the High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC collider at CERN (HL-LHC), as an option to reduce the Secondary Electron Yield (SEY) of the surfaces facing the beam, thus suppressing the electron cloud phenomenon. As part of this study, a 2.2 m long Beam Screen (BS) with LESS has been tested at cryogenic temperature in the COLD bore EXperiment (COLDEX) facility in the SPS accelerator at CERN. In this paper, we describe the manufacturing procedure of the beam screen, the employed laser treatment technique and discuss our first observations in COLDEX confirming electron cloud suppression

    Fractional Quantum Hall States of Clustered Composite Fermions

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    The energy spectra and wavefunctions of up to 14 interacting quasielectrons (QE's) in the Laughlin nu=1/3 fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state are investigated using exact numerical diagonalization. It is shown that at sufficiently high density the QE's form pairs or larger clusters. This behavior, opposite to Laughlin correlations, invalidates the (sometimes invoked) reapplication of the composite fermion picture to the individual QE's. The series of finite-size incompressible ground states are identified at the QE filling factors nu_QE=1/2, 1/3, 2/3, corresponding to the electron fillings nu=3/8, 4/11, 5/13. The equivalent quasihole (QH) states occur at nu_QH=1/4, 1/5, 2/7, corresponding to nu=3/10, 4/13, 5/17. All these six novel FQH states were recently discovered experimentally. Detailed analysis indicates that QE or QH correlations in these states are different from those of well-known FQH electron states (e.g., Laughlin or Moore-Read states), leaving the origin of their incompressibility uncertain. Halperin's idea of Laughlin states of QP pairs is also explored, but is does not seem adequate.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; revision: 1 new figure, some new references, some new data, title chang

    Beyond the random phase approximation in the Singwi-Sj\"olander theory of the half-filled Landau level

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    We study the ν=1/2\nu=1/2 Chern-Simons system and consider a self-consistent field theory of the Singwi-Sj\"olander type which goes beyond the random phase approximation (RPA). By considering the Heisenberg equation of motion for the longitudinal momentum operator, we are able to show that the zero-frequency density-density response function vanishes linearly in long wavelength limit independent of any approximation. From this analysis, we derive a consistency condition for a decoupling of the equal time density-density and density-momentum correlation functions. By using the Heisenberg equation of motion of the Wigner distribution function with a decoupling of the correlation functions which respects this consistency condition, we calculate the response functions of the ν=1/2\nu=1/2 system. In our scheme, we get a density-density response function which vanishes linearly in the Coulomb case for zero-frequency in the long wavelength limit. Furthermore, we derive the compressibility, and the Landau energy as well as the Coulomb energy. These energies are in better agreement to numerical and exact results, respectively, than the energies calculated in the RPA.Comment: 9 Revtex pages, 4 eps figures, typos correcte

    Cometary Dust in the Debris Disks of HD 31648 and HD 163296: Two ``Baby'' beta Pics

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    The debris disks surrounding the pre-main sequence stars HD 31648 and HD 163296 were observed spectroscopically between 3 and 14 microns. Both possess a silicate emission feature at 10 microns which resembles that of the star beta Pictoris and those observed in solar system comets. The structure of the band is consistent with a mixture of olivine and pyroxene material, plus an underlying continuum of unspecified origin. The similarity in both size and structure of the silicate band suggests that the material in these systems had a processing history similar to that in our own solar system prior to the time that the grains were incorporated into comets.Comment: 17 pages, AASTeX, 5 eps figures, accepted for publication in Ap.

    Relation between the luminosity of young stellar objects and their circumstellar environment

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    We present a new model-independent method of comparison of NIR visibility data of YSOs. The method is based on scaling the measured baseline with the YSO's distance and luminosity, which removes the dependence of visibility on these two variables. We use this method to compare all available NIR visibility data and demonstrate that it distinguishes YSOs of luminosity >1000L_sun (low-L) from YSOs of <1000L_sun (high-L). This confirms earlier suggestions, based on fits of image models to the visibility data, for the difference between the NIR sizes of these two luminosity groups. When plotted against the ``scaled'' baseline, the visibility creates the following data clusters: low-L Herbig Ae/Be stars, T Tauri stars, and high-L Herbig Be stars. The T Tau cluster is similar to the low-L Herbig Ae/Be cluster, which has ~7 times smaller ``scaled'' baselines than the high-L Herbig Be cluster. We model the shape and size of clusters with different image models and find that low-L Herbig stars are the best explained by the uniform brightness ring and the halo model, T Tauri stars with the halo model, and high-L Herbig stars with the accretion disk model. However, the plausibility of each model is not well established. Therefore, we try to build a descriptive model of the circumstellar environment consistent with various observed properties of YSOs. We argue that low-L YSOs have optically thick disks with the optically thin inner dust sublimation cavity and an optically thin dusty outflow above the inner disk regions. High-L YSOs have optically thick accretion disks with high accretion rates enabling gas to dominate the NIR emission over dust. Although observations would favor such a description of YSOs, the required dust distribution is not supported by our current understanding of dust dynamics.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Quasiparticle Interactions in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems: Justification of Different Hierarchy Schemes

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    The pseudopotentials describing the interactions of quasiparticles in fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states are studied. Rules for the identification of incompressible quantum fluid ground states are found, based upon the form of the pseudopotentials. States belonging to the Jain sequence nu=n/(1+2pn), where n and p are integers, appear to be the only incompressible states in the thermodynamic limit, although other FQH hierarchy states occur for finite size systems. This explains the success of the composite Fermion picture.Comment: RevTeX, 10 pages, 7 EPS figures, submitted fo Phys.Rev.

