447 research outputs found

    Degradation of the Indospicine Toxin from Indigofera spicata by a Mixed Population of Rumen Bacteria

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    The leguminous plant species, Indigofera linnaei and Indigofera spicata are distributed throughout the rangeland regions of Australia and the compound indospicine (L-2-amino-6-amidinohexanoic acid) found in these palatable forage plants acts as a hepatotoxin and can accumulate in the meat of ruminant livestock and wild camels. In this study, bovine rumen fluid was cultivated in an in vitro fermentation system provided with Indigofera spicata plant material and the ability of the resulting mixed microbial populations to degrade indospicine was determined using UPLC–MS/MS over a 14 day time period. The microbial populations of the fermentation system were determined using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and showed distinct, time-related changes occurring as the rumen-derived microbes adapted to the fermentation conditions and the nutritional substrates provided by the Indigofera plant material. Within eight days of commencement, indospicine was completely degraded by the microbes cultivated within the fermenter, forming the degradation products 2-aminopimelamic acid and 2-aminopimelic acid within a 24 h time period. The in vitro fermentation approach enabled the development of a specifically adapted, mixed microbial population which has the potential to be used as a rumen drench for reducing the toxic side-effects and toxin accumulation associated with ingestion of Indigofera plant material by grazing ruminant livestock

    Stability domains, substrate-induced conformational changes, and hinge-bending motions in a psychrophilic phosphoglycerate kinase: A microcalorimetric study

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    The cold-active phosphoglycerate kinase from the Antarctic bacterium Pseudomonas sp. TACII18 exhibits two distinct stability domains in the free, open conformation. It is shown that these stability domains do not match the structural N- and C-domains as the heat-stable domain corresponds to about 80 residues of the C-domain, including the nucleotide binding site, whereas the remaining of the protein contributes to the main heat-labile domain. This was demonstrated by spectroscopic and microcalorimetric analyses of the native enzyme, of its mutants, and of the isolated recombinant structural domains. It is proposed that the heat-stable domain provides a compact structure improving the binding affinity of the nucleotide, therefore increasing the catalytic efficiency at low temperatures. Upon substrate binding, the enzyme adopts a uniformly more stable closed conformation. Substrate-induced stability changes suggest that the free energy of ligand binding is converted into an increased conformational stability used to drive the hinge-bending motions and domain closure

    NMR and GC/MS investigation of the saturate and distillate fractions from the Cerro Negro heavy petroleum crude

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    Six fractions of the Cerro Negro heavy petroleum crude have been evaluated using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The fractions include four saturated hydrocarbon distillate fractions distilling above 200/sup 0/C (200 to 425/sup 0/C (392 to 797/sup 0/F), 425 to 550/sup 0/C (797 to 1022/sup 0/F), 550 to 700/sup 0/C (1022 to 1292/sup 0/F), and >700/sup 0/C (>1292/sup 0/F)) and two distillate subfractions designated as <200/sup 0/C and >200/sup 0/C. The >700/sup 0/C and 550 to 700/sup 0/C saturated hydrocarbon fractions are not suited for analyses by combined GC/MS because their distillation ranges are higher than the upper limit of material that will elute from the gas chromatographic column. The /sup 1/H and /sup 13/C NMR spectral data for the 550 to 700/sup 0/C and >700/sup 0/C fractions indicate that normal and branched alkanes with an average carbon chainlength of C/sub 10/ are present but must be bonded to a larger molecular moiety based upon mass spectral evidence and boiling point considerations. Normal and branched alkanes were not detected in either 200 to 425/sup 0/C or 425 to 550/sup 0/C samples at concentrations of 0.01% by weight. NMR data for the 200 to 425/sup 0/C fraction give no indication of normal alkanes with C chainlengths >9. Branched alkanes possibly of the isoprenoid-like structure are present. The average molecular structural representation is an alkyl-substituted dicyclic alkane. Average molecular structural representation for the 425 to 550/sup 0/C fraction is also an alkyl-substituted dicyclic alkane. However, at least one of the alkyl substituents has a chainlength >10. Both normal and branched alkanes of C/sub 7-12/ were detected in the <200/sup 0/C subfraction. Alkanes of C/sub 12-31/ were in the >200/sup 0/C sample. /sup 1/H and /sup 13/C spectra for both subfractions indicate similar chemical composition. 12 refs., 6 figs., 8 tabs

