49 research outputs found

    Makna Simbolik Art Glasses Gereja Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria Surabaya

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    Gereja kelahiran santa perawan maria yang terletak di Jl. Kepanjen Surabaya merupakan salah satu gereja tertua yang berdiri di Indonesia. Gereja ini merupakan salah satu bangunan bersejarah yang di jadikan sebagai cagar budaya oleh Pemerintah Kota Surabaya. Gereja ini mempunyai nilai sejarah dan seni yang sangat tinggi, salah satunya adalah hiasan Art Glasses yang berada di gereja. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan sejarah secara singkat Gereja Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria dan makna simbolik Art Glasses yang ada di gereja tersebut. Gereja Katolik Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria pertama di Surabaya bergaya Eropa yang terletak dipojok jalan Kepanjen dan Kebonrojo ini pada awalnya didirikan oles dua orang pastor pada tanggal 12 Juli 1810, Hendricus Waanders dan Phillipus Wedding yang datang dari Belanda. Namun belakangan gereja Katolik pertama ini dipindah ke gedung baru di sebelah utaranya, tepatnya di jalan Kepanjen Kelurahan Krembangan Selatan di wilayah Surabaya Utara. Hal ini dikarenakan gereja yang lama rusak. Pada tahun 1867, bangunan gereja ini mengalami retak-retak akibat gempa bumi, sehingga tanggal 4 April 1899 dibangunlah gereja baru di sana dengan arsitek W. Weestmas. Dibangun di atas pondasi berjumlah 799 buah kayu galam yang didatangkan dari Kalimantan dan perletakan batu pertama gereja ini pada tanggal 19 Agustus 1899. Art Glasses  yang berada di Gereja ini sengaja di buat untuk menghiasi gereja dan memberikan pesan singkat kepada umat nasrani yang beribadah di gereja ini. Beberapa kutipan-kutipan cerita yang diringkas kemudian disimbolkan menjadi suatu gambaran. Gambaran yang ditampakkan dalam Art Glasses  sangatlah bermakna tinggi bagi umat kristiani, karena tidak semua umat kristiani bisa menghadiri “misa agama” (beribadah bersama) maka di buatlah Art Glasses  sesuai dengan tema yang akan dimunculkan sebagai teguran atau sapaan. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan Metode Penelitian Kualitatif yang bertujuan bisa mendapatkan data-data secara menyeluruh atau selengkap mungkin, dengan cara Observasi, Dokumentasi, dan Wawancara terhadap beberapa pengurus Gereja Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria yang di jadikan sebagai objek penelitian, teknik Analisi datanya meliputi Reduksi data, Sajian data, dan Verivikasi data. Kata Kunci : Filosofi Gereja, Makna Simbolik, Art Glasses. The birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church located at Jl. Kepanjen Surabaya is one of the oldest standing church in Indonesia. This church is one of the historic buildings in use as a cultural heritage by the government of Surabaya. This church has a historical value and high art, one of which is the ornate Art Glasses that are in the church. This study aims to explain briefly the history of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Art Glasses symbolic meanings that exist in the church. Catholic Church Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Surabaya European style located Kepanjen and Kebonrojo street corner was originally established topical two pastors on July 12, 1810, Hendricus Waanders and Phillipus Wedding coming from the Netherlands. But lately the first Catholic church was moved to a new building to the north, precisely in the way Kepanjen Krembangan Village South in North Surabaya. This is because the old church damaged. In 1867, the church building suffered cracked by the earthquake, so dated 4 April 1899 a new church was built there by the architect W. Weestmas. Built on a foundation of 799 numbered pieces Galam wood imported from Borneo and the placement of this first stone church on August 19, 1899. Art Glasses who are in the church is intentionally made ​​to decorate the church and gave a short message to the Christians who worship in this church. Some excerpts are summarized later symbolized story into a picture. Picture that is displayed in the Art Glasses is significantly higher for Christians, because not all Christians can attend "religious service" (worship together) then make Art Glasses accordance with the theme that will appear as a warning or greeting. In this study, researchers using Qualitative Research Methods which aims to get the data as a whole or as complete as possible, by means of observation, documentation, and interviews on some board Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in use as the research object, the data Analysis techniques include data reduction , Serving Data, and Data Verification. Keywords: Philosophy of the Church, Symbolic Meanings, Art Glasse

    Pengaruh Elektrolisis Terhadap Rendemen Minyak Jarak Yang Dihasilkan Pada Proses Pembuatan Biodiesel

