67 research outputs found

    Studying of the 9Be Structure

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    Experimental data on inelasti

    Nuclear States with Abnormal Radii

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    The radius of a nuclear state is one of the most important its characteristics. Presently there were developed some methods exploiting special features of the nuclear reactions leading to short – lived excited states and allowing determination of their radii. Evidence of existing nuclear excited states with enhanced radii (size isomers) was obtained

    Possible Existence of Neutron-Proton Halo in 6Li

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    One of the most recent results was the determination of the proton halo in the first excited state of the 13N nucleus using of an analog of the MDM method for the charge exchange reactions (3He, t). It turned out that this state has the same radius as the mirror state 1/2+, 3.09 MeV in 13C.This observation allows us to take the next step and try to apply this approach to measure the radii of states. The increased radii in the isobar - analogue states of the 6He-6Li-6Be triplet, which may also have a halo structure, are not excluded. As a first step, we analyzed the published differential cross sections for inelastic scattering of 3He + 6Li with the excitation of the 2.19 MeV, 3+ state at energies 34 and 72 MeV and 3.56 MeV, 0+ state at energies 24.6 and 27 MeV. Probably the state 0+, 3.56 MeV has the same radius as its ”Borromian” isobar analogue 6He and is neutron-proton halo. The predicted enlarged radius because of the more extended wave function p - n, apparently, does not take place. We recall that the spatial structure of the 6He nucleus was predicted to be quite complex, in which correlations of two types appeared: ”cigar” and ”dineutron”. The question arises: does the structure of the state change so much when passing from 6He to the isobar-analoguein6Li,whichrequirestheintroductionofaspecialkindof“tango-halo”

    Regional market of medical equipment: Perspectives of development

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The level and quality of life of population are determined by the state of its health and that of health care system which largely depends on material and technical base of health care institutions and their provision with medical equipment. In countries with developed market economies, medical industry is one of the leading sectors in terms of revenue from the export of its products. At the same time, the share of domestic enterprises in the Russian market of medical equipment and medical products is reduced. For this, in high-tech segments the import share is 100% of total consumption of products. Despite the development of the latest achievements of medical science by the leading medical institutions of the Russian Federation, quality and effectiveness of medical care currently is not satisfactory. This is due to insufficient public funding for health care with high (up to 80%) level of depreciation of current medical equipment and need in supplying medical institutions with new medical equipment, low susceptibility of management to social and managerial innovations in the social sphere in general and health care in particular. The study investigates the problems and development prospects of regional market of medical equipment. Interpretation of the content of regional market of medical equipment is given, its dual nature is revealed the segmentation of medical equipment market is presented in view of features of producer and consumer behavior within the territorial localized formations

    Search for states with enlarged radii in excited states of 12B

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    An experiment was done to search for states with a neutron halo in 12B. The measurements were carried out at the cyclotron of the University of Jyvaskyla (Finland) using Large Scattering Chamber (LSC). The idea of the work was to search for two states with the expected neutron halo, 1 ̄ and 2 ̄. Differential cross sections with excitation of 12B states, including abovementioned states, were observed. The preliminary calculations on halo radii by the method of asymptotic normalization coefficients for the 2 ̄ and 1 ̄ states which are in a discrete spectrum gave following values: 5.6 fm and 7.4 fm, which is much larger than the radius of the valence neutron in the ground state. But strictly the presence of a neutron halo can be confirmed only for 1 ̄ state. The 2 ̄ state can be considered only as candidate for halo. An unexpected result was obtained for the 3 ̄, 3.39 MeV state, which is in continuum 19 keV above the decay threshold 12B → 11B + n, preliminary estimation for its halo radius is ∼ 6.5 fm. This indicates that the halo can be present in this state as well. But strict conditions for neutron halo are not fulfilled in the same way as for 2 ̄ state. Until now, the neutron halo in unbound states has been observed only for the members of the rotational bands

    Problems of semiotics of diseases of the Achilles tendon in clinical and educational aspects

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    Achilles tendon disorders are represented by a big group of heterogenous in etiology and pathogenesis conditions, that are quite frequent in patients of various age groups. The diversity of this group of orthopedic disorders and the insufficient information provided on this topic in specialized literature leads to confusion in terminology, which, in turn, leads to misunderstanding the essence of patient’s problem and to mistakes in treatment of such patients.We carried out a content-analysis of contemporary Russian and foreign literature to summarize the existing knowledge and to create the universal nomenclature of the studied pathological conditions for further correct understanding of the problem and creation of classification of disorders and injuries of Achilles tendon

    Fostering University Students’ Digital Skills: De Jure vs De Facto

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    В данной исследовательской статье рассматривается вопрос формирования цифровых навыков в процессе обучения у студентов, осваивающих в вузах различные направления подготовки. Обсуждается ситуация с наличием специфических, актуальных для конкретных направлений подготовки, и сквозных, общих, цифровых навыков, формируемых за пределами связанных с ИТ-индустрией направлений подготовки. Высказано предположение, что во всех направлениях подготовки заложена «подушка» общих цифровых навыков, которая может быть закреплена как де-юре – в методической и нормативной базе образовательного процесса, так и де-факто – в практиках обучения. Входе исследования определена рамка общих и специфических цифровых навыков. Для проверки гипотез анализируются две группыданных: нормативная иметодическая базыобразовательных программ (развитие де-юре) и результатыанкетирования студентов, позволяющего определить, как интегрированы практики развития и использования цифровых навыков в их учебе (развитие де-факто). Исследование проводилось по семи направлениям подготовки с заведомо широким диапазоном – от медицины до информационных технологий и филологии. Показано, что цифровые навыки де-юре отражены во всех направлениях подготовки, но нормативное закрепление преимущественно имеют общие, а не специфические цифровые навыки. Установлено наличие разрыва между де-юре и де-факто развитием цифровых навыков, данный разрыв варьируется на различных направлениях подготовки. Результаты исследования могут быть полезны в разработке стратегий развития цифровых навыков в вузах, а также при корректировке методической базы образовательных программ в части развития цифровых навыков.The article discusses the problem of within-the-education-process fostering digital skills among university students of various training programs. The specific skills (relevant to a particular sphere) are differentiated from the general ones (digital skills formed beyond the IT industry). The authors suggest that all training programs contain a «pillow» of general digital skills, which can be fixed both de jure – in the methodological and regulatory bases of the educational process, and de facto – in teaching practices. The study identifies a framework for general and specific digital skills. To test the hypotheses, two groups of data are analyzed: the normative and methodological bases of educational programs (fostering skills de jure) and students’ questionnaire answers on how the practices of developing and using digital skills in their studies are integrated (fostering skills de facto). The research is carried out in seven programs with obviously wide differences – from medicine to information technology and philology. The research has shown that digital skills are de jure represented in all programs, but normative consolidation is more typical for general skills, not for specific digital ones. There is identified a gap between de jure and de facto fostering digital skills, and this gap is various for different programs. The research results can be used in universities when designing strategies to form digital skills or when modifying such skills-related methodological bases of training programs.Авторы выражают особую благодарность Вере Андреевне Мальцевой, научному сотруднику Института образования НИУ ВШЭ, за подробные консультации и поддержку при проведении исследования и подготовке текста статьи. Также авторы выражают признательность проректору по учебной работе Московского политехнического университета Гюзель Харрясовне Шарипзяновой и начальнику управления маркетинга Московского Политеха Сергею Юрьевичу Рясову – за помощь в сборе эмпирических данных, а рецензентам – за ценные замечания в ходе подготовки данной статьи к публикации.The authors would like to express special gratitude to Vera A. Maltseva, Research Fellow at the Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics, for detailed advice and support during the research and preparation of the article text. We also express our gratitude to Guzel Kh. Sharipzyanova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Moscow Polytechnic University, and to Sergei Yu. Ryasov, Head of the Marketing Department of Moscow Polytechnic University, for their help in collecting empirical data. Special thanks to the reviewers of this article for valuable pre-publication comment

    Regional market of medical equipment: Perspectives of development

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The level and quality of life of population are determined by the state of its health and that of health care system which largely depends on material and technical base of health care institutions and their provision with medical equipment. In countries with developed market economies, medical industry is one of the leading sectors in terms of revenue from the export of its products. At the same time, the share of domestic enterprises in the Russian market of medical equipment and medical products is reduced. For this, in high-tech segments the import share is 100% of total consumption of products. Despite the development of the latest achievements of medical science by the leading medical institutions of the Russian Federation, quality and effectiveness of medical care currently is not satisfactory. This is due to insufficient public funding for health care with high (up to 80%) level of depreciation of current medical equipment and need in supplying medical institutions with new medical equipment, low susceptibility of management to social and managerial innovations in the social sphere in general and health care in particular. The study investigates the problems and development prospects of regional market of medical equipment. Interpretation of the content of regional market of medical equipment is given, its dual nature is revealed the segmentation of medical equipment market is presented in view of features of producer and consumer behavior within the territorial localized formations