33 research outputs found


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    Purpose: Social and cultural prerequisites of Russia’s transition to an open information society have predetermined new requirements for graduates of modern educational organizations, ready for communicative activities in a digital educational environment. Informatization of education is characterized by increasing virtualization of the educational process and, as a consequence, the predominance of fragmented thinking, and increase in the gap between traditional and innovative educational technologies. Methodology: The basis of the digital educational environment in the context of the use of knowledge management technologies can be specialized knowledge management systems that combine knowledge of related scientific disciplines, which should provide integration, accumulation, and support, as well as the organization of access to knowledge of the educational environment. A distinctive feature of the development of mankind at the present stage is the transition to information society in which information and information processes are becoming one of the most important components of human life and society. Result: The development of the global process of informatization of society leads to the formation of not only the new information environment for people but also new, information way of their life and professional activities. Many researchers as the most acute problem of modern education called the mismatch of software, including for educational purposes, to high technical characteristics of computers, resulting in extremely low efficiency of computer use in training. Critically assessing the effectiveness of the existing software of the educational process and the ways of its development, we see the prospects for a radical change in the situation in the orientation to the use of knowledge management technologies that use software products that can be changed, adapting to the needs of the user and, in particular, to the didactic tasks of training. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Digital Educational Environment as a Tool of System Changes in the Teacher’s Professional Activity is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the shielding of leaded rubber plates in superficial radiotherapy of lower lip cancer of stage I–II. Material and methods. A comparison was made of the timing and severity of oral mucosa and alveolar ridge damage in patients who used and did not use personal protective equipment. Experimental studies were carried out using a tissue-equivalent phantom and thermoluminescent detectors LiF activated by Mg and Ti. The summary doses received by the alveolar are calculated. Results and discussion. The total dose of X-ray radiation to the alveolar ridge in the absence of shielding is 64, 38 and 16 Gy for 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 cm thick lip, respectively. The obtained values of the absorbed doses with personal protective equipment indicate a high shielding ability of the lead rubber used in the clinic. The use of shielding devices for superficial radiotherapy of lower lip cancer can improve the quality of life, reduces the duration and severity of radiation damage

    Связь показателей когнитивного стиля «импульсивность/ рефлексивность» со степенью склонности к интернет-зависимому поведению у старшеклассников

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    Aim. To study the relationship between parameters of the impulsivity – reflexivity cognitive style and the level of Internet addiction among high school students.Materials and methods. 154 students from general education institutions aged 16–17 years were diagnosed using the J. Kagan’s reflection – impulsivity test and the Chen Internet Addiction Scale. The one-way analysis of variance was used, followed by post-hoc pairwise comparisons using the Tukey’s test.Results. An inverse relationship between the level of Internet addiction and decision latency in a multiple-choice situation and a direct relationship between the level of Internet addiction and the number of errors in the J. Kagan’s reflection – impulsivity test were revealed.Conclusion. High school students with propensity to Internet addiction tend to have the impulsive cognitive style, while students without such a tendency – the reflective style. In cognitive activity, the impulsive cognitive style is generally less productive than the reflexive one. The impulsive cognitive style is similar to the so-called clip thinking, which allows to consider the relationship between Internet addiction and this phenomenon through the prism of cognitive and style features.Цель – изучение связи характеристик когнитивного стиля «импульсивность/рефлексивность» с уровнем интернет-зависимости у старшеклассников.Материалы и методы. Проведена диагностика 154 обучающихся общеобразовательных учреждений 16– 17 лет посредством теста Дж. Кагана для определения показателей когнитивного стиля «импульсивность/ рефлексивность» и теста «Шкала склонности к интернет-зависимому поведению» С. Чена. Использовался однофакторный дисперсионный анализ с последующими попарными апостериорными сравнениями критерием Тьюки.Результаты. Установлено наличие обратной связи между уровнем интернет-зависимости и латентным временем принятия решения в ситуации множественного выбора и прямой связи между уровнем интернет-зависимости и количеством ошибок в тесте Дж. Кагана.Заключение. Старшеклассники со склонностью к интернет-зависимости тяготеют к импульсивному типу по исследованному когнитивному стилю, без таковой склонности – к рефлексивному типу. В познавательной деятельности использование импульсивного когнитивного стиля в целом менее продуктивно, чем рефлексивного. Импульсивный когнитивный стиль обнаруживает черты сходства с так называемым клиповым мышлением, что позволяет рассматривать связь интернет-зависимости с этим явлением через призму когнитивно-стилевых особенностей.

