505 research outputs found

    Cephalopod paralarvae and upwelling conditions off Galician waters (NW Spain)

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    A total of 103 cephalopod paralarvae were sampled during June 1995 in Galician waters (NW Spain). Samples were taken with Bongo nets of 300 and 500 m mesh size at 48 sampling stations along 10 transverse transects ranging from 80 to 600 m water depth. Paralarvae of loliginid squid were most abundant (40%). TheRhynchoteuthion paralarvae of ommastrephid squid accounted for 25%, whereas sepiolids comprised 23% of the total sample. Octopods were scarce, at only 6.6%. Other cephalopod families accounted for 5%. Sizes of paralarvae ranged from 1.0 to 7.1 mm mantle length. Temperature and salinity distribution showed the presence of an intense upwelling during the survey period. The sampling data obtained before and during the presence of upwelled water off Rias of Pontevedra and Vigo (southern zone) showed that paralarval cephalopod abundance and distribution were closely related to the upwelled Eastern North-Atlantic Central Water (ENACW)

    Predation on cephalopods by Pygoscelis papua and Arctocephalus gazelle at south Orkney Islands

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    The cephalopod diet of the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua and the Ant− arctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella was comparatively analyzed at Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands. A total of 125 stomach samples were collected by the water off−loading method from gentoo penguins during the autumns of 1993, 1995 and 1996, and 39 fur seal scats were collected from mid March to April 1988. Cephalopods preyed upon by gentoo penguins were represented by 1974 beaks (1628 lower, 346 upper) which occurred in 50.4% of the samples. Lower beaks identified belonged exclusively to the squid Psychroteuthis glacialis. The mean lower rostral length (LRL) of these beaks was 1.1 mm (range 0.4– 1.8 mm). From the Antarctic fur seal scats 103 beaks (41 lower, 62 upper) were removed from 60.6% of scats which contained prey remains. The cephalopod species identified were Slosarczykovia circumantarctica and P. glacialis which constituted 78.8% and 21.1% in terms of numbers, respectively. The mean lower rostral length for S. circumantarctica was 2.7 mm (range 2.0–3.5 mm), while that of P. glacialis was 1.6 mm (range 1.0–2.5 mm). The foraging behaviour of the two top predators was analyzed and discussed according to the composition and size of their cephalopod prey

    Методика проектирования и технологическая схема повторной ликвидации наклонных стволов закрытых угольных шахт

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    На основе аналитических и технологических исследований разработаны методика проектирования и технологическая схема повторной ликвидации наклонных выработок закрытых шахт способом тампонажа ресурсосберегающими безусадочными смесями. Технология позволяет обеспечить геомеханическую устойчивость породного массива

    Ommastrephes bartramii (Lesueur, 1821)

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    Sepietta oweniana (d’Orbigny, 1841)

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    Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798)

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