242 research outputs found

    Functional P2X7 receptors in the auditory nerve of hearing rodents localize exclusively to peripheral glia

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    P2X7 receptors (P2X7Rs) are associated with numerous pathophysiological mechanisms, and this promotes them as therapeutic targets for certain neurodegenerative conditions. However, the identity of P2X7R-expressing cells in the nervous system remains contentious. Here we examined P2X7R functionality in auditory nerve cells from rodents of either sex, and determined their functional and anatomical expression pattern. In whole-cell recordings from rat spiral ganglion cultures, the purinergic agonist 2',3'-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)-ATP (BzATP) activated desensitizing currents in spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), but non-desensitizing currents in glia that were blocked by P2X7R-specific antagonists. In imaging experiments, BzATP gated sustained Ca2+ entry into glial cells. BzATP-gated uptake of the fluorescent dye YO-PRO-1 was reduced and slowed by P2X7R-specific antagonists. In rats, P2X7Rs were immuno-localized predominantly within satellite glial cells (SGCs) and Schwann cells (SCs). P2X7R expression was not detected in the portion of the auditory nerve within the central nervous system. Mouse models allowed further exploration of the distribution of cochlear P2X7Rs. In GENSAT reporter mice, EGFP expression driven via the P2rx7 promoter was evident in SGCs and SCs but was undetectable in SGNs. A second transgenic model showed a comparable cellular distribution of EGFP-tagged P2X7Rs. In wild-type mice the discrete glial expression was confirmed using a P2X7-specific nanobody construct. Our study shows that P2X7Rs are expressed by peripheral glial cells, rather than by afferent neurons. Description of functional signatures and cellular distributions of these enigmatic proteins in the peripheral nervous system will help our understanding of ATP-dependent effects contributing to hearing loss and other sensory neuropathies.Significance statementP2X7 receptors have been the subject of much scrutiny in recent years. They have been promoted as therapeutic targets in a number of diseases of the nervous system, yet the specific cellular location of these receptors remains the subject of intense debate. In the auditory nerve, connecting the inner ear to the brainstem, we show these multi-modal ATP-gated channels localize exclusively to peripheral glial cells rather than the sensory neurons, and are not evident in central glia. Physiological responses in the peripheral glia display classical hallmarks of P2X7 receptor activation, including the formation of ion-permeable and also macromolecule-permeable pores. These qualities suggest these proteins could contribute to glial-mediated inflammatory processes in the auditory periphery under pathological disease states

    Alternative splicing of the n-terminal cytosolic and transmembrane domains of P2X7 controls gating of the ion channel by ADP-ribosylation

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    P2X7 is a homotrimeric ion channel with two transmembrane domains and a large extracellular ATP-binding domain. It plays a key role in the response of immune cells to danger signals released from cells at sites of inflammation. Gating of murine P2X7 can be induced by the soluble ligand ATP, as well as by NAD(+)-dependent ADP-ribosylation of arginine 125, a posttranslational protein modification catalyzed by the toxin-related ecto-enzymes ART2.1 and ART2.2. R125 is located at the edge of the ligand-binding crevice. Recently, an alternative splice variant of P2X7, designated P2X7(k), was discovered that differs from the previously described variant P2X7(a) in the N-terminal 42 amino acid residues composing the first cytosolic domain and most of the Tm1 domain. Here we compare the two splice variants of murine P2X7 with respect to their sensitivities to gating by ADP-ribosylation in transfected HEK cells. Our results show that the P2X7(k) variant is sensitive to activation by ADP-ribosylation whereas the P2X7(a) variant is insensitive, despite higher cell surface expression levels. Interestingly, a single point mutation (R276K) renders the P2X7(a) variant sensitive to activation by ADP-ribosylation. Residue 276 is located at the interface of neighboring subunits approximately halfway between the ADP-ribosylation site and the transmembrane domains. Moreover, we show that naive and regulatory T cells preferentially express the more sensitive P2X7(k) variant, while macrophages preferentially express the P2X7(a) variant. Our results indicate that differential splicing of alternative exons encoding the N-terminal cytosolic and transmembrane domains of P2X7 control the sensitivity of different immune cells to extracellular NAD(+) and ATP

    The P2X7 receptor contributes to seizures and inflammation-driven long-lasting brain hyperexcitability following hypoxia in neonatal mice.