    Pulmonary Vascular Thrombosis in COVID-19: Clinical and Morphological Parallels

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    Aim. We aimed to study the histological and thrombotic changes in lung vessels in patients who died with COVID-19, to access the correlation between anticoagulation therapy (ACT) and thrombotic events (TE), treatment results, clinical and laboratory patients' characteristics.Material and Methods. We retrospectively analyzed treatment results of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and lung vessel samples of the deceased patients. Dynamic changes and highest levels of D-dimer and fibrinogen were studied in its correlation with the disease severity according to SOFA score, computer tomographic (CT) results, lung, renal and hepatic dysfunction. The association between different doses of ACT and treatment results, laboratory indicators and thrombotic events was accessed. The histological lung vessels examination was performed using Martius Scarlet Blue (MSB)staining.Results. 313 patients were included in the study (61 patients died). The median age of hospitalized patients was 60 years (IQR 51-66 years). The frequency of the intravitallyconfirmed TE was 4,8%. The strong statistical association was revealed between D-dimer level and 3-4 points SOFA score, patients' mortality, oxygen support requirement, CT3-CT4 pneumonia, glomerular filtration rate and TE. There was no mortality in patients with D-dimer normal references, but in cases with three times elevation reached 13%, 48,5% - in cases with 3-6 times elevation and 64,6% - in cases with more than 6 times elevation. The strong statistical association was registered between fibrinogen and SOFA score, CT 3-4 pneumonia, patients' mortality. D-dimer and fibrinogen levels demonstrated weak correlation. There was no statistical correlation between prophylactic, intermediate and therapeutic ACT and D-dimer and fibrinogen levels, CT results, patients' mortality. MSBstaining was used in 36 deceased patients tissue samples. 1394 lung vessels were analyzed. Lung vessels thrombi persisted in samples of all 36 patients (100%). Vessels with the diameter 3,5-30 mm were thrombosed in 7%, with the diameter 0,034-0,84 mm - in 48%, with the diameter 0,85-3,4 mm - in 45%. The frequency of thrombi persisted 06 hours, 6-12 hours, 12-18hours, 18-24 hours and more than 24 hours was12%, 14%, 62%, 5% and 7% respectively.Conclusion. Thrombi of different ages from fresh to organized were observed in one third of lung vessels in all deceased patients. Lung vessels thrombosis plays an important role in pathogenesis and thanatogenesis of COVID-19. The D-dimer level correlates with lung, renal dysfunction, patients' mortality and doesn't show any correlation with ACT and can be accepted as a criterion of lung vessel thrombotic progression

    Features of motivational structure of civil activity of teenagers with different status of civil identity

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    Introduction: the article presents the results of the research of the structure of motivation of civic activity of adolescents at different stages of the formation of civic consciousness. Civil identity is a stable basis of civil society and has the strategic importance for the successful future of the Russian state. In modern conditions authoritarian principles of socialization institutions are no longer acceptable. It is necessary to look for ways of formation of civil activity through mechanisms of internal motivation of the person.Materials and methods: the author's questionnaire was used to determine the status of civil identity of adolescents. To determine the motivation of civic activity, the method of identifying the motivational structure of socially useful activities of a teenager developed by O. V. Lishin on the basis of the LMT test by V. Hennig was used. The mathematical analysis of structural connections between motives was carried out by means of calculation of coefficients of rank correlation of Spearman.The results of the research: the following features of changes in the motivation of civil activity in the transition from lower status of civil identity (diffuse and assigned) to a higher (achieved): there is a decrease in the integration between individual motives and, accordingly, a decrease in their activity in the mechanisms of regulation of civil behavior; correlation between group motives reflect the dynamics of changes in the perception of high school students of the social environment as part of civil society; the integration of social motives and their differentiation in relation to motives of other types is revealed; there is a reduction and change in the content of correlations between motives of different types, which gives different meanings to the manifestation of civil activity at different levels of formation of civil identity.Discussion and conclusions: in the process of formation of civic consciousness in the transition from the lower status of civic identity (diffuse and assigned) to a higher (achieved) there is a change in the content of structural ties of motives and differentiation of the structure of motivation of civic activity of adolescents


