78 research outputs found

    On standard norm varieties

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    Let pp be a prime integer and FF a field of characteristic 0. Let XX be the {\em norm variety} of a symbol in the Galois cohomology group Hn+1(F,μpn)H^{n+1}(F,\mu_p^{\otimes n}) (for some n1n\geq1), constructed in the proof of the Bloch-Kato conjecture. The main result of the paper affirms that the function field F(X)F(X) has the following property: for any equidimensional variety YY, the change of field homomorphism \CH(Y)\to\CH(Y_{F(X)}) of Chow groups with coefficients in integers localized at pp is surjective in codimensions <(dimX)/(p1)< (\dim X)/(p-1). One of the main ingredients of the proof is a computation of Chow groups of a (generalized) Rost motive (a variant of the main result not relying on this is given in Appendix). Another important ingredient is {\em AA-triviality} of XX, the property saying that the degree homomorphism on \CH_0(X_L) is injective for any field extension L/FL/F with X(L)X(L)\ne\emptyset. The proof involves the theory of rational correspondences reviewed in Appendix.Comment: 38 pages; final version, to appear in Ann. Sci. \'Ec. Norm. Sup\'er. (4

    Galois cohomology of certain field extensions and the divisible case of Milnor-Kato conjecture

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    We prove the "divisible case" of the Milnor-Bloch-Kato conjecture (which is the first step of Voevodsky's proof of this conjecture for arbitrary prime l) in a rather clear and elementary way. Assuming this conjecture, we construct a 6-term exact sequence of Galois cohomology with cyclotomic coefficients for any finite extension of fields whose Galois group has an exact quadruple of permutational representations over it. Examples include cyclic groups, dihedral groups, the biquadratic group Z/2\times Z/2, and the symmetric group S_4. Several exact sequences conjectured by Bloch-Kato, Merkurjev-Tignol, and Kahn are proven in this way. In addition, we introduce a more sophisticated version of the classical argument known as "Bass-Tate lemma". Some results about annihilator ideals in Milnor rings are deduced as corollaries.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 17 pages. V5: Updated to the published version + small mistake corrected in Section 5. Submitted also to K-theory electronic preprint archives at http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/0589

    Cohomological invariants of algebraic tori

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    Abstract. Let G be an algebraic group over a field F. As defined by Serre, a cohomological invariant of G of degree n with values in Q/Z(j) is a functorial in K collection of maps of sets H1 (K,G) − → Hn ( K,Q/Z(j) ) for all field extensions K/F. We study the group of degree 3 invariants of an algebraic torus with values in Q/Z(2). In particular, we compute the group H3 () nr F(S),Q/Z(2) of unramified cohomology of an algebraic torus S. 1

    Isotropy of unitary involutions

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    We prove the so-called Unitary Isotropy Theorem, a result on isotropy of a unitary involution. The analogous previously known results on isotropy of orthogonal and symplectic involutions as well as on hyperbolicity of orthogonal, symplectic, and unitary involutions are formal consequences of this theorem. A component of the proof is a detailed study of the quasi-split unitary grassmannians.Comment: final version, to appear in Acta Mat

    Geometric Phantom Categories

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    In this paper we give a construction of phantom categories, i.e. admissible triangulated subcategories in bounded derived categories of coherent sheaves on smooth projective varieties that have trivial Hochschild homology and trivial Grothendieck group. We also prove that these phantom categories are phantoms in a stronger sense, namely, they have trivial K-motives and, hence, all their higher K-groups are trivial too.Comment: LaTeX, 18 page

    On Albanese torsors and the elementary obstruction

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    We show that the elementary obstruction to the existence of 0-cycles of degree 1 on an arbitrary variety X (over an arbitrary field) can be expressed in terms of the Albanese 1-motives associated with dense open subsets of X. Arithmetic applications are given

    Open Problems on Central Simple Algebras

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    We provide a survey of past research and a list of open problems regarding central simple algebras and the Brauer group over a field, intended both for experts and for beginners.Comment: v2 has some small revisions to the text. Some items are re-numbered, compared to v

    An MBO scheme for minimizing the graph Ohta-Kawasaki functional

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    We study a graph based version of the Ohta-Kawasaki functional, which was originally introduced in a continuum setting to model pattern formation in diblock copolymer melts and has been studied extensively as a paradigmatic example of a variational model for pattern formation. Graph based problems inspired by partial differential equations (PDEs) and varational methods have been the subject of many recent papers in the mathematical literature, because of their applications in areas such as image processing and data classification. This paper extends the area of PDE inspired graph based problems to pattern forming models, while continuing in the tradition of recent papers in the field. We introduce a mass conserving Merriman-Bence-Osher (MBO) scheme for minimizing the graph Ohta-Kawasaki functional with a mass constraint. We present three main results: (1) the Lyapunov functionals associated with this MBO scheme Γ-converge to the Ohta-Kawasaki functional (which includes the standard graph based MBO scheme and total variation as a special case); (2) there is a class of graphs on which the Ohta-Kawasaki MBO scheme corresponds to a standard MBO scheme on a transformed graph and for which generalized comparison principles hold; (3) this MBO scheme allows for the numerical computation of (approximate) minimizers of the graph Ohta-Kawasaki functional with a mass constraint