851 research outputs found

    Astrophysics and Technical Study of a Solar Neutrino Spacecraft

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    We report on our study of the design of a neutrino detector, shielding and veto array needed to operate a neutrino detector in space close to the Sun. This study also took into account the expected rates of Galactic gamma and cosmic rays in addition to the particles from the Sun.These preliminary studies show that we can devise a detector such that a small signal of neutrino interactions can be extracted from a large random number of events from the background sources using a double timing method from the conversion electron produced in the neutrino interaction and a secondary delayed signal from the nuclear excited state produced from the initial neutrino interaction; in our case the conversion of Ga 69 or 71 into Ge 69 or 71, but this method could apply to other nuclei with large neutrino cross sections such as Ir 115. Although these types of events need to be above 0.405 megaelectronvolt (MeV) neutrino energy and are only 66 percent of all conversion neutrino interactions on Gallium, this is a small price to pay for an increase of 10,000 by going close to the Sun to enhance the neutrino rate over the background combatorical fake-signal events. The conclusion of this Phase-1 study is very positive in that we can get the backgrounds less than 20 percent fake signals, and in addition to this we have devised another shielding method that makes the Galactic gamma-ray rate a hundred fold less which will make further improvements over these initial estimates. Although these studies are very encouraging it suggests that the next step is a NIAC Phase-II to actually build a test device,measuring basic principles such as light attention within the scintillator with high dopants and to take data in the lab with a cosmic-ray test stand and triggered X-ray source for comparison with simulated expected performance of the detector. This would be the perfect lead into a future proposal beyond a NIAC (NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts) Phase-II for a test flight of a small one-pint detector in orbit of the detector concept beyond Earth outside of the radiation belts

    Chromium sequencing: The doors open for genomics of obligate plant pathogens

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    It is challenging to sequence and assemble genomes of obligate plant pathogens and microorganisms because of limited amounts of DNA, comparatively large genomes and high numbers of repeat regions. We sequenced the 1.2 gigabase genome of an obligate rust fungus, Austropuccinia psidii, the cause of rust on Myrtaceae, with a Chromium 10X library. This technology has mostly been applied for single-cell sequencing in immunological studies of mammals. We compared scaffolds of a genome assembled from the Chromium library with one assembled from combined paired-end and mate-pair libraries, sequenced with Illumina HiSeq. Chromium 10X provided a superior assembly, in terms of number of scaffolds, N50 and number of genes recovered. It required less DNA than other methods and was sequenced and assembled at a lower cost. Chromium sequencing could provide a solution to sequence and assemble genomes of obligate plant pathogens where the amount of available DNA is a limiting factor. © 2018 Future Science. All rights reserved

    Fungal Genomics Challenges the Dogma of Name-Based Biosecurity

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    Microorganisms have inadvertently been spread via the global movement and trade of their substrates, such as animals, plants, and soil. This intercontinental exchange in the current era of globalisation has given rise to significant increases in the distribution of known pests and pathogens. Importantly, it has also resulted in many novel, emerging, infectious diseases. Biosecurity and quarantine, which aim to prevent the establishment of foreign or harmful organisms in a non-native area, are under significant pressure due to the massive increases in travel and trade. Traditionally, quarantine regulations have been implemented based on pathogens that already cause significant disease problems on congener hosts in other parts of the world (e.g., Q-bank, available at http://www.q-bank.eu). Well-known pathogens are described, named, and studied to determine their disease cycle, epidemiology, and impact. Their importance is assessed based on their risk of infection, establishment, and economic or environmental consequences. This then shapes phytosanitary practices.The Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP), THRIP initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Science and Technology (DST)/ National Research Foundation (NRF), and Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB).http://www.plospathogens.orgam2016Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologyPlant Scienc

    Low Temperature Combustion Optimization and Cycle-by-Cycle Variability Through Injection Optimization and Gas-to-Liquid Fuel-Blend Ratio

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    The advent of common rail technology alongside powerful control systems capable of delivering multiple accurate fuel charges during a single engine cycle has revolutionized the level of control possible in diesel combustion. This technology has opened a new path enabling low-temperature combustion (LTC) to become a viable combustion strategy. The aim of the research work presented within this paper is the understanding of how various engine parameters of LTC optimize the combustion both in terms of emissions and in terms of fuel efficiency. The work continues with an investigation of in-cylinder pressure and IMEP cycle-by-cycle variation. Attention will be given to how repeatability changes throughout the combustion cycle, identifying which parts within the cycle are least likely to follow the mean trend and why. Experiments were conducted on a single-cylinder 510cc boosted diesel engine. LTC was affected over varying rail pressure and combustion phasing. Single and split injection regimes of varying dwell-times were investigated. All injection conditions were phased across several crank-angles to demonstrate the interaction between emissions and efficiency. These tests were then repeated with blends of 30% and 50% gas-to-liquid (GTL)-diesel blends in order to determine whether there is any change in the trends of repeatability and variance with increasing GTL blend ratio. The experiments were evaluated in terms of emissions, fuel efficiency, and cyclic behavior. Specific attention was given to how the NO x -PM trade-off changes through increased injection complexity and increasing GTL blend ratio. The cyclic behavior was analyzed in terms of in-cylinder pressure standard deviation. This gives a behavior profile of the repeatability of in-cylinder pressure in comparison to the mean. Each condition was then compared to the behavior of equivalent injection conditions in conventional diesel combustion. Short-dwell split injection was shown to be beneficial for LTC, while NO x was shown to be reduced by the substitution of GTL in the fuel. In-cylinder pressure cyclic behavior was also shown to be comparable or superior to conventional combustion in every case examined. GTL improved this further, but not in proportion to its blend ratio

    Bias in protein and potassium intake collected with 24-h recalls (EPIC-Soft) is rather comparable across European populations

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    Purpose: We investigated whether group-level bias of a 24-h recall estimate of protein and potassium intake, as compared to biomarkers, varied across European centers and whether this was influenced by characteristics of individuals or centers. Methods: The combined data from EFCOVAL and EPIC studies included 14 centers from 9 countries (n = 1,841). Dietary data were collected using a computerized 24-h recall (EPIC-Soft). Nitrogen and potassium in 24-h urine collections were used as reference method. Multilevel linear regression analysis was performed, including individual-level (e.g., BMI) and center-level (e.g., food pattern index) variables. Results: For protein intake, no between-center variation in bias was observed in men while it was 5.7% in women. For potassium intake, the between-center variation in bias was 8.9% in men and null in women. BMI was an important factor influencing the biases across centers (p <0.01 in all analyses). In addition, mode of administration (p = 0.06 in women) and day of the week (p = 0.03 in men and p = 0.06 in women) may have influenced the bias in protein intake across centers. After inclusion of these individual variables, between-center variation in bias in protein intake disappeared for women, whereas for potassium, it increased slightly in men (to 9.5%). Center-level variables did not influence the results. Conclusion: The results suggest that group-level bias in protein and potassium (for women) collected with 24-h recalls does not vary across centers and to a certain extent varies for potassium in men. BMI and study design aspects, rather than center-level characteristics, affected the biases across center

    The purpose of mess in action research: building rigour though a messy turn

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    Mess and rigour might appear to be strange bedfellows. This paper argues that the purpose of mess is to facilitate a turn towards new constructions of knowing that lead to transformation in practice (an action turn). Engaging in action research - research that can disturb both individual and communally held notions of knowledge for practice - will be messy. Investigations into the 'messy area', the interface between the known and the nearly known, between knowledge in use and tacit knowledge as yet to be useful, reveal the 'messy area' as a vital element for seeing, disrupting, analysing, learning, knowing and changing. It is the place where long-held views shaped by professional knowledge, practical judgement, experience and intuition are seen through other lenses. It is here that reframing takes place and new knowing, which has both theoretical and practical significance, arises: a 'messy turn' takes place

    Host jumps shaped the diversity of extant rust fungi (Pucciniales)

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    * The aim of this study was to determine the evolutionary time line for rust fungi and date key speciation events using a molecular clock. Evidence is provided that supports a contemporary view for a recent origin of rust fungi, with a common ancestor on a flowering plant. * Divergence times for > 20 genera of rust fungi were studied with Bayesian evolutionary analyses. A relaxed molecular clock was applied to ribosomal and mitochondrial genes, calibrated against estimated divergence times for the hosts of rust fungi, such as Acacia (Fabaceae), angiosperms and the cupressophytes. * Results showed that rust fungi shared a most recent common ancestor with a mean age between 113 and 115 million yr. This dates rust fungi to the Cretaceous period, which is much younger than previous estimations. Host jumps, whether taxonomically large or between host genera in the same family, most probably shaped the diversity of rust genera. Likewise, species diversified by host shifts (through coevolution) or via subsequent host jumps. This is in contrast to strict coevolution with their hosts. * Puccinia psidii was recovered in Sphaerophragmiaceae, a family distinct from Raveneliaceae, which were regarded as confamilial in previous studies

    Population genomics reveals historical and ongoing recombination in the Fusarium oxysporum species complex

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    The Fusarium oxysporum species complex (FOSC) is a group of closely related plant pathogens long-considered strictly clonal, as sexual stages have never been recorded. Several studies have questioned whether recombination occurs in FOSC, and if it occurs its nature and frequency are unknown. We analysed 410 assembled genomes to answer whether FOSC diversified by occasional sexual reproduction interspersed with numerous cycles of asexual reproduction akin to a model of predominant clonal evolution (PCE). We tested the hypothesis that sexual reproduction occurred in the evolutionary history of FOSC by examining the distribution of idiomorphs at the mating locus, phylogenetic conflict and independent measures of recombination from genome-wide SNPs and genes. A phylogenomic dataset of 40 single copy orthologs was used to define structure a priori within FOSC based on genealogical concordance. Recombination within FOSC was tested using the pairwise homoplasy index and divergence ages were estimated by molecular dating. We called SNPs from assembled genomes using a k-mer approach and tested for significant linkage disequilibrium as an indication of PCE. We clone-corrected and tested whether SNPs were randomly associated as an indication of recombination. Our analyses provide evidence for sexual or parasexual reproduction within, but not between, clades of FOSC that diversified from a most recent common ancestor about 500 000 years ago. There was no evidence of substructure based on geography or host that might indicate how clades diversified. Competing evolutionary hypotheses for FOSC are discussed in the context of our results.The University of Queensland Development Fellowships, the Department of the Environment and Energy under the Australian Biological Resources Study; the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP), the National Research Foundation of South Africa and the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB).http://www.studiesinmycology.orgam2022BiochemistryForestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog