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    Context. Unauthorized access to well-protected information and telecommunication systems is a topical problem in the information security field [1]. For this problem solving, it is proposed to use the deniable encryption mechanisms, which allows itsmanagers to object to the existence of data, ensure their confidentiality and protect the information managers from brute force using by the intruders to obtain key information, during the unauthorized access to information. The article outlines the approach to the use of the existing deniable encryption algorithms for the protection of large data arrays.Objective. The main purpose of this researching is a hypothesis test that it’s possibile to use deniable encryption algorithms for large data arrays protection, because all algorithms in this direction are asymmetric and not adapted to work with “big data”.                                                                                      Method. The test of hypothesis is carried out by additional data processing units using in the output deniable encryption algorithm with public key, which based on the extended cryptographic scheme of Rabin [2] and whose structure and features are most suitable for verifying this hypothesis put forward by the author.         Results. According to the experiments result, the authors proposed a prototype of deniable encryption algorithm with block encryption of data implemented, which also preserves the deniability mechanism features from the original deniable encryption algorithm. Besides, all changes in algorithm which were proposed by the authors provide the productivity increasing compared with existing approaches [3–6].                                                                                                 Conclusions. Authors have solved a problem of using the existing deniable encryption algorithms, for the large data arrays security, for example for the deniable encryption algorithm with open key, which based on the Rabin extended cryptographic scheme. The proposed approach of the hybrid algorithm constructing with deniable mechanism demonstrates not only the preservation of the basic algorithm properties, but also good performance of the any size data block encrypting ability. Proposed algorithm allows to solve not only the problem of ensuring data confidentiality during the unauthorized access to them, but also makes its suitable for practical using.Актуальність. Несанкціонований доступ до добре захищених інформаційно-телекомунікаційних систем є досить актуальною проблемою в галузі інформаційної безпеки [1]. Для вирішення цієї проблеми запропоновано використання механізмів заперечуваного шифрування, які в разі отримання несанкціонованого доступу до інформації дозволяють її розпорядникамяк заперечити факт існування даних, так і забезпечити їх конфіденційність та захистити розпорядників інформації від застосування грубої сили з боку зловмисників для отримання ключової інформації. В статті викладено підхід до застосування існуючих алгоритмів заперечуваного шифрування для захисту інформації в великих масивах даних.Мета. Основна мета дослідження полягає в перевірці гіпотези щодо можливості використання алгоритмів заперечуваного шифрування для роботи з великими масивами даних, оскільки всі алгоритми даного напряму є асиметричними та не адаптовані для роботи з «big data».Метод. Перевірка гіпотези здійснюється шляхом введення додаткових блоків обробки даних у вихідний алгоритм заперечуваного шифрування з відкритим ключем на основі розширеної криптографічної схеми Рабіна [2], структура та особливості якого найбільш підходять для перевірки висунутої автором гіпотези.Результати. За результатами експериментів авторами запропоновано прототип алгоритму заперечуваного шифрування, який реалізує блочне шифрування даних, а також зберігає особливості механізму двозначності вихідного алгоритму шифрування. Окрім того, запропоновані авторами зміни забезпечують збільшення продуктивності роботи запропонованого алгоритму, при реалізації певних обчислень, в порівнянні з існуючими підходами [3–6].Висновки. Авторами вирішено задачу застосування існуючих алгоритмів заперечуваного шифрування для захисту інформації в великих масивах даних, на прикладі алгоритму заперечуваного шифрування з відкритим ключем на основі розширеної криптографічної схеми Рабіна. Запропонований підхід до побудови гібридного алгоритму з механізмом заперечування демонструє не лише збереження основних властивостей базового алгоритму, але й можливість блочного шифрування даних будь-якого розміру з гарними показниками продуктивності. Тобто запропонований алгоритм не лише дозволяє вирі-шити задачу забезпечення конфіденційності даних, в разі несанкціонованого доступу до них, але й робить його придатним для практичного застосування

    Correlation between internet-addiction and the cognitive-stylistic features of students

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    Introduction. The article presents the results of diagnostics of Internet-dependent behavior of students living in different climatic and geographical conditions of Russia, and reveals the correlation between the severity of Internet addiction and cognitive-style characteristics in the parameters "field-dependence / field-independence" and "impulsivity / reflexivity".Materials and Methods. The S. Chen scale was used to diagnose the severity of Internet addiction. The Gottschaldt test "included drawings" and the Kagan test "comparison of similar drawings" were used to diagnose cognitive and stylistic features. Methods of mathematical statistics: descriptive statistics, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Chi-square criterion, Leven's criterion, student's criterion, Mann-Whitney U-criterion.Results. The overall level of Internet-dependent behavior among high school students from different regions does not significantly differ and indicates a predominance of students' propensity to develop Internet addiction. The correlation between the overall indicator of Internet-dependent behavior and the cognitive style of field-dependence / field-independence was not found. With respondents from the southern region, the severity of Internet addiction is accompanied by characteristics of an impulsive cognitive style, while with respondents from the Northern region of Russia, this pattern was not found.Discussion and Conclusions. It is suggested that individuals from the Northern and Southern regions have different responses to the conditionally pathogenic impact of the Internet in terms of the cognitive-style specificity of impulsivity / reflexivity

    Digital educational environment as a tool of system changes in the teacher’s professional activity

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    © Latipov et al. Purpose: Social and cultural prerequisites of Russia’s transition to an open information society have predetermined new requirements for graduates of modern educational organizations, ready for communicative activities in a digital educational environment. Informatization of education is characterized by increasing virtualization of the educational process and, as a consequence, the predominance of fragmented thinking, and increase in the gap between traditional and innovative educational technologies. Methodology: The basis of the digital educational environment in the context of the use of knowledge management technologies can be specialized knowledge management systems that combine knowledge of related scientific disciplines, which should provide integration, accumulation, and support, as well as the organization of access to knowledge of the educational environment. A distinctive feature of the development of mankind at the present stage is the transition to information society in which information and information processes are becoming one of the most important components of human life and society. Result: The development of the global process of informatization of society leads to the formation of not only the new information environment for people but also new, information way of their life and professional activities. Many researchers as the most acute problem of modern education called the mismatch of software, including for educational purposes, to high technical characteristics of computers, resulting in extremely low efficiency of computer use in training. Critically assessing the effectiveness of the existing software of the educational process and the ways of its development, we see the prospects for a radical change in the situation in the orientation to the use of knowledge management technologies that use software products that can be changed, adapting to the needs of the user and, in particular, to the didactic tasks of training. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Digital Educational Environment as a Tool of System Changes in the Teacher’s Professional Activity is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner