221 research outputs found

    Effects of Monovalent and Divalent Cations on Ca2+ Fluxes Across Chromaffin Secretory Membrane Vesicles

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    Abstract: Bovine chromaffin secretory vesicle ghosts loaded with Na+ were found to take up Ca2+ when incubated in K+ media or in sucrose media containing micromolar concentrations of free Ca2+. Li+- or choline+loaded ghosts did not take up Ca2+. The Ca2+ accumulated by Na+-loaded ghosts could be released by the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, but not by EGTA. Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by external Sr2+, Na +, Li +, or choline +. All the 45Ca2+ accumulated by Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake could be released by external Na +, indicating that both Ca2+ influx and efflux occur in a Na+-dependent manner. Na + -dependent Ca2+ uptake and release were only slightly inhibited by Mg2+. In the presence of the Na+ ionophore Monensin the Ca2+ uptake by Na +-loaded ghosts was reduced. Ca2+ sequestered by the Na+-dependent mechanism could also be released by external Ca2+ or Sr2+ but not by Mg2+, indicating the presence of a Ca2+/Ca2+ exchange activity in secretory membrane vesicles. This Ca2+/Ca2+ exchange system is inhibited by Mg2+, but not by Sr2+. The Na + -dependent Ca2+ uptake system in the presence of Mg2+ is a saturable process with an apparent Km of 0.28 μM and a Vmax= 14.5 nmol min−1 mg protein−1. Ruthenium red inhibited neither the Na+/Ca2+ nor the Ca2+/Ca2+ exchange, even at high concentrations

    Betel nut and tobacco chewing; potential risk factors of cancer of oesophagus in Assam, India

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    Cancer of the oesophagus is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in males in Assam, in north-eastern India, and ranks second for females. The chewing of betel nut, with or without tobacco and prepared in various ways, is a common practice in the region and a case–control study has been designed to study the pattern of risk associated with different ways of preparing and chewing the nuts. 358 newly diagnosed male patients and 144 female have been interviewed together with 2 control subjects for each case chosen at random from among the attendants who accompanied patients to hospital. There were significant trends in risk ratios associated with the frequency of chewing each day, with the duration of chewing in years and with the age at which the habit was started that were apparent for both males and females and which remained significant after allowance was made for other known risk factors, notably tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption. The adjusted ratios, in comparison with non-chewers, were 13.3 M and 5.7 F for chewing more than 20 times a day, 10.6 M and 7.2 F for persons who had chewed for more than 20 years and 10.3 M and 5.3 F for those who had started before the age of 20. Among the different combinations of ingredients that were chewed the adjusted odds ratios were highest for those who had been using fermented betel nut with any form of tobacco (7.1 M and 3.6 F). The risk associated with tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption, which are high in some parts of the world, were less in Assam than those associated with the chewing of betel nut. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Toward a theory of repeat purchase drivers for consumer services

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    The marketing discipline’s knowledge about the drivers of service customers’ repeat purchase behavior is highly fragmented. This research attempts to overcome that fragmented state of knowledge by making major advances toward a theory of repeat purchase drivers for consumer services. Drawing on means–end theory, the authors develop a hierarchical classification scheme that organizes repeat purchase drivers into an integrative and comprehensive framework. They then identify drivers on the basis of 188 face-to-face laddering interviews in two countries (USA and Germany) and assess the drivers’ importance and interrelations through a national probability sample survey of 618 service customers. In addition to presenting an exhaustive and coherent set of hierarchical repeat-purchase drivers, the authors provide theoretical explanations for how and why drivers relate to one another and to repeat purchase behavior. This research also tests the boundary conditions of the proposed framework by accounting for different service types. In addition to its theoretical contribution, the framework provides companies with specific information about how to manage long-term customer relationships successfully

    Radiographic signs associated with damage to inferior alveolar nerve: A diagnostic tool to perform coronectomy

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    Radiographic signs in the OPG, that indicate a relationship between the lower third molar and the inferior alveolar canal, are considered a risk factor for nerve damage- These signs are darkening of root, deflection of root, narrowing of root, bifid root apex, diversion of canal, narrowing of canal, interruption of white line of canal. The present study assesses the radiographic signs that indicate a relationship between the lower third molar and the inferior alveolar canal and application of these diagnostic tools for efficacy of coronectomy (intentional root retention) over the conventional technique of third molar removal in avoiding injury to the IAN. Eighty patients with radiographic features suggestive of close proximity of IAN to the roots were selected and were randomly divided into two equal groups. Group I patients underwent coronectomies and group I patients underwent removal of the lower third molars by conventional technique. Postoperative neurological assessment was carried out at regular intervals on day 1, 10th day, 1 and 3 months. In group I, none of the patients had evidence of inferior alveolar nerve injury, whereas, there was altered labial sensation in eight patients in group II
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