213 research outputs found

    Experiment K-6-03. Gravity and skeletal growth, part 1. Part 2: Morphology and histochemistry of bone cells and vasculature of the tibia; Part 3: Nuclear volume analysis of osteoblast histogenesis in periodontal ligament cells; Part 4: Intervertebral disc swelling pressure associated with microgravity

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    Bone area, bone electrophysiology, bone vascularity, osteoblast morphology, and osteoblast histogenesis were studied in rats associated with Cosmos 1887. The results suggest that the synchronous animals were the only group with a significantly larger bone area than the basal group, that the bone electrical potential was more negative in flight than in the synchronous rats, that the endosteal osteoblasts from flight rats had greater numbers of transitional Golgi vesicles but no difference in the large Golgi saccules or the alkaline phosphatase activity, that the perioteal vasculature in the shaft of flight rats often showed very dense intraluminal deposits with adjacent degenerating osteocytes as well as lipid accumulations within the lumen of the vessels and sometimes degeneration of the vascular wall (this change was not present in the metaphyseal region of flight animals), and that the progenitor cells decreased in flight rats while the preosteoblasts increased compared to controls. Many of the results suggest that the animals were beginning to recover from the effects of spaceflight during the two day interval between landing and euthanasia; flight effects, such as the vascular changes, did not appear to recover

    Type-Decomposition of a Pseudo-Effect Algebra

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    The theory of direct decomposition of a centrally orthocomplete effect algebra into direct summands of various types utilizes the notion of a type-determining (TD) set. A pseudo-effect algebra (PEA) is a (possibly) noncommutative version of an effect algebra. In this article we develop the basic theory of centrally orthocomplete PEAs, generalize the notion of a TD set to PEAs, and show that TD sets induce decompositions of centrally orthocomplete PEAs into direct summands.Comment: 18 page

    The Hopf modules category and the Hopf equation

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    We study the Hopf equation which is equivalent to the pentagonal equation, from operator algebras. A FRT type theorem is given and new types of quantum groups are constructed. The key role is played now by the classical Hopf modules category. As an application, a five dimensional noncommutative noncocommutative bialgebra is given.Comment: 30 pages, Letax2e, Comm. Algebra in pres

    Twisted K-Theory of Lie Groups

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    I determine the twisted K-theory of all compact simply connected simple Lie groups. The computation reduces via the Freed-Hopkins-Teleman theorem to the CFT prescription, and thus explains why it gives the correct result. Finally I analyze the exceptions noted by Bouwknegt et al.Comment: 16 page

    Groups of diffeomorphisms and geometric loops of manifolds over ultra-normed fields

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    The article is devoted to the investigation of groups of diffeomorphisms and loops of manifolds over ultra-metric fields of zero and positive characteristics. Different types of topologies are considered on groups of loops and diffeomorphisms relative to which they are generalized Lie groups or topological groups. Among such topologies pairwise incomparable are found as well. Topological perfectness of the diffeomorphism group relative to certain topologies is studied. There are proved theorems about projective limit decompositions of these groups and their compactifications for compact manifolds. Moreover, an existence of one-parameter local subgroups of diffeomorphism groups is investigated.Comment: Some corrections excluding misprints in the article were mad

    Bohrification of operator algebras and quantum logic

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    Following Birkhoff and von Neumann, quantum logic has traditionally been based on the lattice of closed linear subspaces of some Hilbert space, or, more generally, on the lattice of projections in a von Neumann algebra A. Unfortunately, the logical interpretation of these lattices is impaired by their nondistributivity and by various other problems. We show that a possible resolution of these difficulties, suggested by the ideas of Bohr, emerges if instead of single projections one considers elementary propositions to be families of projections indexed by a partially ordered set C(A) of appropriate commutative subalgebras of A. In fact, to achieve both maximal generality and ease of use within topos theory, we assume that A is a so-called Rickart C*-algebra and that C(A) consists of all unital commutative Rickart C*-subalgebras of A. Such families of projections form a Heyting algebra in a natural way, so that the associated propositional logic is intuitionistic: distributivity is recovered at the expense of the law of the excluded middle. Subsequently, generalizing an earlier computation for n-by-n matrices, we prove that the Heyting algebra thus associated to A arises as a basis for the internal Gelfand spectrum (in the sense of Banaschewski-Mulvey) of the "Bohrification" of A, which is a commutative Rickart C*-algebra in the topos of functors from C(A) to the category of sets. We explain the relationship of this construction to partial Boolean algebras and Bruns-Lakser completions. Finally, we establish a connection between probability measure on the lattice of projections on a Hilbert space H and probability valuations on the internal Gelfand spectrum of A for A = B(H).Comment: 31 page

