5,244 research outputs found

    Informality, Trade Policies And Smuggling In West Africa

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    In West Africa, recorded intra-regional trade is small but informal cross-border trade (ICBT) is pervasive, despite regional integration schemes intended to promote official trade. We argue that ICBT must be understood in light of two features of West African national boundaries: divergent economic policies between neighboring countries and the ease with which informal operators can ship goods across borders. We focus on two ICBT clusters: Senegal–The Gambia and Nigeria–Benin–Togo. Nigeria and Senegal have protected their domestic industries with high import barriers, whereas Benin, Togo and The Gambia have maintained lower import taxation. These differential trade policies, together with high mobility of goods and people across borders, lead to widespread smuggling, with goods imported legally in low-tax countries and re-exported unofficially to countries with higher import duties

    Test-engine and inlet performance of an aircraft used for investigating flight effects on fan noise

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    As part of the NASA Flight Effects on Fan Noise Program, a Grumman OV-1B Mohawk aircraft was modified to carry a modified and instrumented Pratt & Whitney JT15D-1 turbofan engine. Onboard flight data, together with simultaneously measured farfield acoustic data, comprise a flight data base to which JT15D-1 static and wind-tunnel data are compared. The overall objective is to improve the ability to use ground-based facilities for the prediction of flight inlet radiated noise. This report describes the hardware and presents performance results for the research engine

    Calculation of geometric phases in electric dipole searches with trapped spin-1/2 particles based on direct solution of the Schr\"odinger equation

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    Pendlebury et al.\textit{et al.} [Phys. Rev. A 70\textbf{70}, 032102 (2004)] were the first to investigate the role of geometric phases in searches for an electric dipole moment (EDM) of elementary particles based on Ramsey-separated oscillatory field magnetic resonance with trapped ultracold neutrons and comagnetometer atoms. Their work was based on the Bloch equation and later work using the density matrix corroborated the results and extended the scope to describe the dynamics of spins in general fields and in bounded geometries. We solve the Schr\"odinger equation directly for cylindrical trap geometry and obtain a full description of EDM-relevant spin behavior in general fields, including the short-time transients and vertical spin oscillation in the entire range of particle velocities. We apply this method to general macroscopic fields and to the field of a microscopic magnetic dipole.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Linear electric field frequency shift (important for next generation electric dipole moment searches) induced in confined gases by a magnetic field gradient

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    The search for particle electric dipole moments (edm) represents a most promising way to search for physics beyond the standard model. A number of groups are planning a new generation of experiments using stored gases of various kinds. In order to achieve the target sensitivities it will be necessary to deal with the systematic error resulting from the interaction of the well-known v×E\overrightarrow{v}\times \overrightarrow{E} field with magnetic field gradients (often referred to as the geometric phase effect (Commins, ED; Am. J. Phys. \QTR{bf}{59}, 1077 (1991), Pendlebury, JM \QTR{em}{et al;} Phys. Rev. \QTR{bf}{A70}, 032102 (2004)). This interaction produces a frequency shift linear in the electric field, mimicking an edm. In this work we introduce an analytic form for the velocity auto-correlation function which determines the velocity-position correlation function which in turn determines the behavior of the frequency shift (Lamoreaux, SK and Golub, R; Phys. Rev \QTR{bf}{A71}, 032104 (2005)) and show how it depends on the operating conditions of the experiment. We also discuss some additional issues.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Fluctuation-induced interactions between dielectrics in general geometries

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    We study thermal Casimir and quantum non-retarded Lifshitz interactions between dielectrics in general geometries. We map the calculation of the classical partition function onto a determinant which we discretize and evaluate with the help of Cholesky factorization. The quantum partition function is treated by path integral quantization of a set of interacting dipoles and reduces to a product of determinants. We compare the approximations of pairwise additivity and proximity force with our numerical methods. We propose a ``factorization approximation'' which gives rather good numerical results in the geometries that we study

    Quantum theory of shuttling instability in a movable quantum dot array

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    We study the shuttling instability in an array of three quantum dots the central one of which is movable. We extend the results by Armour and MacKinnon on this problem to a broader parameter regime. The results obtained by an efficient numerical method are interpreted directly using the Wigner distributions. We emphasize that the instability should be viewed as a crossover phenomenon rather than a clear-cut transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, presented at HCIS-13, Modena, July 200

    UCN Upscattering rates in a molecular deuterium crystal

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    A calculation of ultra-cold neutron (UCN) upscattering rates in molecular deuterium solids has been carried out, taking into account intra-molecular exictations and phonons. The different moelcular species ortho-D2 (with even rotational quantum number J) and para-D2 (with odd J) exhibit significantly different UCN-phonon annihilation cross-sections. Para- to ortho-D2 conversion, furthermore, couples UCN to an energy bath of excited rotational states without mediating phonons. This anomalous upscattering mechanism restricts the UCN lifetime to 4.6 msec in a normal-D2 solid with 33% para content.Comment: 3 pages, one figur

    Сучасні підходи до питання ліквідації наслідків Чорнобильської катастрофи у віддалений період

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    У матеріалах наведено результати дослідження міграції радіонуклідів чорнобильського походження в біогеоценозах Волинського Полісся, зокрема лісових масивах, агроландшафтах, а також виявлення основних зон формування підвищеної радіоактивності на досліджуваних територіях