97 research outputs found

    Directions to improve economic efficiency of regional production

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    The paper provides theoretical grounding and the directions for improving the economic efficiency of the regional feedstuff production. The study develops a conceptual model of distributing management functions of feedstuff production between the regional authorities of state sectoral and economic management and the district level. The authors suggest the methodology for calculating potential capacity of intraregional feedstuff market, considering the demands of all categories of agricultural manufacturers. The study examines possibilities for implementing the strategy of diversified growth and development of the intraregional feedstuff market, including the terms of interaction between the large and micro-business inside the industry and cooperation of micro-business feedstuff manufacturers with agricultural production. The authors have developed the methodology for assessing the efficiency of feedstuff production, based on the aggregate estimation of the management organization, conditions for the development of feedstuff production and changes in the feedstuff production and livestock breeding industry.peer-reviewe

    Inflammatory Activity in Patients with Obstructive and Non-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

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    Aim. To study the levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers  in patients with obstructive  and non-obstructive coronary  artery disease (CAD), to identify possible differences  for diagnosing the degree of coronary  obstruction.Material and methods. The observational  study included two groups of patients: with non-obstructive (main group,  coronary artery stenosis <50%; n=30) and obstructive  (comparison group,  hemodynamically significant  coronary  artery stenosis according to the results of coronary  angiography; n=30) CAD.  The levels of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) were measured in plasma using enzyme  immunoassay.Results. IL-6  levels were significantly higher in patients with obstructive  CAD  (p=0.006) than in patients with non-obstructive CAD.  There were no significant  differences  in the level of IL-1β in both groups  (p=0.482). When  constructing the ROC  curve,  the threshold  value of IL-6  was  26.060 pg/ml. At the level of IL-6  less than this value, CAD  was diagnosed with hemodynamically insignificant stenoses of the coronary  arteries.Conclusion. The results of this study confirm that in patients with different types of coronary  artery lesions, there are differences  in the activity of the inflammation process in the arterial wall. IL-6  was higher in the obstructive  lesion group,  and IL-1β levels did not differ between groups.  Thus, it can be assumed  that hemodynamically significant  obstruction  of the coronary  arteries develops  as a result of highly  active inflammation of the vascular wall. Given the presence of a proven biological  basis and the available data on the effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies to IL-1β, one cannot exclude their possible benefit in a cohort of patients with CAD  and hemodynamically insignificant stenoses

    Health Care for Standing Work

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    В статье даются рекомендации для сохранения здоровья при стоячей работе, в том числе рассматриваются варианты по выбору обуви и подбору физических упражнений при работе стоя (как статической, так и динамической), а также для снятия усталости с ног.This article provides recommendations for staying healthy while standing, including options for choosing footwear and exercise for standing work (both static and dynamic), as well as for relieving leg fatigue

    Evaluation of Fibrosis Markers as a Potential Method for Diagnosing Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease

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    Aim. To study the levels of fibrosis markers in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and various types of coronary artery (CA) lesions (obstructive and non-obstructive), to identify possible differences for diagnosing the types of coronary obstruction.Material and methods. The observational study included three groups of patients: with non-obstructive (main group, coronary artery stenosis <50%; n=20) and obstructive (comparison group, hemodynamically significant coronary artery stenosis according to the results of coronary angiography; n=20) CAD and healthy volunteers (control group; n=40). Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) levels were measured in plasma by enzyme immunoassay. According to the results of echocardiography, all patients included in the study were divided into four groups depending on the type of myocardial remodeling.Results. TGF-β1 levels were significantly higher in patients with obstructive CAD (p=0.008) than in patients with non-obstructive CAD and healthy volunteers (p <0.001). There were no significant differences between the main and control groups (p>0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in TGF-β1 levels depending on the type of left ventricular remodeling (p=0.139). The maximum level of MMP-9 was in the group with obstructive coronary disease and significantly differed from the main group (p <0.001) and the control group (p=0.04).Conclusio. The maximum levels of TGF-β1 and MMP-9 were found in the group with obstructive coronary artery disease. The levels of these biomarkers in the main group were statistically different from the values obtained in the control group. Thus, considering the pathogenesis of the development of non-obstructive CAD, the use of fibrosis markers TGF-β1 and MMP-9 may be promising for diagnosing the severity of CA obstruction

