138 research outputs found

    Utilização de implantes para o manejo de cavidades anoftálmicas

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    Os implantes geralmente são empregados, após a remoção do olho ou do seu conteúdo interno, visando a manutenção do volume orbitário com ou sem a colocação posterior de prótese ocular. Por considerar a cirurgia protética  procedimento de relevância na oftalmologia veterinária e humana, buscar-se-á revisar os principais tipos de implantes descritos na literatura nacional e  internacional, bem como discorrer acerca das principais intercorrências quando da sua utilização em humanos e pacientes veterinários.

    Glaucoma secundário em cães e gatos.

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    O glaucoma é uma síndrome que acomete animais de diferentes espécies e em diferentes momentos de sua vida, tendo causas variáveis em função desta apresentação. Trata-se de uma emergência oftálmica que pode trazer danos irreversíveis a visão bem como a apresentação estética do paciente. Os sinais clínicos comumente apresentados por cães são: aumento da pressão intraocular, presença de vasos episclerais ingurgitados, hiperemia conjuntival, dor, uveíte anterior, luxação da lente e buftalmia, enquanto em gatos, os sinais são menos expressivos, notando-se midriase, leve injeção ciliar e buftalmia progressiva. Para o seu diagnostico são realizados três procedimentos básicos: tonometria, gonioscopia e oftalmoscopia. Quanto ao tratamento pode-se instaurar terapêutica medicamentosa associada ou não a intervenção cirúrgica, contudo, em algum momento, será necessária a realização da evisceração ou enucleação do bulbo do olho

    Microbiota normal bacteriana da conjuntiva ocular – Revisão de literatura

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    Uma grande variedade de microrganismos constitui a microbiota conjuntival normal e vivem em equilíbrio fisiológico com o sistema imune do hospedeiro. Estudos com microbiota conjuntival normal já foram realizados em diversas espécies de animais, buscando-se identificar espécies microbianas residentes e a possível influência de fatores como idade, sexo, raça, clima, condições ambientais e hábitos sociais. Tais microrganismos exercem, dentre outras funções, a redução na implantação de bactérias patogênicas e o estímulo na competição direta com outros microrganismos pelos sítios receptores. Sendo assim, é de grande importância conhecerem-se os microrganismos mais comumente presentes na microbiota conjuntival em cada espécie e em uma determinada região, para que se possa escolher um tratamento antimicrobiano eficaz na vigência de certas oftalmopatias

    ApoE polymorphisms and diarrheal outcomes in Brazilian shanty town children.

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    A series of studies have shown that the heavy burdens of diarrheal diseases in the first 2 formative years of life in children living in urban shanty towns have negative effects on physical and cognitive development lasting into later childhood. We have shown that APOE4 is relatively common in shanty town children living in Brazil (13.4%) and suggest that APOE4 has a protective role in cognitive development as well as weight-for-height in children with heavy burdens of diarrhea in early childhood (64/123; 52%), despite being a marker for cognitive decline with Alzheimer?s and cardiovascular diseases later in life. APOE2 frequency was higher among children with heaviest diarrhea burdens during the first 2 years of life, as detected by PCR using the restriction fragment length polymorphism method, raising the possibility that ApoE-cholesterol balance might be critical for growth and cognitive development under the stress of heavy diarrhea burdens and when an enriched fat diet is insufficient. These findings provide a potential explanation for the survival advantage in evolution of genes, which might raise cholesterol levels during heavy stress of diarrhea burdens and malnutrition early in life


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    This study was developed to analyze socio-cultural factors that may influence the breastfeeding practices of low-income women in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. This observational study utilized Leininger’s Culture Care Theory to identify and analyze key socio-cultural factors. The study was based on 12 pregnant and breastfeeding women. Using an observational data sheet created in concordance with the Sunrise model (Leininger), we visited the homes of pregnant and breastfeeding women and observed their living conditions. Our observations were recorded and photographs were taken of the overall housing conditions, the surrounding neighborhood, and the local clinic. Living conditions were impoverished. Most homes had inadequate refrigeration, structural problems, and provided small living space. This indicated the severity of the residents’ economic situations. The women observed were usually self-employed and living with at least one family member. The factors that appeared to have the most influence on women’s decisions regarding breastfeeding were familial and economic factors. It is expected that the findings of this study will lead to more culturally appropriate and effective interventions aimed at increasing breastfeeding initiation and duration.Esta investigación fue desarrollada para analizar los factores socioculturales que pueden influir en la práctica de la lactancia entre mujeres de baja renta en Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Este estudio de observación utilizó la Teoría del Cuidado Cultural de Leininger para identificar y analizar los factores socioculturales clave. El estudio involucró a 12 gestantes y nodrizas. Usando un formulario de observación creado de acuerdo con el modelo del Sol Naciente (Leininger), fueron llevadas a cabo visitas en los domicilios de las mujeres y observadas sus condiciones de vida. Las observaciones fueron registradas en el formulario y se sacaron fotografías de las condiciones generales de la morada, de la vecindad y del servicio de salud local. Las condiciones de vida son pobres. La mayoría de las casas tiene refrigeración inadecuada, problemas estructurales y poco espacio. Eso revela la gravedad de las condiciones económicas de los residentes. Las mujeres observadas en general eran autónomas y vivían con por lo menos un miembro de la familia. Los factores que aparentemente ejercían mayor influencia sobre la decisión de las mujeres a favor de la lactancia fueron los económicos y familiares. Se espera que los hallazgos de este estudio lleven a intervenciones más efectivas y culturalmente apropiadas con objeto de aumentar el inicio y la duración de la lactancia.Este estudo foi desenvolvido para analisar os fatores socioculturais que podem influenciar a prática da amamentação entre mulheres de baixa renda em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Este estudo observacional utilizou a Teoria do Cuidado Cultural de Leininger para identificar e analisar os fatores socioculturais chave. O estudo envolveu 12 gestantes e nutrizes. Usando um formulário de observação criado de acordo com o modelo do Sol Nascente (Leininger) foram realizadas visitas nos domicílios das mulheres e observadas suas condições de vida. As observações foram registradas no formulário e foram realizadas fotografias das condições gerais da moradia, da vizinhança e do serviço de saúde local. As condições de vida são pobres. A maioria das casas tem refrigeração inadequada, problemas estruturais e pouco espaço. Isso revela a gravidade das condições econômicas dos residentes. As mulheres observadas em geral eram autônomas e viviam com pelo menos um membro da família. Os fatores que pareceram ter mais influência sobre a decisão das mulheres em amamentar foram os fatores econômicos e familiares. Espera-se que os achados deste estudo levem a intervenções mais efetivas e culturalmente apropriadas visando o aumento do início e duração da amamentação

    Apolipoprotein E4 influences growth and cognitive responses to micronutrient supplementation in shantytown children from northeast Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: Apolipoprotein E4 may benefit children during early periods of life when the body is challenged by infection and nutritional decline. We examined whether apolipoprotein E4 affects intestinal barrier function, improving short-term growth and long-term cognitive outcomes in Brazilian shantytown children. METHODS: A total of 213 Brazilian shantytown children with below-median height-for-age z-scores (HAZ) received 200,000 IU of retinol (every four months), zinc (40 mg twice weekly), or both for one year, with half of each group receiving glutamine supplementation for 10 days. Height-for-age z-scores, weight-for-age z-scores, weight-forheight z-scores, and lactulose:mannitol ratios were assessed during the initial four months of treatment. An average of four years (range 1.4-6.6) later, the children underwent cognitive testing to evaluate non-verbal intelligence, coding, verbal fluency, verbal learning, and delayed verbal learning. Apolipoprotein E4 carriage was determined by PCR analysis for 144 children. RESULTS: Thirty-seven children were apolipoprotein E4(+), with an allele frequency of 13.9%. Significant associations were found for vitamin A and glutamine with intestinal barrier function. Apolipoprotein E4(+) children receiving glutamine presented significant positive Pearson correlations between the change in height-for-age z-scores over four months and delayed verbal learning, along with correlated changes over the same period in weight-for-age z-scores and weight-for-height z-scores associated with non-verbal intelligence quotients. There was a significant correlation between vitamin A supplementation of apolipoprotein E4(+) children and improved delta lactulose/mannitol. Apolipoprotein E4(-) children, regardless of intervention, exhibited negative Pearson correlations between the change in lactulose-to-mannitol ratio over four months and verbal learning and non-verbal intelligence. CONCLUSIONS: During development, apolipoprotein E4 may function concomitantly with gut-tropic nutrients to benefit immediate nutritional status, which can translate into better long-term cognitive outcomes

    Apolipoprotein E4 influences growth and cognitive responses to micronutrient supplementation in shantytown children from northeast Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: Apolipoprotein E4 may benefit children during early periods of life when the body is challenged by infection and nutritional decline. We examined whether apolipoprotein E4 affects intestinal barrier function, improving short-term growth and long-term cognitive outcomes in Brazilian shantytown children. METHODS: A total of 213 Brazilian shantytown children with below-median height-for-age z-scores (HAZ) received 200,000 IU of retinol (every four months), zinc (40 mg twice weekly), or both for one year, with half of each group receiving glutamine supplementation for 10 days. Height-for-age z-scores, weight-for-age z-scores, weight-forheight z-scores, and lactulose:mannitol ratios were assessed during the initial four months of treatment. An average of four years (range 1.4-6.6) later, the children underwent cognitive testing to evaluate non-verbal intelligence, coding, verbal fluency, verbal learning, and delayed verbal learning. Apolipoprotein E4 carriage was determined by PCR analysis for 144 children. RESULTS: Thirty-seven children were apolipoprotein E4(+), with an allele frequency of 13.9%. Significant associations were found for vitamin A and glutamine with intestinal barrier function. Apolipoprotein E4(+) children receiving glutamine presented significant positive Pearson correlations between the change in height-for-age z-scores over four months and delayed verbal learning, along with correlated changes over the same period in weight-for-age z-scores and weight-for-height z-scores associated with non-verbal intelligence quotients. There was a significant correlation between vitamin A supplementation of apolipoprotein E4(+) children and improved delta lactulose/mannitol. Apolipoprotein E4(-) children, regardless of intervention, exhibited negative Pearson correlations between the change in lactulose-to-mannitol ratio over four months and verbal learning and non-verbal intelligence. CONCLUSIONS: During development, apolipoprotein E4 may function concomitantly with gut-tropic nutrients to benefit immediate nutritional status, which can translate into better long-term cognitive outcomes