228 research outputs found

    Successful transportation of wild stock of endangered "Thooli" (Labeo dussumieri) spawners without anaesthetics

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    Several problems are encountered during transportation of fishes from wild to captivity. The note describes successful transportation of wild caught endangered Labeo dussumieri spawners over distances below 100 km without anesthesia or sophisticated transporting devices which is of immense help in the gene banking programme of endangered species

    Unusual mass shoreward movement of bivalve (Mollusca) Donax scortum Linnaeus along the coastal waters off Calicut - South Eastern Arabian Sea

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    67-72Eutrophication and oxygen depletion are the major factors influencing the responses of benthic organisms in coastal ecosystems. Along the coastal waters of South Eastern Arabian Sea a mass shoreward movement of bivalve Donax scortum (locally referred as “eranthu”) occurred during end phase of summer monsoon upwelling. Possible reasons for this shoreward movement points to the low dissolved oxygen (0.25 ml L-1) in the bottom waters. Intense blooms of large dinoflagellate species, Noctiluca scintillans were observed a week prior to this event along these coastal waters and the crashing related decaying might have resulted in lower DO values in the region. The study discuss on the deleterious effects of hypoxic conditions caused by summer monsoon algal blooms on benthic fauna of South Eastern Arabian Sea

    Good Practices 51: October 2021―ILRI’s digital advisory tool to reduce yield gap in dairy animals in the context of mixed farming

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    In this Good Practice Note, Padmakumar, Ravi, Manikandan and Adithyan throw light on a digital advisory tool developed by ILRI to address the mismatch between nutrient requirement and nutrient availability in dairy animals where a mixed farming system prevails