    Economic aspects of local authorities functioning

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    © The authors. The relevance of the study on economic aspects of local authorities' functioning is due to their dual nature in the complex system of market relations. In this regard, this article is aimed at economic aspects' revealing of local authorities' functioning, as well as the disclosure of various interest levels' interaction in the system of municipal management. A leading approach in the study of this problem is the method of the effectiveness assessing of local authorities' functioning. The article presents the analysis of domestic researchers' different points of view in relation to the substantial characteristics of municipal economy, reveals the nature of the interaction of various interest levels in the system of municipal relations, discloses the duality of local authorities' position in the municipal system of economic relations, proposes a classification of business entities under the municipal economy, proves the specificity of the economic and moral relations in the system of local authorities. The article is valuable for researchers, teachers and students studying the problems of formation and development of the national municipal economy, research methods within the discipline "Economics of public (government) services", "Municipal economy", as well as specialists of local authorities who are concerned with the improvement and development of municipal economy

    Экологическое сортоиспытание моркови столовой селекции ФГБНУ ФНЦО в условиях юга Ростовской области

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    The results of ecological variety testing of table carrot samples in soil and climatic conditions of the south of the Rostov region are presented. The experiments were laid in the period 2020 and 2021 in the fields of the Biryuchekut OSOS branch of the FSBI FNCO in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. 12 samples of carrot plants from the first year of life were studied. The most productive samples were Marlinka – 59.7 t/ha Aksinya – 55.3 t/ha and Abaco F1 standard – 51.9 t/ha. The marketability of root crops was higher in the samples of Shantane 2461-82%, Aksinya – 78.9%, Boyar – 74.2% and Primorskaya 22-72.9%. The conducted research makes a great contribution to the process of selecting the source material for the creation of new varieties and hybrids of table carrots. The isolated samples can be recommended for commercial cultivation in the Rostov region and used in breeding work as a starting material.Представлены результаты экологического сортоиспытания образцов моркови столовой в почвенно-климатических условиях юга Ростовской области. Опыты закладывались в период 2020 и 2021 годов на полях Бирючекутской ОСОС – филиале ФГБНУ ФНЦО в городе Новочеркасск Ростовской области. Изучено 12 образцов моркови столовой. Наиболее урожайными были образцы Марлинка – 59,7 т/га, Аксинья – 55,3 т/га и стандарт Абако F1 – 51,9 т/га. Товарность корнеплодов была более высокой у образцов Шантенэ 2461 – 82%, Аксинья – 78,9%, Боярыня – 74,2% и Приморская 22 – 72,9%. Проведенные исследования вносят вклад в процесс подбора исходного материала для создания новых сортов и гибридов моркови столовой. Выделившиеся образцы могут быть рекомендованы для товарного производства в Ростовской области и использованы в селекционной работе в качестве исходного материала

    Menadione sodium bisulfite effect on growth performance and fatty acid profiles of geese muscle tissues

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    The specific effect of menadione sodium bisulfite (MSB, vicasol) on the content of specific fatty acids in skeletal muscle and muscular stomach of geese was established. MSB can stimulate the biosynthesis processes and catabolism of fatty acids depending on the period of the geese ontogenesis. Experimental use of MSB in skeletal muscle helps to increase the total content of unsaturated fatty acids (FA) primarily due to n-3 FAs. MSB increases the content of PUFA and SFA on the 35th day of ontogenesis, so the nutritional value of meat improves, and the resistance of myocyte membranes increases to oxidative damage. In the smooth muscle tissue of the goose stomach, the action of MSB revealed a higher content of UFA only on the 21st day of ontogenesis, due to PUFA, in particular, n-6 and MUFA. On the 28th day of ontogenesis, the content of PUFA increases due to n-3, with a decrease in the total content of UFA. At the end of the experiment, the UFA content decreases with increasing SFA. Reducton of the content of essential n-3, n-6, and UFA negatively affects the nutritional value of the product but increases the resistance of tissues to the active forms of oxygen. The use of MSB contributes to the overall increase of the average daily weight gain of geese from the 21st to the 28th day. The average body weight from the 21st to the 35th ontogenesis relative to the control group. We recommend using MSB at a dose of 0.7 mg/kg body weight for gosling feeding to increase the essential FA content in skeletal muscle tissue


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    Analysis of measures for preventing the delivery and spreading of «atypical pneumonia» in Krasnoyarsk region is presented. Effect of counteracting with this infectious disease of the executive authority organs, State Surveillance service, public health and other interested institutions is emphasized. Further preventing measures against «atypical pneumonia» are determined

    Шкала оценки сопутствующих заболеваний у ареактивных пациентов (CoCoS): лингвокультурная адаптация русскоязычной версии (сообщение)

