314 research outputs found

    Application of repetitively pulsed X-ray radiation in experimental oncology

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    Development of new technologies in the field of radiation required new approaches and strategies for their application. Power radiation when one continued pulsed divided to serial pulses with different specific repetition rate could provide more complicated and expressed reaction of the biological objects. We used different normal and tumor cell lines in vivo and in vitro to compare efficacy of different pulse repetition rate of X-ray radiation when the total absorbed dose didn’t exceed 1 Gy. We observed strong dependent of tumor cell reaction to repetition rate. Using this parameter we can stimulate or inhibit tumor growth up to 90% compare to control group. Irradiation of tumor-bearing mice inhibited growth of primary tumor up to 60% with the total absorbed dose 0.4 Gy. Moreover same experimental conditions allowed to reduce number of metastasis in mouse lung at 70%. That resulted in longer survival of experimental animals compare to control group. Thus we can conclude that pulsed radiation with nanosecond pulse duration has a potential for application in oncology

    Beam instrumentation for the Tevatron Collider

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    The Tevatron in Collider Run II (2001-present) is operating with six times more bunches and many times higher beam intensities and luminosities than in Run I (1992-1995). Beam diagnostics were crucial for the machine start-up and the never-ending luminosity upgrade campaign. We present the overall picture of the Tevatron diagnostics development for Run II, outline machine needs for new instrumentation, present several notable examples that led to Tevatron performance improvements, and discuss the lessons for future colliders

    Effect of nanosecond repetitive pulsed microwave exposure on proliferation of bone marrow cells

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    The purpose was to study the proliferative activity of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMNCs) of rats after irradiated by nanosecond repetitive pulsed microwave (RPM). It was found that the irradiated by nanosecond microwave pulses can affect the BMNCs proliferation in vitro. It is important that both stimulation and inhibition of proliferation were observed after exposure. The effect depended on the pulse repetition frequency. The amount of BMNCs increased after exposure to pulse repetition frequency of 13 Hz up to 30% in comparison with a control cells and up to 51% in comparison with a falseirradiated cells. In contrast, there was inhibition up to 40% of BMNCs after exposure to a frequency of 8 Hz, in comparison with a control group

    Fermi level pinning study at the surface of GaP nanowires

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    This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant 18-72-00231)

    Different sensitivity of normal and tumor cells to pulsed radiofrequency exposure

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    The effect of nanosecond radiofrequency pulses (nsRF) on tumor and normal cells has been studied. To determine the viability of cells, an MTT test was used, as well as a real time system for analyzing cell cultures-iCELLigence. It has been shown that ns RF pulses under certain combinations of operating conditions reduce cell proliferation of both tumor and normal cells. Double exposure to 1000 pulses leads to the most effective inhibition of tumor cell proliferation and was 40% after 5 days. Inhibition of the proliferative activity of normal cells was 10% and was maximum after 3 days, then cell growth resumed. The results obtained allow to consider ns RF pulses with different parameters as a promising effective factor for controlling cellular processes for biomedical purposes

    Urgency of strengthening inventive training of technical students in the context of import substitution and competitiveness of the Russian Federation

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    An essential resource for import substitution and enhancing competitiveness is an innovative update of education, in particular reinforced inventive preparation of technical students from first to fifth year with the transition from information-reproductive form of training to innovative-competence one. This will allow young engineers get immediately involved in the innovation process, generating necessary ideas for the challengesДоказывается, что существенным ресурсом импортозамещения и повышения конкурентоспособности является инновационное обновление образования, в частности усиленная изобретательская подготовка студентов технических специальностей с первого по пятый курсы с переходом от информационно-репродуктивной формы обучения к инновационно-компетентностной. Подчеркивается, что это позволит молодым инженерам сразу включиться в инновационный процесс, генерируя необходимые идеи для выполнения поставленных зада

    Формирование наноразмерных бинарных Pt(Pd)-Rh/y-AI2O3+ZrxCe1-xO2 катализаторов в условиях высокотемпературной конверсии CO, NOX и углеводородов

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    The article is aimed at solving the problem of directed synthesis of substances with given properties and creation of new functional materials on their base. The concrete fundamental task is chemical design of new multifunctional (TWC) catalysts that ensure simultaneous conversion of carbon monoxide, carbon hydrоcarbons and nitrogen oxides. The main idea of chemical TWC catalyst construction is realization of segregate interaction of NO and CO with the surface substance y-AI2O3+ZrxCe1-xO2Cодержание статьи направлено на решение проблемы направленного синтеза веществ с заданными свойствами и создание новых функциональных материалов на их основе. Конкретная фундаментальная задача – химическое конструирование новых многофункциональных катализаторов одновременной конверсии монооксида углерода, углеводородов и оксидов азота. Основная идея конструирования TWC катализатора заключается в реализации сегрегативного взаимодействия NO, CO и углеводородов с активной поверхностью y-AI2O3+ZrxCe1-xO2