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    The use of jatropha oil as a source of raw material for making biodiesel is needed in order to decrease the production cost of biodiesel, since jatropha oil is categorized as non edible fat. In this research, the biodiesel production process by using an electrochemical reactor has been done. At the beginning of treatment, carried out the hydrolysis of oil by using HrS04 with acid and oil volume ratio is 1: 20. At follow-up treatment, carried out the decarboxylation via electrolysis. This process is done by varying the voltage of 0 V, 10 V,20 V,30 V,the variation of the concentration of 0.5 M acetic acid. 1 M, 1.5 M, as well as the distance between the electrodes in the reactor 5em and 10 em. From the experiments shown that electrolysis with voltage parameters, acidic electrolyte solution. and electrode spacing affects the yield of decarboxylation process. Electrolysiswith 1.5 M acetic acid concentration and voltage of 30 volts per cent obtained the highest biodiesel yield of compound that is 70.432% in the reactor with inter-electrode distance of 5cm. While in the reactor with inter-electrode distance of 10 cm. thehighest yield was 53.372% by reacting the oil with 1.5 M acetic acid and voltage 30 Volt

    Tree-based Water Footprint Assessment on Established Oil Palm Plantation in North Sumatera, Indonesia

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    In a long life cycle of oil palm plantation, sustainable water management is mandatory because irrigation is rarely applied. In order to develop water management for sustainable palm oil production, tree-based water footprint of well-established oil palm plantation was assessed. Field data were collected from February to June 2016 in Dolok Ilir managed by PTPN IV, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Additional data were obtained from interviews on the site and the surrounding estates, reports and references. Results showed that water footprint (WF) for production of fresh fruit bunch (FFB) was 510.69 m3 tonne-1 and crude palm oil (CPO) was 517.79 m3 tonne-1. Green, blue and grey water contributed 94.78%, 0.71% and 4.50% in FFB, and 93.48%, 1.66% and 4.85% in CPO productions, respectively. All green WF was calculated basen on actual value of tree evapotranspiration, therefore, the value was mostly lower than other researchs. Low amount of blue water indicates that the oil palm tree in North Sumatera extracts low amount of ground water. On the other hand, grey water for pollution dilution of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides were high, i.e., 15.15 m3, 4.77 m3, 3.07 m3 tonne-1 FFB, respectively. It implies that reduction of grey water should be implemented in the near future through precission farming

    Pemanfaatan Sistem Microbial Fuel Cell Dalam Menghasilkan Listrik Pada Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Pangan

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    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) dapat langsung menghasilkan listrik dari oksidasi bahan organik yangterkandung dalam suatu larutan. Dibutuhkan suatu optimalisasi sistem MFC yang mencakup beberapa faktoruntuk meningkatkan hasil listrik seperti jenis media penukar kation, elektroda, luas permukaan elektroda, dandurasi reaksi. Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat kinerja sistem MFC pada pengolahan air limbah industripangan, dalam hal ini tahu dan cucian beras (catering), dengan menggunakan tembaga sebagai elektroda, membran Poli Eter Eter Keton Tersulfonasi (SPEEK) sebagai media penukar kation, dan menggunakan mediasubstrat limbah. MFC diamati selama 80 jam. Pengukuran tegangan yang dihasilkan dilakukan setiap 4 jam.Tegangan maksimum yang dihasilkan pada media limbah tahu mencapai 80 mV (pada jam ke-28). Selama 52jam berikutnya, tegangan sedikit menurun. Sedangkan pada air limbah cucian beras, tegangan maksimum terjadipada jam ke-60 yaitu 234 mV. Selama proses 80 jam, melalui sistem MFC pada media limbah tahu, CODmampu turun 49,33% dari 6750 mg/L menjadi 3420 mg/L. Sedangkan pada limbah cucian beras, COD turundari 18840 mg/L menjadi 10560 mg/L atau sebesar 43,95 % selama 80 jam

    Towards a New Service of University Libraries within COVID-19 Pandemic Time in Indonesia

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    This research aims to understand new virtual services developed by Islamic university libraries viewed from the perceptions of library and information science students. The concepts of services and functions of libraries, social media, and virtual technology, are used to understand this objective. This research employs a qualitative method with data collection techniques covering online observation and interviews. Before determining the object of research, observations were made daily on local and national online newspapers, to get an overview of the phenomena of library services during the COVID-19 time. Online interviews employed Google forms reinforced by direct communication via WhatsApp and Phone Calls with several informants, to obtain and validate data through triangulation techniques. The data analysis employed Miles and Huberman analysis techniques, including data reduction, data display, and verification or conclusions. The results of this study show three main issues: firstly, general phenomena around educational issues of students, indicating various social practices from internal to the external environment. Secondly, library usage becomes based on access development to information resources, service innovation, library response, and intensity of library use. Finally, newly identified service developments cover innovations in social media, librarians before virtual cameras, virtual recreation functions, and library collaboration