139 research outputs found

    Claw-free t-perfect graphs can be recognised in polynomial time

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    A graph is called t-perfect if its stable set polytope is defined by non-negativity, edge and odd-cycle inequalities. We show that it can be decided in polynomial time whether a given claw-free graph is t-perfect

    Distributed, end-to-end verifiable, and privacy-preserving internet voting systems

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    We present the D-DEMOS suite of distributed, privacy-preserving, and end-to-end verifiable e-voting systems; one completely asynchronous and one with minimal timing assumptions but better performance. Their distributed voting operation is human verifiable; a voter can vote over the web, using an unsafe web client stack, without sacrificing her privacy, and get recorded-as-cast assurance. Additionally, a voter can outsource election auditing to third parties, still without sacrificing privacy. We provide a model and security analysis of the systems, implement prototypes of the complete systems, measure their performance experimentally, demonstrate their ability to handle large-scale elections, and demonstrate the performance trade-offs between the two versions

    Quantization effects and stabilization of the fast-Kalman algorithm

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    The exact and actual cause of the failure of the fast-Kalman algorithm due to the generation and propagation of finite-precision or quantization error is presented. It is demonstrated that out of all the formulas that constitute this fast Recursive Least Squares (RLS) scheme only three generate an amount of finite-precision error that consistently propagates in the subsequent iterations and eventually makes the algorithm fail after a certain number of recursions. Moreover, it is shown that there is a very limited number of specific formulas that transmit the generated finite-precision error, while there is another class of formulas that lift or "relax" this error. In addition, a number of general propositions is presented that allow for the calculation of the exact number of erroneous digits with which the various quantities of the fast-Kalman scheme are computed, including the filter coefficients. On the basis of the previous analysis a method of stabilization of the fast-Kalman algorithm is developed and is presented here, a method that allows for the fast-Kalman algorithm to follow very difficult signals such as music, speech, environmental noise, and other nonstationary ones. Finally, a general methodology is pointed out, that allows for the development of new algorithms which, intrinsically, suffer far less of finite-precision problems.</p

    Virtual Access Points for Vehicular Networks

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    ABSTRACT This paper introduces the concept of Virtual Access Points (VAPs) for wireless Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETS). This new technique allows data dissemination among vehicles, thus extending the reach of roadside access points to uncovered road areas. Each vehicle that receives a message from an Access Point (AP) stores this message and rebroadcasts it into non covered areas. This extends the network coverage for non time critical messages. The VAP role is transparent to the connected nodes, and designed to avoid interference since each operates on a bounded region outside any AP. The experiments show the presented mechanism of store and forward at specific positions present a gain, in term of all the evaluated parameters

    Stable Sets in {ISK₄,wheel}-Free Graphs

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    An ISK4 in a graph G is an induced subgraph of G that is isomorphic to a subdivision of K₄ (the complete graph on four vertices). A wheel is a graph that consists of a chordless cycle, together with a vertex that has at least three neighbors in the cycle. A graph is {ISK₄,wheel}-free if it has no ISK₄ and does not contain a wheel as an induced subgraph. We give an O(|V(G)|⁷)-time algorithm to compute the maximum weight of a stable set in an input weighted {ISK₄,wheel}-free graph G with non-negative integer weights

    D-DEMOS: A Distributed, End-to-End Verifiable, Internet Voting System

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    E-voting systems have emerged as a powerful technology for improving democracy by reducing election cost, increasing voter participation, and even allowing voters to directly verify the entire election procedure. Prior internet voting systems have single points of failure, which may result in the compromise of availability, voter secrecy, or integrity of the election results. In this paper, we present the design, implementation, security analysis, and evaluation of D-DEMOS, a complete e-voting system that is distributed, privacy-preserving and end-to-end verifiable. Our system includes a fully asynchronous vote collection subsystem that provides immediate assurance to the voter her vote was recorded as cast, without requiring cryptographic operations on behalf of the voter. We also include a distributed, replicated and fault-tolerant Bulletin Board component, that stores all necessary election-related information, and allows any party to read and verify the complete election process. Finally, we also incorporate trustees, i.e., individuals who control election result production while guaranteeing privacy and end-to-end-verifiability as long as their strong majority is honest. Our system is the first e-voting system whose voting operation is human verifiable, i.e., a voter can vote over the web, even when her web client stack is potentially unsafe, without sacrificing her privacy, and still be assured her vote was recorded as cast. Additionally, a voter can outsource election auditing to third parties, still without sacrificing privacy. Finally, as the number of auditors increases, the probability of election fraud going undetected is diminished exponentially. We provide a model and security analysis of the system. We implement a prototype of the complete system, we measure its performance experimentally, and we demonstrate its ability to handle large-scale elections.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Integrated Network Management of Hybrid Networks

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    We describe our collaborative efforts towards the design and implementation of a next generation integrated network management system for hybrid networks (INMS/HN). We describe the overall software architecture of the system at its current stage of development. This network management system is specifically designed to address issues relevant for complex heterogeneous networks consisting of seamlessly interoperable terrestrial and satellite networks. Network management systems are a key element for interoperability in such networks. We describe the integration of configuration management and performance management. The next step in this integration is fault management. In particular we describe the object model, issues of the Graphical User Interface (GUI), browsing tools and performance data graphical widget displays, management information database (MIB) organization issues. Several components of the system are being commercialized by Hughes Network Systems. A revised version of this report has been published in Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Commercial Development of Space, Part One, pp. 345-350, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 7-11, 1996.</ul