    Higher algebraic KK-groups and D\mathcal D-split sequences

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    In this paper, we use D\mathcal D-split sequences and derived equivalences to provide formulas for calculation of higher algebraic KK-groups (or mod-pp KK-groups) of certain matrix subrings which cover tiled orders, rings related to chains of Glaz-Vasconcelos ideals, and some other classes of rings. In our results, we do not assume any homological requirements on rings and ideals under investigation, and therefore extend sharply many existing results of this type in the algebraic KK-theory literature to a more general context.Comment: 20 page

    Zeros of the Möbius function of permutations

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    We show that if a permutation \pi contains two intervals of length 2, where one interval is an ascent and the other a descent, then the Möbius function \mu[1,\pi] of the interval [1,\pi] is zero. As a consequence, we prove that the proportion of permutations of length n\textit{n} with principal Möbius function equal to zero is asymptotically bounded below by (1\ -\ \sfrac{1}{e)^2} \geq 0.3995. This is the first result determining the value of \mu\left[1,\pi\right] for an asymptotically positive proportion of permutations \pi. We further establish other general conditions on a permutation \pi that ensure \mu\left[1,\pi\right]\ =\ 0, including the occurrence in \pi of any interval of the form \alpha\oplus\ 1\ \oplus\ \beta

    Amenability of groups and GG-sets

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    This text surveys classical and recent results in the field of amenability of groups, from a combinatorial standpoint. It has served as the support of courses at the University of G\"ottingen and the \'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure. The goals of the text are (1) to be as self-contained as possible, so as to serve as a good introduction for newcomers to the field; (2) to stress the use of combinatorial tools, in collaboration with functional analysis, probability etc., with discrete groups in focus; (3) to consider from the beginning the more general notion of amenable actions; (4) to describe recent classes of examples, and in particular groups acting on Cantor sets and topological full groups

    Isomorphisms of Brin-Higman-Thompson groups

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    Let m,m,r,r,t,tm, m', r, r',t, t' be positive integers with r,r2r, r' \ge 2. Let LrL_r denote the ring that is universal with an invertible 1×r1 \times r matrix. Let Mm(Lrt)M_m(L_r^{\otimes t}) denote the ring of m×mm \times m matrices over the tensor product of tt copies of LrL_r. In a natural way, Mm(Lrt)M_m(L_r^{\otimes t}) is a partially ordered ring with involution. Let PUm(Lrt)PU_m(L_r^{\otimes t}) denote the group of positive unitary elements. We show that PUm(Lrt)PU_m(L_r^{\otimes t}) is isomorphic to the Brin-Higman-Thompson group tVr,mt V_{r,m}; the case t=1t =1 was found by Pardo, that is, PUm(Lr)PU_m(L_r) is isomorphic to the Higman-Thompson group Vr,mV_{r,m}. We survey arguments of Abrams, \'Anh, Bleak, Brin, Higman, Lanoue, Pardo, and Thompson that prove that tVr,mtVr,mt' V_{r',m'} \cong tV_{r,m} if and only if r=rr' = r, t=tt'=t and gcd(m,r1)=gcd(m,r1) \gcd(m',r'-1) = \gcd(m,r-1) (if and only if Mm(Lrt)M_{m'}(L_{r'}^{\otimes t'}) and Mm(Lrt)M_m(L_r^{\otimes t}) are isomorphic as partially ordered rings with involution).Comment: 24 page