    Применение ДНК-тестирования крупного рогатого скота по генам LTF и MBL1 для повышения эффективности производства молока

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    In cows of the Belarusian black-motley breed, the polymorphism of genes for lactoferrin and mannose-binding leсtin was established. The genotypes LTFAA, LTFAB and MBL1TT, MBL1TC, MBL1CC were identified. The milk productivity (yield, fat content, amount of milk of basic fat content), the number of somatic cells in milk were studied, and the economic efficiency of milk production from cows with different genotypes for the genes of lactoferrin and mannose-binding leсtin was calculated. It was found that the profit in cows with the LTFAA genotype was 7.91 rubles higher than in cows with the LTFAB genotype, in individuals with the MBL1CC and MBL1TT genotypes, and a higher profit per head was obtained from cows with the LTFABMBL1CC and LTFAAMBL1TC genotypes, which amounted to 3249.49 and 2855.40 rubles respectively.У коров белорусской черно-пестрой породы, содержащихся в СПК им. И. П. Сенько, установлен полиморфизм генов лактоферрина и манноза-связывающего лектина. Выявлены генотипы LTFАА, LTFАВ и MBL1TТ, MBL1TС, MBL1СС. Изучена молочная продуктивность (удой, жирномолочность, количество молока базисной жирности), количество соматических клеток в молоке и рассчитана экономическая эффективность производства молока от коров с различными генотипами по генам лактоферрина и манноза-связывающего лектина. Установлено, что прибыль у коров с генотипом LTFAА была на 7,91 руб. выше, чем у коров с генотипом LTFAВ, а у животных с генотипом MBL1TC – на 24,69–191,85 руб. больше, чем у особей с генотипами MBL1СС и MBL1TТ, а более высокая прибыль на 1 голову была получена от коров с генотипами LTFABMBL1CC и LTFAAMBL1TC, что составило 3249,49 и 2855,40 руб. соответственно


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    In pig fodder the algorithm of calculation of the presence of an "ideal" protein is developed on the basis of the data on the norms of the essential amino acids content in complete fodder and their content in basic fodder. The interrelation of the first limiting amino acid with the required norm makes an amount of complete sets of an "ideal" protein in fodder. Fodder ranging with reference to the content of an “ideal” protein and its cost has been conducted.Разработан алгоритм расчета наличия «идеального» протеина в кормах для свиней на основе данных по нормам содержания незаменимых аминокислот в полнорационных комбикормах и их содержания в основных кормах. Соотношение первой лимитирующей аминокислоты с нормой потребности составляет число комплектов «идеального» протеина в корме. Проведено ранжирование кормов по содержанию в них «идеального» протеина и его стоимости

    Towards the implementation of laser engineered surface structures for electron cloud mitigation

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    The LHC operation has proven that the electron cloud could be a significant limiting factor in machine performance, in particular for future High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) beams. Electron clouds, generated by electron multipacting in the beam pipes, leads to beam instabilities and beam-induced heat load in cryogenic systems. Laser Engineered Surface Structures (LESS) is a novel surface treatment which changes the morphology of the internal surfaces of vacuum chambers. The surface modification results in a reduced secondary electron yield (SEY) and, consequently, in the eradication of the electron multipacting. Low SEY values of the treated surfaces and flexibility in choosing the laser parameters make LESS a promising treatment for future accelerators. LESS can be applied both in new and existing accelerators owing to the possibility of automated in-situ treatment. This approach has been developed and optimised for the LHC beam screens in which the electron cloud has to be mitigated before the HL-LHC upgrade. We will present the latest steps towards the implementation of LESS

    A low optical depth region in the inner disk of the HerbigAe star HR5999

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    Circumstellar disks surrounding young stars are known to be the birthplaces of planets, and the innermost astronomical unit is of particular interest. We present new long-baseline spectro-interferometric observations of the HerbigAe star, HR5999, obtained in the H and K bands with the AMBER instrument at the VLTI, and aim to produce near-infrared images at the sub-AU spatial scale. We spatially resolve the circumstellar material and reconstruct images using the MiRA algorithm. In addition, we interpret the interferometric observations using models that assume that the near-infrared excess is dominated by the emission of a circumstellar disk. We compare the images reconstructed from the VLTI measurements to images obtained using simulated model data. The K-band image reveals three main elements: a ring-like feature located at ~0.65 AU, a low surface brightness region inside, and a central spot. At the maximum angular resolution of our observations (1.3 mas), the ring is resolved while the central spot is only marginally resolved, preventing us from revealing the exact morphology of the circumstellar environment. We suggest that the ring traces silicate condensation, i.e., an opacity change, in a circumstellar disk around HR 5999. We build a model that includes a ring at the silicate sublimation radius and an inner disk of low surface brightness responsible for a large amount of the near-infrared continuum emission. The model successfully fits the SED, visibilities, and closure phases, and provides evidence of a low surface brightness region inside the silicate sublimation radius. This study provides additional evidence that in HerbigAe stars, there is material in a low surface brightness region, probably a low optical depth region, located inside the silicate sublimation radius and of unknown nature.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure