245 research outputs found

    Changes in University Teacher’s Pedagogical Activity in the Context of Digitalization of Education

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    The purpose of this article is to consider the changes in university teacher’s pedagogical activity in the conditions of a rapid transformation of higher education and propose a theoretical and empirical substantiation of the importance of teacher’s understanding of the value-semantic attitude to pedagogical activity, which is not limited only to mastering digital competencies, but consists in mastering pedagogical knowledge that allows you to critically analyze the productivity of modern educational strategies and methods.The conducted research was based on the methodology of post-non-classical science, which implies the widespread use of qualitative research methods that reflect the convergence of explanatory and interpretative research approaches, the use of representations, opinions, attitudes, and values of the research participants as full data.The article describes the results of studying the university teachers’ attitude to changes, the value orientations of the ongoing changes, as well as the main difficulties faced by university teachers in the context of digitalization of education – the design of educational and training programs, modern educational and methodological complex, the organization of productive self-directed work and communication with students in the educational process.The main directions of overcoming the identified difficulties are given – the construction of flexible curricula within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, the development of the digital educational environment of the university and updating the content of the professional development programs for teaching staff. The conclusion is made about the increasing importance of pedagogical knowledge in teacher’s professional activity in the conditions of a modern university

    Phase I dose escalation and pharmacokinetic study of pluronic polymer-bound doxorubicin (SP1049C) in patients with advanced cancer

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    SP1049C is a novel anticancer agent containing doxorubicin and two nonionic pluronic block copolymers. In preclinical studies, SP1049C demonstrated increased efficacy compared to doxorubicin. The objectives of this first phase I study were to determine the toxicity profile, dose-limiting toxicity, maximum tolerated dose and pharmacokinetic profile of SP1049C, and to document any antitumour activity. The starting dose was 5 mg m−2 (doxorubicin content) as an intravenous infusion once every 3 weeks for up to six cycles. A total of 26 patients received 78 courses at seven dose levels. The dose-limiting toxicity was myelosuppression and DLT was reached at 90 mg m−2. The maximum tolerated dose was 70 mg m−2 and is recommended for future trials. The pharmacokinetic profile of SP1049C showed a slower clearance than has been reported for conventional doxorubicin. Evidence of antitumour activity was seen in some patients with advanced resistant solid tumours. Phase II trials with this agent are now warranted to further define its antitumour activity and safety profile

    Natural and Synthetic Polymers as Inhibitors of Drug Efflux Pumps

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    Inhibition of efflux pumps is an emerging approach in cancer therapy and drug delivery. Since it has been discovered that polymeric pharmaceutical excipients such as Tweens® or Pluronics® can inhibit efflux pumps, various other polymers have been investigated regarding their potential efflux pump inhibitory activity. Among them are polysaccharides, polyethylene glycols and derivatives, amphiphilic block copolymers, dendrimers and thiolated polymers. In the current review article, natural and synthetic polymers that are capable of inhibiting efflux pumps as well as their application in cancer therapy and drug delivery are discussed

    Doubly amphiphilic poly(2-oxazoline)s as high-capacity delivery systems for hydrophobic drugs

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    Solubilization of highly hydrophobic drugs with carriers that are non-toxic, non-immunogenic and well-defined remains a major obstacle in pharmaceutical sciences. Well-defined amphiphilic di- and triblock copolymers based on poly(2-oxazolines) were prepared and used for the solubilization of Paclitaxel (PTX) and other water-insoluble drugs. Probing the polymer micelles in water with the fluorescence probe pyrene, an unusual high polar microenvironment of the probe was observed. This coincides with an extraordinary large loading capacity for PTX of 45. wt.% active drug in the formulation as well as high water solubility of the resulting formulation. Physicochemical properties of the formulations, ease of preparation and stability upon lyophilization, low toxicity and immunogenicity suggest that poly(2-oxazoline)s are promising candidates for the delivery of highly challenging drugs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that PTX is fully active and provides superior tumor inhibition as compared to the commercial micellar formulation

    Overcoming the blood–brain barrier: the role of nanomaterials in treating neurological diseases

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    Therapies directed toward the central nervous system remain difficult to translate into improved clinical outcomes. This is largely due to the blood–brain barrier (BBB), arguably the most tightly regulated interface in the human body, which routinely excludes most therapeutics. Advances in the engineering of nanomaterials and their application in biomedicine (i.e., nanomedicine) are enabling new strategies that have the potential to help improve our understanding and treatment of neurological diseases. Herein, the various mechanisms by which therapeutics can be delivered to the brain are examined and key challenges facing translation of this research from benchtop to bedside are highlighted. Following a contextual overview of the BBB anatomy and physiology in both healthy and diseased states, relevant therapeutic strategies for bypassing and crossing the BBB are discussed. The focus here is especially on nanomaterial‐based drug delivery systems and the potential of these to overcome the biological challenges imposed by the BBB. Finally, disease‐targeting strategies and clearance mechanisms are explored. The objective is to provide the diverse range of researchers active in the field (e.g., material scientists, chemists, engineers, neuroscientists, and clinicians) with an easily accessible guide to the key opportunities and challenges currently facing the nanomaterial‐mediated treatment of neurological diseases

    Principles of strategic drug delivery to the brain (SDDB): Development of anorectic and orexigenic analogs of leptin

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    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) presents a tremendous challenge for the delivery of drugs to the central nervous system (CNS). This includes drugs that target brain receptors for the treatment of obesity and anorexia. Strategic drug delivery to brain (SDDB) is an approach that considers in depth the relations among the BBB, the candidate therapeutic, the CNS target, and the disease state to be treated. Here, we illustrate principles of SDDB with two different approaches to developing drugs based on leptin. In normal body weight humans and in non-obese rodents, leptin is readily transported across the BBB and into the CNS where it inhibits feeding and enhances thermogenesis. However, in obesity, the transport of leptin across the BBB is impaired, resulting in a resistance to leptin. As a result, it is difficult to treat obesity with leptin or its analogs that depend on the leptin transporter for access to the CNS. To treat obesity, we developed a leptin agonist modified by the addition of pluronic block copolymers (P85-leptin). P85-leptin retains biological activity and is capable of crossing the BBB by a mechanism that is not dependent on the leptin transporter. As such, P85-leptin is able to cross the BBB of obese mice at a rate similar to that of native leptin in lean mice. To treat anorexia, we developed a leptin antagonist modified by pegylation (PEG-MLA) that acts primarily by blocking the BBB transporter for endogenous, circulating leptin. This prevents blood-borne, endogenous leptin from entering the CNS, essentially mimicking the leptin resistance seen in obesity, and resulting in a significant increase in adiposity. These examples illustrate two strategies in which an understanding of the interactions among the BBB, CNS targets, and candidate therapeutics under physiologic and diseased conditions can be used to develop drugs effective for the treatment of brain disease

    Low-Level ionizing radiation induces selective killing of HIV-1-infected cells with reversal of cytokine induction using mtor inhibitors

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    HIV-1 infects 39.5 million people worldwide, and cART is effective in preventing viral spread by reducing HIV-1 plasma viral loads to undetectable levels. However, viral reservoirs persist by mechanisms, including the inhibition of autophagy by HIV-1 proteins (i.e., Nef and Tat). HIV-1 reservoirs can be targeted by the “shock and kill” strategy, which utilizes latency-reversing agents (LRAs) to activate latent proviruses and immunotarget the virus-producing cells. Yet, limitations include reduced LRA permeability across anatomical barriers and immune hyper-activation. Ionizing radiation (IR) induces effective viral activation across anatomical barriers. Like other LRAs, IR may cause inflammation and modulate the secretion of extracellular vesicles (EVs). We and others have shown that cells may secrete cytokines and viral proteins in EVs and, therefore, LRAs may contribute to inflammatory EVs. In the present study, we mitigated the effects of IR-induced inflammatory EVs (i.e., TNF-α), through the use of mTOR inhibitors (mTORi; Rapamycin and INK128). Further, mTORi were found to enhance the selective killing of HIV-1-infected myeloid and T-cell reservoirs at the exclusion of uninfected cells, potentially via inhibition of viral transcription/translation and induction of autophagy. Collectively, the proposed regimen using cART, IR, and mTORi presents a novel approach allowing for the targeting of viral reservoirs, prevention of immune hyper-activation, and selectively killing latently infected HIV-1 cells

    Discovery of the inhibitory effect of a phosphatidylinositol derivative on P-glycoprotein by virtual screening followed by <i>in vitro</i> cellular studies

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    P-glycoprotein is capable of effluxing a broad range of cytosolic and membrane penetrating xenobiotic substrates, thus leading to multi-drug resistance and posing a threat for the therapeutic treatment of several diseases, including cancer and central nervous disorders. Herein, a virtual screening campaign followed by experimental validation in Caco-2, MDKCII, and MDKCII mdr1 transfected cell lines has been conducted for the identification of novel phospholipids with P-gp transportation inhibitory activity. Phosphatidylinositol-(1,2-dioctanoyl)-sodium salt (8∶0 PI) was found to significantly inhibit transmembrane P-gp transportation in vitro in a reproducible-, cell line-, and substrate-independent manner. Further tests are needed to determine whether this and other phosphatidylinositols could be co-administered with oral drugs to successfully increase their bioavailability. Moreover, as phosphatidylinositols and phosphoinositides are present in the human diet and are known to play an important role in signal transduction and cell motility, our finding could be of substantial interest for nutrition science as well