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    Neonatal seizures represent a clinical emergency. However, current anti-seizure medications fail to resolve seizures in ~50% of infants. The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is an important driver of inflammation, and evidence suggests that P2X7R contributes to seizures and epilepsy in adults. However, no genetic proof has yet been provided to determine what contribution P2X7R makes to neonatal seizures, its effects on inflammatory signalling during neonatal seizures, and the therapeutic potential of P2X7R-based treatments on long-lasting brain excitability. Neonatal seizures were induced by global hypoxia in 7-day-old mouse pups (P7). The role of P2X7Rs during seizures was analysed in P2X7R-overexpressing and knockout mice. Treatment of wild-type mice after hypoxia with the P2X7R antagonist JNJ-47965567 was used to determine the effects of the P2X7R on long-lasting brain hyperexcitability. Cell type-specific P2X7R expression was analysed in P2X7R-EGFP reporter mice. RNA sequencing was used to monitor P2X7R-dependent hippocampal downstream signalling. P2X7R deletion reduced seizure severity, whereas P2X7R overexpression exacerbated seizure severity and reduced responsiveness to anti-seizure medication. P2X7R deficiency led to an anti-inflammatory phenotype in microglia, and treatment of mice with a P2X7R antagonist reduced long-lasting brain hyperexcitability. RNA sequencing identified several pathways altered in P2X7R knockout mice after neonatal hypoxia, including a down-regulation of genes implicated in inflammation and glutamatergic signalling. Treatments based on targeting the P2X7R may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for neonatal seizures with P2X7Rs contributing to the generation of neonatal seizures, driving inflammatory processes and long-term hyperexcitability states

    Part Load Capability of a High Temperature Heat Pump with Reversed Brayton Cycle

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    This paper studies the part load behavior and capability of a high temperature heat pump that operates with the Brayton cycle. A novel concept of a high temperature heat pump which is currently under construction in Cottbus (Germany) is presented. It goes far beyond temperature levels of current high temperature heat pumps and will provide process heat at above 250 °C. The heat pump uses a closed Brayton cycle driven by axial turbomachinery and provides up to 200 kW of thermal energy. The thermal output can be adjusted by variation of compressor shaft speed, use of internal recuperation and additionally by variation of the fluid inventory. The latter allows operation of our prototype within a broad part load range down to 25 % of the nominal power at nearly constant efficiencies and output temperatures. Brayton cycle heat pumps can be adapted to a wide range of industrial processes and enable highly efficient thermal energy storage systems to balance grid fluctuations

    The antiarrhythmic compound efsevin directly modulates voltage‐dependent anion channel 2 by binding to its inner wall and enhancing mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake

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    Background and Purpose The synthetic compound efsevin was recently identified to suppress arrhythmogenesis in models of cardiac arrhythmia, making it a promising candidate for antiarrhythmic therapy. Its activity was shown to be dependent on the voltage‐dependent anion channel 2 (VDAC2) in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Here, we investigated the molecular mechanism of the efsevin–VDAC2 interaction. Experimental Approach To evaluate the functional interaction of efsevin and VDAC2, we measured currents through recombinant VDAC2 in planar lipid bilayers. Using molecular ligand‐protein docking and mutational analysis, we identified the efsevin binding site on VDAC2. Finally, physiological consequences of the efsevin‐induced modulation of VDAC2 were analysed in HL‐1 cardiomyocytes. Key Results In lipid bilayers, efsevin reduced VDAC2 conductance and shifted the channel's open probability towards less anion‐selective closed states. Efsevin binds to a binding pocket formed by the inner channel wall and the pore‐lining N‐terminal α‐helix. Exchange of amino acids N207, K236 and N238 within this pocket for alanines abolished the channel's efsevin‐responsiveness. Upon heterologous expression in HL‐1 cardiomyocytes, both channels, wild‐type VDAC2 and the efsevin‐insensitive VDAC2AAA restored mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, but only wild‐type VDAC2 was sensitive to efsevin. Conclusion and Implications In summary, our data indicate a direct interaction of efsevin with VDAC2 inside the channel pore that leads to modified gating and results in enhanced SR‐mitochondria Ca2+ transfer. This study sheds new light on the function of VDAC2 and provides a basis for structure‐aided chemical optimization of efsevin

    P2X receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    P2X receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on P2X Receptors [49, 146]) have a trimeric topology [118, 128, 144, 197] with two putative TM domains per P2X subunit, gating primarily Na+, K+ and Ca2+, exceptionally Cl-. The Nomenclature Subcommittee has recommended that for P2X receptors, structural criteria should be the initial basis for nomenclature where possible. X-ray crystallography indicates that functional P2X receptors are trimeric and three agonist molecules are required to bind to a single trimeric assembly in order to activate it [118, 144, 95, 103, 177]. Native receptors may occur as either homotrimers (e.g. P2X1 in smooth muscle) or heterotrimers (e.g. P2X2:P2X3 in the nodose ganglion [280], P2X1:P2X5 in mouse cortical astrocytes [162], and P2X2:P2X5 in mouse dorsal root ganglion, spinal cord and mid pons [53, 234]. P2X2, P2X4 and P2X7 receptor activation can lead to influx of large cationic molecules, such as NMDG+, Yo-Pro, ethidium or propidium iodide [211]. The permeability of the P2X7 receptor is modulated by the amount of cholesterol in the plasma membrane [193]. The hemi-channel pannexin-1 was initially implicated in the action of P2X7 [212], but not P2X2, receptors [41], but this interpretation is probably misleading [215]. Convincing evidence now supports the view that the activated P2X7 receptor is immediately permeable to large cationic molecules, but influx proceeds at a much slower pace than that of the small cations Na+, K+, and Ca2+ [66]

    P2X receptors (version 2020.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    P2X receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on P2X Receptors [48, 141]) have a trimeric topology [124, 139, 188] with two putative TM domains, gating primarily Na+, K+ and Ca2+, exceptionally Cl-. The Nomenclature Subcommittee has recommended that for P2X receptors, structural criteria should be the initial criteria for nomenclature where possible. X-ray crystallography indicates that functional P2X receptors are trimeric and three agonist molecules are required to bind to a single receptor in order to activate it [139, 93, 101, 170]. Native receptors may occur as either homotrimers (e.g. P2X1 in smooth muscle) or heterotrimers (e.g. P2X2:P2X3 in the nodose ganglion [265], P2X1:P2X5 in mouse cortical astrocytes [155], and P2X2:P2X5 in mouse dorsal root ganglion, spinal cord and mid pons [52, 221]. P2X2, P2X4 and P2X7 receptor activation can also lead to influx of large cationic molecules, such as NMDG, Yo-Pro, ethidium or propidium iodide [200]. The hemi-channel pannexin-1 was initially implicated in the action of P2X7 [201], but not P2X2, receptors [40], but this interpretation is probably misleading. Convincing evidence now supports the view that the activated P2X7 receptor is immediately permeable to large cationic molecules, but influx proceeds at a much slower pace than that of the small cations Na+, K+, and Ca2+ [64]

    Update of P2X receptor properties and their pharmacology: IUPHAR Review 30

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    The known seven mammalian receptor subunits (P2X1–7) form cationic channels gated by ATP. Three subunits compose a receptor channel. Each subunit is a polypeptide consisting of two transmembrane regions (TM1 and TM2), intracellular N- and C-termini, and a bulky extracellular loop. Crystallization allowed the identification of the 3D structure and gating cycle of P2X receptors. The agonist-binding pocket is located at the intersection of two neighbouring subunits. In addition to the mammalian P2X receptors, their primitive ligand-gated counterparts with little structural similarity have also been cloned. Selective agonists for P2X receptor subtypes are not available, but medicinal chemistry supplied a range of subtype-selective antagonists, as well as positive and negative allosteric modulators. Knockout mice and selective antagonists helped to identify pathological functions due to defective P2X receptors, such as male infertility (P2X1), hearing loss (P2X2), pain/cough (P2X3), neuropathic pain (P2X4), inflammatory bone loss (P2X5), and faulty immune reactions (P2X7)

    Predictive biomarker discovery through the parallel integration of clinical trial and functional genomics datasets

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    The European Union multi-disciplinary Personalised RNA interference to Enhance the Delivery of Individualised Cytotoxic and Targeted therapeutics (PREDICT) consortium has recently initiated a framework to accelerate the development of predictive biomarkers of individual patient response to anti-cancer agents. The consortium focuses on the identification of reliable predictive biomarkers to approved agents with anti-angiogenic activity for which no reliable predictive biomarkers exist: sunitinib, a multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor and everolimus, a mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway inhibitor. Through the analysis of tumor tissue derived from pre-operative renal cell carcinoma (RCC) clinical trials, the PREDICT consortium will use established and novel methods to integrate comprehensive tumor-derived genomic data with personalized tumor-derived small hairpin RNA and high-throughput small interfering RNA screens to identify and validate functionally important genomic or transcriptomic predictive biomarkers of individual drug response in patients. PREDICT's approach to predictive biomarker discovery differs from conventional associative learning approaches, which can be susceptible to the detection of chance associations that lead to overestimation of true clinical accuracy. These methods will identify molecular pathways important for survival and growth of RCC cells and particular targets suitable for therapeutic development. Importantly, our results may enable individualized treatment of RCC, reducing ineffective therapy in drug-resistant disease, leading to improved quality of life and higher cost efficiency, which in turn should broaden patient access to beneficial therapeutics, thereby enhancing clinical outcome and cancer survival. The consortium will also establish and consolidate a European network providing the technological and clinical platform for large-scale functional genomic biomarker discovery. Here we review our current understanding of molecular mechanisms driving resistance to anti-angiogenesis agents, the current limitations of laboratory and clinical trial strategies and how the PREDICT consortium will endeavor to identify a new generation of predictive biomarkers