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       Identification of complications and control of comorbidities are essential in monitoring the patients with chronic disorders of consciousness and predicting their outcomes. The researchers of the Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences of the University of L'Aquila (Italy) developed the Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS) for a comprehensive assessment of such patients. Lack of an officially validated version of the scale hampers its use in Russia, while using versions which have not been completely validated prevents clinicians from obtaining reliable results when examining patients with chronic disorders of consciousness.   Aim. To develop the official Russian language version of the Comorbidities Coma Scale, considering various linguistic and cultural parameters, as a part of the 1st stage of the validation study.   Material and methods. The first stage of validation was completed: direct and reverse translation of the scale was performed by two independent medical translators. The translated version was assessed by an expert board including an expert translator, neurologists, and critical care specialists. Pilot test and two meetings of the expert board, before and after testing, were arranged to assess the results and approve the final Russian version of the scale.   Results. During the first meeting of the expert board, corrections were made in the Russian language version of the scale in terms of language and cultural adaptation. Pilot testing was carried out based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The researchers had no difficulties in understanding and interpreting the instructions for the scale. The second meeting of the expert board was held thereupon, and the final version of the Russian language version of the scale was adopted, which is available on the website of the Center for Validation of Health Status Questionnaires and Scales of the Research Center of Neurology.   Conclusion. The first stage of validation, i. e., linguistic and cultural adaptation, was carried out at the Research Center of Neurology (Moscow, Russia). For the first time, the Russian version of the scale for assessing comorbidities in patients with chronic disorders of consciousness was presented and approved for the practical use. The future publications will address the psychometric results of the scale such as sensitivity, validity, reliability.   Выявление осложнений и контроль над течением сопутствующих заболеваний является важнейшим этапом в отслеживании динамики и прогнозе исходов у пациентов с хроническими нарушениями сознания. Для проведения оценки состояния у данной категории пациентов сотрудниками департамента биотехнологических и прикладных клинических наук университета L'Aquila (Италия) была разработана шкала — Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS). Отсутствие официально валидированной версии данной шкалы затрудняет ее применение в России, а использование версий, не прошедших все необходимые этапы валидации, препятствует получению достоверных результатов при обследовании пациентов с хроническими нарушениями сознания.   Цель. Разработка официальной русскоязычной версии Шкалы оценки сопутствующих заболеваний у ареактивных пациентов с учетом языковых и культурных особенностей ее пользователей в рамках проведения 1-го этапа валидационного исследования.   Материал и методы. Письменное разрешение на адаптацию шкалы CoCoS было получено сотрудниками группы валидации международных шкал и опросников Научного центра неврологии (ФГБНУ НЦН, г. Москва, Россия) у разработчика оригинальной версии Francesca Pistoia. Провели первый этап валидации: выполнен прямой и обратный перевод шкалы двумя независимыми медицинскими переводчиками. Произведена оценка разработанной версии экспертной комиссией с участием переводчика-эксперта, неврологов и анестезиологов-реаниматологов. Провели пилотное тестирование на 15 пациентах с диагнозом хронического нарушения сознания и два заседания экспертной комиссии до и после тестирования для оценки результатов и утверждения окончательной русскоязычной версии шкалы.   Результаты. В ходе первого заседания экспертной комиссии внесли поправки в русскоязычную версию шкалы в рамках языковой и культурной адаптации: были изменены единицы измерения лабораторных показателей с мг/дл на ммоль/л в 7-м и 14-м пунктах (оценка гликемии и концентрации креатинина, соответственно). Изменен термин «надаортальные сосуды» на «брахиоцефальные артерии» в 10-м пункте, сопоставлены предложенные варианты повреждения мягких тканей со стадиями развития пролежней согласно NPUAP — EPUAP [18] в 21-м пункте, добавлен параметр индекс массы тела (ИМТ) для оценки выраженности недостаточности питания. В ходе пилотного тестирования с учетом критериев включения и исключения сложностей при понимании и интерпретации инструкций шкалы у исследователей не возникло. По итогам состоялось второе заседание экспертной комиссии, на котором приняли окончательный вариант русскоязычной версии шкалы. Он доступен для ознакомления на сайте группы валидациимеждународных шкал и опросников ФГБНУ НЦН https://www.neurology.ru/reabilitaciya/centr-validacii-mezhdunarodnyh-shkal-i-oprosnikov, а также по QR-коду.   Заключение. На базе ФГБНУ НЦН выполнили первый этап валидации — лингвокультурную адаптацию. Впервые представили и рекомендовали к использованию русскоязычную версию Шкалы оценки сопутствующих заболеваний у ареактивных пациентов. В последующих публикациях будут представлены результаты оценки психометрических свойств (чувствительность, валидность, надежность) русскоязычной версии данной шкалы