1,340 research outputs found

    Development of 4.78M LOA fishing boat (punt) for artisanal fishery

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    A 4.78 M length overall (LOA) flat bottom modern fishing boat (punt), was designed and constructed using locally available materials. The boat features include easy construction, stability, and high capacity to carry load. Other features include: least cost, light weight, shallow draft, and easy maneuverability. The light displacement (weight empty) was 202.24kg, which was lighter than a local boats of same size. When placed on water a draft of 5cm. The capacity of the boat was 715kg (11 prs), and the total production cost of N39,000.00, which was not beyond the reach of an average fisher folks, or fish farmer. The punt can easily be maneuvered when propelled with 5hp out board engine as it floats at a shallow draft (10cm); this makes it adequate for fishing activities on shallow water bodies. The craft, because of its easy maneuverability, can also be used on shallow water bodies for recreational activities such as, sport fishing

    Design of double chine flat bottom fishing canoe for lake fishery

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    A 7.0 meters Length Overall (LOA) flat bottom canoe similar to the one commonly used for fishing in Kainji lake, but with some modifications, was designed. The improvements/modifications over the local canoe include, an additional chine to reduce the flatness of the bottom which was absent in the local canoes commonly used. The canoe's light displacement (weight empty) was 0.48 Tonne, which was similar to local canoe of same size. The draft obtained was 0.13 M( 13cm), which is 36.9% of its depth (0.48 M). The capacity of the canoe was 1.304 tones. The water plane area (WPA) was 3.89 M2; WPA coefficient, and block coefficient were 0.83, and 0.82 respectively. The modification on the canoe resulted in provision of a canoe with the bottom shaped close to V-bottom to aid better performance on rough turbulent water such as the Kainji Lake, and increased life span of canoe and safety of fisher folk while aboard fishing

    Design and construction of 1.5m coracle for pond activities

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    A coracle 1.5m (LOA) was designed and constructed using hardwood for the frame work and plywood for the base and side covering. It is oval in shape and after construction its light displacement was 24kg and with a dead weight (capacity) of I40kg (2 persons) with a cost estimate of N11,500. (US$83) When placed on water, it floated at a draft of 4.2cm and easily maneuvered by propelling with a paddle. The craft is characterized by light weight, portability, and ability to float at shallow draft. It could be used on shallow water body like ponds for aquaculture thereby increasing fish production

    Isolation and Characterization of Steroids from Petroleum Ether Extract of Stem Bark of Parinari curatellifolia Planch ex. Benth (Chrysobalanaceae)

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    In our search for biologically active compounds, three steroids have been isolated from the stem bark of Parinari curatellifolia through series of column chromatography. Compound C1, C2 and C3 where characterized as ?-sitosterol (22,23-dihydrostigmasterol), stigmast-4-en-3-one and stigmasterol, respectively, on the basis of 1D-NMR (1HNMR, 13CNMR and DEPT-135), 2D-NMR (HSQC, HMBC, 1H-1H COSY,  1H-1H NOESY), mass spectroscopy (MS) and IR spectroscopy. These compounds are reported for the first time as constituents in Parinari curatellifolia. Keywords: Parinari curatellifolia, ?-sitosterol, stigmast-4-en-3-one and stigmastero

    Ergonomic Assessment of Power Tiller Operators during the Testing of System of Rice Intensification Practices at Bakolori Irrigation Scheme, Zamfara State, Nigeria

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    Nigeria is intensively working hard to achieving food security for its ever growing population. One of the strategies adopted was introduction of modern crop intensification practices and mechanization. In line with this, testing and evaluation of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) was conducted at Bakolori Irrigation Scheme (BIS), Zamfara State - Nigeria. Power Tiller was among the appropriate tools and machinery that were investigated. However, there is the need to match operator’s efforts adopted. Both male and female operators were selected according the ergonomic practices from two farmer’s groups selected for the study. These operators were calibrated using hand ergometer and stethoscope while calibration curves were developed. Weather of the days of the exercise were also documented. Similarly, the anthropometric data of operators were examined in order to compute the quetlets index. Ergonomic assessments of the operators was conducted for energy cost assessment with mouldboard plough, disc plough and puddler. The overall results indicated that: quetlets index of the male operators ranges 17.24 – 22.9, while that of the female was 17.86 – 21.00. The energy cost of the male operators for mouldboard plough ranges; 14 – 25kJ/min, disc plough; 13.2 – 23.1kJ/min and puddler; 10.3 – 15.8kJ/min. The female operators operated mouldboard plough, the energy cost ranges; 10.4 – 14kJ/min. It was observed that the energy cost of male mouldboard plough operator is almost twice that of the female in the same environment, soil condition and power tiller type

    Assessment of the Effects of Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) on the Output of Dry Season Rice Farmers before and after Scheme Participation in Sokoto State, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the effects of Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) on the output of dry season rice farmers before and after participation. A multistage sampling technique was used to select farmers for the study. Data for the study were collected from 250 farmers using structured questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the showed that the age of the majority of the farmers fall between the ages of 30-39 years, married and had one form of education or the other. Based on the findings, the main source of information (46.8%) regarding the awareness of GESS programme was the district heads and majority (94.4%) of the farmers were registered with the scheme. About 40% of the farmers registered with the scheme because inputs provided by the scheme are supplied to only register farmers at a subsidized rate. The result of t-test analysis showed a significant difference (

    Seasonal Variation of Power Distribution in Niger State of Nigeria using Markov Model with Non-Stationary Transition Probabilities

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    This paper presents the application of Markov chain model with non-stationary transition probabilities to study the monthly data of the power distribution in Niger state in the wet, Dry-Hot and Hamatten/Dry- Hot seasons. The result indicates an optimal power distribution of over 150,000MWwith probability 0.49 during the wet season, 0.25 during the hot-dry season and 0.19 in the hot-cold season respectively. The variation of power distribution directly affects the electricity consumers. Markov chain model could be used as a predictive tool for determining the power distribution pattern at different seasons in the Study area. These predictions might be used for the management of (NCC) for effective distribution of megawatts.Keywords: Markov Chain, Transition probability, Non-stationary, Power Distributio

    Feeding of Kargo (Piliostigma reticulatum) to Small Ruminants in Jigawa State: A Preliminary Study

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    A survey was conducted to investigate the use of Kargo (Piliostigma reticulatum) as feedstuff for small ruminants in Jigawa State, Nigeria. A total of 120 structural questionnaires were administered to randomly selected livestock rearers in six Local Government Areas of Jigawa State during the months of October to May (dry season) of 2013. The results obtained showed that the respondents examined vary in age group from 11 years to above 61 years with majority being within the ages of 31- 40 years (42.72%). Male respondents constituted 64.08%. Almost all the respondents had some form of education and their experience in small ruminant rearing vary from 1 year to 40 years. Majority of the respondents (81) encountered had a flock size (21-40) which constitute 78.64%. Livestock species kept by the respondents vary from sheep alone 14.56% to those that kept goat alone 23.30%, while those that kept both sheep and goat were the majority 62.14% among the respondent encountered and 41.74% fed Kargo as sole feed during dry season. However, majority of the respondents 66.02% fed their animals Kargo leaves and Kargo pods, whilst 21.36% fed Kargo leaves alone, and 12.62% fed Kargo pods only. The study concluded that farmers had some level of awareness on the potential value of Kargo as feedstuff for small ruminants and therefore recommended that they should be enlighten on it nutritive value. Keywords: Jigawa State, Kargo, Small Ruminants, and Utilization
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