737 research outputs found
Approche socio-anthropologique pour l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité sociale des zones protégées par les digues fluviales du Rhône aval
National audienceCette communication présente un modèle d’évaluation de la vulnérabilité sociale au risque inondation dans les zones protégées par des digues. Ce modèle articule trois échelles d’analyse. Une échelle macrosociologique porte sur les tendances économiques et socio-démographiques afin d’évaluer la vulnérabilité de grandes unités territoriales cohérentes. L’échelle mésoscopique fait référence à l’espace de groupes sociaux et de regroupements humains cohérents. À cette échelle, on privilégie le recours à l’enquête par questionnaires auprès de ménages en zone inondable. La méthodologie proposée s’oriente en particulier vers une approche comportementaliste afin d’évaluer la propension des individus à s’exposer au risque, en fonction également de leurs capacités d’adaptation, de leurs connaissances de l’inondation, des actions préventives adoptées par les ménages, etc. Enfin, à l’échelle microsociologique, au moyen d’entretiens semi-directifs, l’approche développée tente de cerner les conditions et restrictions à la mise en ½uvre de méthodes quantitatives pour l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité sociale. / A three-scaled model is assumed to estimate the social vulnerability of leveed areas. A macro scale refers to the economic and socio-demographic trends that allow to assess the vulnerability of coherent large urban areas. A meso scale refers to homogeneous communities or social groups. At this scale, the assessment of vulnerability proceeds by questionnaire surveys of households in flood risk areas. The methodology especially adopts a behavioural approach trying to estimate the propensity of people to self-exposure to risks, risk-taking practices, adaptive capacities, knowledge of flood process, the mitigation actions undertaken by householders, etc. At a micro scale, thanks to semi-structured interviews the methodology tries to assess the conditions and the restrictions to an assessment of vulnerability by means of quantitative methods
Multifractal eigenstates of quantum chaos and the Thue-Morse sequence
We analyze certain eigenstates of the quantum baker's map and demonstrate,
using the Walsh-Hadamard transform, the emergence of the ubiquitous Thue-Morse
sequence, a simple sequence that is at the border between quasi-periodicity and
chaos, and hence is a good paradigm for quantum chaotic states. We show a
family of states that are also simply related to Thue-Morse sequence, and are
strongly scarred by short periodic orbits and their homoclinic excursions. We
give approximate expressions for these states and provide evidence that these
and other generic states are multifractal.Comment: Substantially modified from the original, worth a second download. To
appear in Phys. Rev. E as a Rapid Communicatio
Using the Hadamard and related transforms for simplifying the spectrum of the quantum baker's map
We rationalize the somewhat surprising efficacy of the Hadamard transform in
simplifying the eigenstates of the quantum baker's map, a paradigmatic model of
quantum chaos. This allows us to construct closely related, but new, transforms
that do significantly better, thus nearly solving for many states of the
quantum baker's map. These new transforms, which combine the standard Fourier
and Hadamard transforms in an interesting manner, are constructed from
eigenvectors of the shift permutation operator that are also simultaneous
eigenvectors of bit-flip (parity) and possess bit-reversal (time-reversal)
symmetry.Comment: Version to appear in J. Phys. A. Added discussions; modified title;
corrected minor error
Shuffling cards, factoring numbers, and the quantum baker's map
It is pointed out that an exactly solvable permutation operator, viewed as
the quantization of cyclic shifts, is useful in constructing a basis in which
to study the quantum baker's map, a paradigm system of quantum chaos. In the
basis of this operator the eigenfunctions of the quantum baker's map are
compressed by factors of around five or more. We show explicitly its connection
to an operator that is closely related to the usual quantum baker's map. This
permutation operator has interesting connections to the art of shuffling cards
as well as to the quantum factoring algorithm of Shor via the quantum order
finding one. Hence we point out that this well-known quantum algorithm makes
crucial use of a quantum chaotic operator, or at least one that is close to the
quantization of the left-shift, a closeness that we also explore
quantitatively.Comment: 12 pgs. Substantially elaborated version, including a new route to
the quantum bakers map. To appear in J. Phys.
Quantum Return Probability for Substitution Potentials
We propose an effective exponent ruling the algebraic decay of the average
quantum return probability for discrete Schrodinger operators. We compute it
for some non-periodic substitution potentials with different degrees of
randomness, and do not find a complete qualitative agreement with the spectral
type of the substitution sequences themselves, i.e., more random the sequence
smaller such exponent.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, 6 figures; to be published in Journal of Physics
Universalities in One-electron Properties of Limit Quasi-periodic Lattices
We investigate one-electron properties of one-dimensional self-similar
structures called limit quasi-periodic lattices. The trace map of such a
lattice is nonconservative in contrast to the quasi-periodic case, and we can
determine the structure of its attractor. It allows us to obtain the three new
features of the present system: 1) The multi-fractal characters of the energy
spectra are {\it universal}. 2) The supports of the -spectra extend
over the whole unit interval, . 3) There exist marginal critical
states.Comment: 4 pages, 2figure
A Carbon Nanofilament-Bead Necklace
Carbon nanofilaments with carbon beads grown on their surfaces were successfully synthesized reproducibly by a floating catalyst CVD method. The nanofilaments hosting the pearl-like structures typically show an average diameter of about 60 nm, which mostly consists of low-ordered graphite layers. The beads with diameter range 150−450 nm are composed of hundreds of crumpled and random graphite layers. The mechanism for the formation of these beaded nanofilaments is ascribed to two nucleation processes of the pyrolytic carbon deposition, arising from a temperature gradient between different parts of the reaction chamber. Furthermore, the Raman scattering properties of the beaded nanofilaments have been measured, as well as their confocal Raman G-line images. The Raman spectra reveal that that the trunks of the nanofilaments have better graphitic properties than the beads, which is consistent with the HRTEM analysis. The beaded nanofilaments are expected to have high potential applications in composites, which should exhibit both particle- and fiber-reinforcing functions for the host matrixes
Time-to-birth prediction models and the influence of expert opinions
Preterm birth is the leading cause of death among children under five years old. The pathophysiology and etiology of preterm labor are not yet fully understood. This causes a large number of unnecessary hospitalizations due to high--sensitivity clinical policies, which has a significant psychological and economic impact. In this study, we present a predictive model, based on a new dataset containing information of 1,243 admissions, that predicts whether a patient will give birth within a given time after admission. Such a model could provide support in the clinical decision-making process. Predictions for birth within 48 h or 7 days after admission yield an Area Under the Curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUC) of 0.72 for both tasks. Furthermore, we show that by incorporating predictions made by experts at admission, which introduces a potential bias, the prediction effectiveness increases to an AUC score of 0.83 and 0.81 for these respective tasks
Remarks on the Spectral Properties of Tight Binding and Kronig-Penney Models with Substitution Sequences
We comment on some recent investigations on the electronic properties of
models associated to the Thue-Morse chain and point out that their conclusions
are in contradiction with rigorously proven theorems and indicate some of the
sources of these misinterpretations. We briefly review and explain the current
status of mathematical results in this field and discuss some conjectures and
open problems.Comment: 15,CPT-94/P.3003,tex,
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