169 research outputs found

    Surgical access to separate branches of the cat vestibular nerve

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    A posteroventral approach for access to separate branches of the cat vestibular nerve is presented which permits simultaneous surgical access to the ampullary and otolithic nerves. Surgical procedures are discussed


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    Malnutrition in the early stages of life cause hypomotilinemia and shape the epigenome, and does not change the genetic code. Increasing the frequency of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDS) in the world associated with influence of external factors, including poor diet and obesity .Purpose. A comparative study of dietary patterns in countries with similar social conditions but with different frequency of breast cancer.Materials and methods. Data on incidence of breast cancer in 160 countries is selected from the database GLOBOCAN 2008. Levels of consumption of food and nutrients (53 species) for each country selected from the FAO database for 1990–2005 and 2003–2005 years. The power structure of countries were represented in the form of a total daily level of consumption (DLC) (g/person/day), and also in the form of blocks of products with common source of origin (g/person/day): animal products, grains, vegetables”, “fruit drinks”, “alcoholic beverages”; “nutrients of animal products” (%): energy, protein, fat; “full of nutrients” (%): carbohydrates, proteins, fats; energy (kcal/person/day), proteins and fats (g/person/day). Determined the percent contribution of each block in the structure of food in the total daily consumption of food and nutrients (DLC). In the comparative analysis used as a predictor of the metabolic syndrome: body mass index (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) and blood cholesterol (NF ≥ 50 mmol/l).Results. Under similar social and geographical conditions in countries with a high incidence of breast cancer part of the power Structure were represented: 36% of “animal products”, 37% “of grain and vegetables,” 14% “fruits and beverages”, 13% “alcoholic beverages”. In the Mediterranean countries with a low incidence of breast cancer: 28% of “animal products”, 55% “grain & vegetables 11% fruits & drink”, 5% “alcoholic beverages”. In countries with a high incidence of breast cancer Nutrients “animal products” in 1,5 times more than in the Mediterranean countries with a low incidence of breast cancer.Conclusions. The food pattern has modifying effects on the risk of breast cancer


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    According to WHO, the world takes place every year approximately 500 000 suicides and suicide attempts of 7 million. Since 1994, Russia ranks 2nd in the world after Lithuania, in the level of suicides, and is among the countries with the linear dependence of frequency of suicides on the level of alcohol consumption.Purpose. Install a quantitative connection between the frequency of suicide with alcohol consumption and mortality from alcoholism in the world.Material and method. For studies we used the mortality coefficient (MK) from suicide and alcohol abuse (number of people/100 thousand of age standardized the population) in 159 countries according to the WHO in 2004, the average daily consumption levels of alcoholic beverages: spirits, wine and beer (g/person/day) according to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). For data analysis we used correlation and regression methods.Results. We found significant positive correlation of mortality coefficient (MK) from suicide for men and women with consumption of alcoholic beverages (spirits, wine and beer) and mortality from alcoholism. The gender differences are revealed. Included in the regression model independent variables (levels of alcohol consumption and mortality from alcoholism) explain 66% and 52% of the variability in the frequency of suicides of men and women (dependent variables). A complete rejection of the consumption of alcohol reduces the MK from suicide of men in the world at 39.5 percent, in Russia — at 76.5%; women — 37.9%, in Russia — by 54.3%. According to the regression analysis the average daily level of consumption of strong alcohol in the world is 10.4 g (3.8 kg per year) for men, in Russia — 91.8 g (of 33.5 kg per year). The increase in the consumption of strong alcohol to 3 g per day (1 kg per year) increases the MK from suicide in men up to 10.8% (1.6 people) in the world, in Russia — 2.4% (1.6 people). The increase in the MK of alcoholism of men in the world for 1 person on 100 thousand population per year increases, the MK of suicides of men in the world by 5.8% (0.8 persons), in Russia — 1.3% (0.9 persons).Conclusions. Population studies generally confirm the existence of a positive correlation between the level of suicides (MK) and alcohol consumption, both in the world and in Russia. The frequency of suicides is more influenced by the level of consumption of strong alcohol and the MK from alcoholism. Our results support the General opinion on expediency of change of structure of consumed drinks in favor of lighter (low alcohol content), especially in Russia, which has a positive impact at the population level of suicide and alcoholism

    Problems of Ukrainian Internally Displaced Persons

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    Аналіз тенденцій капітальних ремонтів фасадних систем на основі публічних закупівель в системі PROZORRO

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    Obviously, it goes without saying that sustainable economic development and an increase in the cost of energy carriers require improvements in the energy efficiency of existing buildings and structures. For this reason, intelligent energy monitoring and searching for new methods aimed at improving the performance of buildings have been of utmost importance. One of the feasible solutions to improving the performance of existing buildings would arguably be the reduction in energy costs by increasing the insulating properties of their facade systems. This paper analyses the current trends in the overhaul of facade systems in Ukraine. The research results into facade system renovation conducted via the ProZorro public e-procurement system demonstrated that a significant number of repair works were the improvements in the thermal insulation properties of facade systems by means of mineral wool panels and plaster cladding. The percentage of this type of overhaul contracts reached 67% of the total number of investigated contracts. Facade insulation renovation using expanded polystyrene plates approximately made up 20%. The restoration works of an outer layer of façade systems, including plaster restoration, spot-priming, restoration of hard putty, plaster facing and painting works, revetment, etc., which do not impact the energy efficiency of a building, made up about 13% of the total number of contracts. The area of façade works in question averaged from 200 m2 to 1500 m2. Having compared the prices per one square metre of a façade system, the average cost for such works has been calculated in the range of 1500 UAH to 2000 UAH; while the cost of advanced works ranged from 3500 UAH to 4000 UAH. Given a short maintenance-free service life of 7-10 years of the corresponding systems and guided by cost-effectiveness reasons, it has been suggested replacing these facade systems with ventilated facade systems with thermal insulation and ceramic cladding. This façade system has proved to have a significantly longer durability and maintenance-free service life, while the initial investment costs will further increase the energy efficiency properties of a building. As the result, this will enable keeping energy operating costs to minimum, which will consequently increase the building’s cost-effectiveness and its compliance with current global trends in energy conservation.Ефективна експлуатація будівель та споруд в умовах сталого розвитку економіки та збільшення вартості енергоносіїв вимагає збільшення енергоефективності відповідних об’єктів. Тому надважливою задачею є моніторинг енергоефективності будівлі та пошук шляхів її покращення. Раціональним рішенням є скорочення витрат енергії шляхом підвищення ізоляційних властивостей фасадної системи. В статті розглянуті сучасні тенденції капітальних ремонтів фасадних систем в Україні. Дослідження капітальних ремонтів фасадних систем на основі публічних закупівель в системі Prozorro встановили, що значну частину ремонтів становить покращення теплоізоляційних властивостей фасадної системи шляхом улаштування системи утеплення фасаду мінераловатними плитами з опорядженням штукатурки, доля відповідного виду капітального ремонту сягає 67% від загального числа досліджених робіт. Улаштування фасадного утеплення пінополістирольними плитами становить близько 20%. Роботи з відновлення зовнішнього шару фасаду (відновлення штукатурки, ґрунтування, шпатлювання, фарбування, штукатурка з облицюванням) не впливають на енергоефективність будівлі, та становлять близько 13% від загальної кількості досліджуваних об’єктів. Площа фасаду об’єктів виконання робіт різна, і становить в середньому від 200 до 1500 м2. За результатами аналізу вартості відповідних робіт в перерахунку на 1 м2 фасадної системи визначені середні витрати в межах 1500-2000 грн, а для робіт з додатковим ускладненням – до 3500…4000 грн. З огляду на невеликий міжремонтний період відповідних систем (7-10 років) встановлена економічна доцільність заміни даних фасадних систем на системи фасадного утеплення з улаштуванням вентильованого повітряного прошарку та опорядженням керамічними плитками. Відповідна фасадна система має значно більший термін експлуатації та тривалість міжремонтного періоду, а початкові капіталовкладення збільшать подальшу енергоефективність будівлі. В результаті будуть зменшені поточні витрати на енергоносії, відповідно підвищена економічна доцільність будівлі та її відповідність сучасним світовим тенденціям в області заощадження енергоресурсів

    Foam Concrete and Light Steel Thin-Wall Constructions in Buildings and Structures

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    Prefabricated frame and frameless technologies for the construction of buildings and structures are considered. The structures of roof and floor slabs made of foam concrete and light steel thin-walled structures are shown. The issue of the possibility of taking into account the joint work of light steel structures and foam concrete is considered

    Possible problems of transport electrification in Tashkent

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    The purpose of this article is to assess the process of electrification of transport in Tashkent and forecast some of the possible consequences of this process until 2027. It has been established that with the growth of transport electrification, it is possible to achieve hazardous concentrations of particulate matter in the atmospheric air of the city. A significant relative increase in ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste (by 1.3...3.6 times), as well as scrap tires (by 1.5 times) is also predicted

    Large Scale Structures a Gradient Lines: the case of the Trkal Flow

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    A specific asymptotic expansion at large Reynolds numbers (R)for the long wavelength perturbation of a non stationary anisotropic helical solution of the force less Navier-Stokes equations (Trkal solutions) is effectively constructed of the Beltrami type terms through multi scaling analysis. The asymptotic procedure is proved to be valid for one specific value of the scaling parameter,namely for the square root of the Reynolds number (R).As a result large scale structures arise as gradient lines of the energy determined by the initial conditions for two anisotropic Beltrami flows of the same helicity.The same intitial conditions determine the boundaries of the vortex-velocity tubes, containing both streamlines and vortex linesComment: 27 pages, 2 figure