376 research outputs found

    Origin of second-harmonic generation in the incommensurate phase of K2SeO4

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    We show that a ferroelectric phase transition takes place in the incommensurate phase of the K2SeO4 crystal. The ferroelectric character of the IC phase explains the second-harmonic generation observed in the corresponding temperature range.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Fatty acid composition of hard rent cheese with flax seeds

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    The study demonstrates the peculiarities of the fatty acid composition of Gouda-type hard rennet cheese by adding 5 % flax seeds. The fatty acid profile of complex cheese samples of control and experimental samples was investigated by gas-liquid chromatography 60 days after production. The experimental part of the work was carried out in the research laboratory “Technology, analysis and examination of food products and water” of the Department of Food Biotechnology and Chemistry at the Ternopil National Technical University named after I. Puluj and at the Chortkiv cheese factory. In the process of making Gouda-type cheese, prepared flax seeds, according to our patented method, were added to the cheese grain after being separated from the whey. Positive advantages were established in the fatty acid profile of the test sample compared to the control sample. In particular, it was found that the total content of saturated fatty acids in the control sample was 68.6 %, and in Gouda cheese with 5 % flax seeds (experimental sample) – 62.3 %, while the content of unsaturated fatty acids was 31.4 %, respectively and 37.7 %. The experimental sample also showed an increase in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 family, in particular α-linolenic acid, by 40 % compared to the control sample. In the experimental sample of Gouda cheese with flax seeds, an improvement in the ratio between the relative content of PUFAs of the ω-3/ω-6/ω-9 families was established, which was 1 : 1.8 : 7.4. The obtained results in changing the fatty acid composition of the experimental sample of cheese allow us to recommend this product as a functional product due to the high content of PUFAs of the ω-3 family and the balanced ratio between the content of PUFAs of the ω-3/ω-6/ω-9 families

    Constitutional-Legal and Political Responsibility of Political Parties in the Russian Federation to Electors

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    Analysis of the legal and political responsibility of officials of a democratically elected state to their constituents. The subjects of the above responsibility may be elected officials of the legislative (representative) bodies of state power. The constitutional status of elected persons exercising public authority on behalf of individuals suggests the possibility of terminating their powers as sanctions only on the basis of the rules of law enshrined in the relevant acts and establishing clear reasons and procedures for liability. The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for various types of constitutional and legal sanctions

    Распространенный аппендикулярный перитонит: лапароскопический или открытый доступ — критический анализ

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    The perforative acute appendicitis with the development of diffuse peritonitis increases the incidence of postoperative complications to 47%, and mortality to 3%. Mortality in the case of the development of diffuse purulent peritonitis makes 4.5-58%, and it can exceed 70% in severe forms of diffuse peritonitis with the development of infectious-toxic shock and multiple organ failure. National Clinical Guidelines for acute appendicitis with diffuse peritonitis allow for appendectomy from both the median and laparoscopic access in the absence of general contraindications to the creation of pneumoperitoneum. However, despite the proven advantages of laparoscopic appendectomy, there are opponents of its use in diffuse forms of appendicular peritonitis. An increased number of postoperative abscesses with a minimally invasive approach has been reported in literature; however, recent randomized studies refute this fact. There is also evidence that the laparoscopic method for appendicular peritonitis often leads to a lengthening of the operation time and higher operating costs, but at the same time there is a decrease in postoperative pain syndrome, a reduction in the length of inpatient treatment and early social and labor rehabilitation, which leads to an overall decrease in hospital costs. Thus, to date, there is no generally accepted opinion about the advisability of laparoscopic access for appendicular peritonitis. At the moment, the presence of diffuse peritonitis is the most common intraoperative reason for refusing a minimally invasive surgical treatment. However, there is a tendency to trying to standardize indications and contraindications, which was the objective of our literature review.Острый аппендицит является наиболее распространенным острым хирургическим заболеванием и, несмотря на то что имеется значительное сокращение его доли в практике врача-хирурга (40,3% — 2000, 24,8% — 2019), он все равно занимает первое место по встречаемости и оперативной активности.Перфоративная форма острого аппендицита с развитием распространенного перитонита увеличивает частоту послеоперационных осложнений до 47%, а летальность — до 3%. Летальность в случае развития разлитого гнойного перитонита составляет 4,5–58%, а при тяжелых формах распространенного перитонита с развитием инфекционно-токсического шока и полиорганной недостаточности может превышать 70%.Национальные клинические рекомендации при остром аппендиците с распространенным перитонитом допускают выполнение аппендэктомии как из срединного, так и из лапароскопического доступа при отсутствии общих противопоказаний к созданию пневмоперитонеума. Однако несмотря на доказанные преимущества лапароскопической аппендэктомии, имеются противники ее использования при распространенных формах аппендикулярного перитонита.В литературе отмечено увеличение количества послеоперационных абсцессов при минимально инвазивном доступе, однако последние рандромизированные исследования опровергают данный факт. Также имеются данные, что лапароскопический метод при аппендикулярном перитоните часто приводит к удлинению времени операции и более высоким операционным затратам, но при этом происходит уменьшение болевого послеоперационного синдрома, сокращение сроков стационарного лечения и ранняя социально-трудовая реабилитация, что приводит к общему снижению расходов больницы.Таким образом, на сегодняшний день нет общепринятого мнения о целесообразности лапаро­скопического доступа при аппендикулярном перитоните. На данный момент наиболее частая интраоперационная причина отказа от минимально инвазивного метода хирургического лечения — наличие распространенного перитонита. Однако прослеживается тенденция к попытке стандартизировать показания и противопоказания, что и явилось целью нашего литературного обзора

    Measurement of Dielectric Suppression of Bremsstrahlung

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    In 1953, Ter-Mikaelian predicted that the bremsstrahlung of low energy photons in a medium is suppressed because of interactions between the produced photon and the electrons in the medium. This suppression occurs because the emission takes place over on a long distance scale, allowing for destructive interference between different instantaneous photon emission amplitudes. We present here measurements of bremsstrahlung cross sections of 200 keV to 20 MeV photons produced by 8 and 25 GeV electrons in carbon and gold targets. Our data shows that dielectric suppression occurs at the predicted level, reducing the cross section up to 75 percent in our data.Comment: 11 pages, format is postscript file, gzip-ed, uuencode-e

    Частотные характеристики полосковых модулей формирования квазихаотических сигналов на основе объемных нелинейно- оптических кристаллов

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    In this paper the experimental study of frequency dependences of scattering matrix coefficients of strip modules based on a coplanar strip line with partial dielectric filling in the form of bulk non-linear optical crystals of quartz, potassium titanium phosphate (KTP), zinc germanium diphosphide, lithium niobate has been performed. The appearance of the effect of forming quasi- chaotic oscillations in modules containing KTiOPO4, ZnGeP2, LiNbO3 bulk crystals when LFM signals are fed at fast switching of incident wave direction in the receiving and transmitting tract of the vector network analyzer is demonstrared. Parameters of comparative characterization of crystal materials are introduced. The complete phase of the modulus transmission coefficient is determined.  The analysis of its physical sense is made, followed by processing complete phase shift, which provides the possibility to develop the algorithm of estimating the frequency dependence of crystal’s relative permittivity. The studied modules may be used as formers of quasi- chaotic microwave signals. Arutyunyan A. A., Malyutin N. D., Malyutin G. A., Podzyvalov S. N., Yudin N. N. Frequency characteristics of strip modules of the quasi- chaotic signals formation based on bulk nonlinear optical crystals. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2023;7(3):227–249. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.15826/urej.2023.7.3.001В работе проведено экспериментальное исследование частотных зависимостей коэффициентов матрицы рассеяния полосковых модулей на основе копланарной полосковой линии с частичным диэлектрическим заполнением в виде объемных нелинейно-оптических кристаллов кварца SiO2, титанил-фосфата калия KTiOPO4 (KTP), дифосфида цинка германия ZnGeP2, ниобата лития LiNbO3. Показано возникновение эффекта формирования квазихаотических колебаний в модулях, содержащих объемные кристаллы KTiOPO4, ZnGeP2, LiNbO3 при подаче на вход ЛЧМ-сигналов с быстрым переключением направления падающей волны в тракте приема-передачи векторного анализатора цепей. Введены параметры для сравнительной характеристики материалов кристаллов. Определена полная (развернутая) фаза коэффициента передачи модулей. Проведены анализ ее физического смысла и обработка полной фазы, позволившая построить алгоритм оценки частотной зависимости относительной диэлектрической проницаемости кристаллов. Исследованные модули могут выполнять функцию формирователей квазихаотических сигналов СВЧ. Арутюнян А. А., Малютин Н. Д., Малютин Г. А., Подзывалов С. Н., Юдин Н. Н. Частотные характеристики полосковых модулей формирования квазихаотических сигналов на основе объемных нелинейно- оптических кристаллов. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2023;7(3):227– 249. DOI: 10.15826/urej.2023.7.3.001

    Anodal Block in Evaluation of Nerve Conduction Changes in Anesthetized Rats: Preclinical Non-Randomized Experimental Study

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    Background. There is currently no gold standard for functional assessment of nerve regeneration. Different researchers use various methods to assess the functionality of the regenerated nerve directly and indirectly. Indirect methods have the advantage of being minimally invasive, and the benefit of direct methods is recording the signal directly in the nerve.Objectives. To identify significant parameters of neurogram changes in the sciatic nerve in an anaesthetized rat when the anode block is applied and to evaluate neurography as a method for functional assessment of nerve regeneration.Methods. A series of experiments was performed on 10 anaesthetized rats. A DC anode was placed on the exposed sciatic nerve, more proximal and more distal to the recording electrodes, and a common cathode in the form of a needle was introduced into one of the forelimbs. Needle nichrome electrodes were introduced into the nerve using a manipulator. An original neurogram and a neurogram against anode activation were recorded by closing the DC circuit of different voltages to block the afferent signal, efferent signal and afferent and efferent signals simultaneously.Results. When the anodal block of different voltages was applied to the afferent signal, efferent signal, and afferent and efferent signals simultaneously in all 10 experiments, the frequency-amplitude characteristics of the neurogram changed significantly as compared to the original neurogram. The amplitude of the neurogram increased considerably, while the frequency decreased, though not so dramatically. The changes in amplitude and frequency parameters were revealed to depend on the voltage value. In most cases, this relationship was directly proportional to the amplitude and inversely proportional to the frequency.Conclusion. Considering the nature of the dynamics of the neurogram when exposed to the anodal block, the most significant parameter of its change is the amplitude. Changes in nerve fibre composition during its regeneration after damage cause changes in afferent and efferent signals, which is likely to be displayed in the neurogram as compared to the initial state. Thus, the anodal block can be used as a model of nerve damage, and the analysis of the dynamics of neurogram parameters — as a method for functional assessment of nerve regeneration