96 research outputs found

    Nature’s nations: the shared conservation history of Canada and the USA

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    Historians often study the history of conservation within the confines of national borders, concentrating on the bureaucratic and political manifestations of policy within individual governments. Even studies of the popular expression of conservationist ideas are generally limited to the national or sub-national (province, state, etc.) scale. This paper suggests that conservationist discourse, policy and practice in Canada and the USA were the products of a significant cross-border movement of ideas and initiatives derived from common European sources. In addition, the historical development of common approaches to conservation in North America suggests, contrary to common assumptions, that Canada did not always lag behind the USA in terms of policy innovation. The basic tenets of conservation (i.e. state control over resource, class-based disdain for subsistence hunters and utilitarian approaches to resource management) have instead developed at similar time periods and along parallel ideological paths in Canada and the USA

    Improvement of the Inside-Outside Duality Method

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    In this paper, an improvement of the inside-outside duality method is considered. The state-of-the-art approximation of the far-field operator via constant interpolation is not sufficient to obtain highly accurate interior transmission eigenvalues especially for larger wave numbers. Therefore, several different approximations of the far-field operator such as Gaussian quadrature, spherical t-design, and Lebedev quadrature are used which are shown to yield superior accuracy for the numerical calculation of interior transmission eigenvalues

    The MAFF IH-RFQ Test stand at the IAP Frankfurt

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    The IH-type RFQ for the MAFF project at the LMU in Munich is presently underconstruction and will be integrated into a beam test stand at the IAP in Frankfurt. It issecond RFQ following the IH resonator concept and the first one that can be directlycompared to a very similar 4-rod type machine, namely the REX-ISOLDE RFQ at CERN