    A Randomized Controlled Trial to Determine Whether Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate and/or Eicosapentaenoic Acid Improves Diaphragm and Quadriceps Strength in Critically Ill Mechanically Ventilated Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Intensive care unit acquired weakness is a serious problem, contributing to respiratory failure and reductions in ambulation. Currently, there is no pharmacological therapy for this condition. Studies indicate, however, that both beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) increase muscle function in patients with cancer and in older adults. The purpose of this study was to determine whether HMB and/or EPA administration would increase diaphragm and quadriceps strength in mechanically ventilated patients. METHODS: Studies were performed on 83 mechanically ventilated patients who were recruited from the Medical Intensive Care Units at the University of Kentucky. Diaphragm strength was assessed as the trans-diaphragmatic pressure generated by supramaximal magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation (PdiTw). Quadriceps strength was assessed as leg force generated by supramaximal magnetic femoral nerve stimulation (QuadTw). Diaphragm and quadriceps thickness were assessed by ultrasound. Baseline measurements of muscle strength and size were performed, and patients were then randomized to one of four treatment groups (placebo, HMB 3 gm/day, EPA 2 gm/day and HMB plus EPA). Strength and size measurements were repeated 11 days after study entry. ANCOVA statistical testing was used to compare variables across the four experimental groups. RESULTS: Treatments failed to increase the strength and thickness of either the diaphragm or quadriceps when compared to placebo. In addition, treatments also failed to decrease the duration of mechanical ventilation after study entry. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that a 10-day course of HMB and/or EPA does not improve skeletal muscle strength in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients. These findings also confirm previous reports that diaphragm and leg strength in these patients are profoundly low. Additional studies will be needed to examine the effects of other anabolic agents and innovative forms of physical therapy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01270516. Registered 5 January 2011, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01270516?term=Supinski&draw=2&rank=4

    EUV and HXR Signatures of Electron Acceleration During the Failed Eruption of a Filament

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    We search for EUV brightenings in TRACE 171 {\AA} images and HXR bursts observed during failed eruptions. We expect that if an eruption is confined due to interaction with overlying magnetic structures then we should observe effects connected with reconnection between magnetic structures and acceleration of particles. We utilized TRACE observations of three well observed failed eruptions. EUV images were compared to HXR spatial distribution reconstructed from Yohkoh/HXT and RHESSI data. The EUV light curves of a selected area were compared to height profiles of eruption, HXR emission and HXR photon spectral index of power-law fit to HXR data. We have found that EUV brightenings are closely related to the eruption velocity decrease, to HXR bursts and to episodes of hardening of HXR spectra. The EUV brightened areas are observed far from the flaring structure, in footpoints of large systems of loops observed 30-60 minutes after the maximum of a flare. These are not `post-flare' loops that are also observed but at significantly lower heights. The high lying systems of loops are observed at heights equal to height, at which eruption was observed to stop. We observed HXR source spatially correlated with EUV brightening only once. For other EUV brightened areas we estimated the expected brightness of HXR sources. We find that EUV brightenings are produced due to interaction between the erupting structure with overlying loops. The interaction is strong enough to heat the system of high loops. These loops cool down and are visible in EUV range about 30-60 minutes later. The estimated brightness of HXR sources associated with EUV brightenings shows that they are too weak to be detected with present instruments. However, next generation instruments will have enough dynamic range and sensitivity to enable such observations.Comment: A&A accepte

    Over 10000 delta Scuti Stars toward the Galactic Bulge from OGLE-IV

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    We present a collection of 10 111 genuine δ Sct-type pulsating variable stars detected in the OGLE-IV Galactic bulge fields. In this sample, 9835 variables are new discoveries. For most of the stars photometric data cover the whole decade 2010-2019. We illustrate a huge variety of light curve shapes of δ Sct variables. Long-term observations have allowed us to spot objects with evident period, amplitude, and mean brightness variations. Our analysis indicates that about 28% of the stars are single-mode pulsators. Fourteen δ Sct stars show additional eclipsing or ellipsoidal binary modulation. We report significant attenuation or even disappearance of the pulsation signal in six sources. The whole set of variables is a mix of objects representing various Milky Way's populations, with the majority of stars from the Galactic bulge. There are also representatives of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy. Some of the newly detected variables could be SX Phe-type stars residing in globular clusters. The collection, including full V- and I-band time-series data, is available to the astronomical community from the OGLE On-line Data Archive

    The SuperWASP catalogue of 4963 RR Lyr stars: identification of 983 Blazhko candidates

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    Aims. We set out to compile a catalogue of RRab pulsating variables in the SuperWASP archive and identify candidate Blazhko effect objects within this catalogue. We analysed their light curves and power spectra for correlations in their common characteristics to further our understanding of the phenomenon. Methods. Pulsation periods were found for each SWASP RRab object using PDM techniques. Low frequency periodic signals detected in the CLEAN power spectra of RRab stars were matched with modulation sidebands and combined with pairs of sidebands to produce a list of candidate Blazhko periods. A novel technique was used in an attempt to identify Blazhko effect stars by comparing scatter at different parts of the folded light curve. Pulsation amplitudes were calculated based on phase folded light curves.Results. The SuperWASP RRab catalogue consists of 4963 objects of which 3397 are previously unknown. We discovered 983 distinct candidates for Blazhko effect objects, 613 of these being previously unknown in the literature as RR Lyrae stars, and 894 are previously unknown to be Blazhko effect stars. Correlations were investigated between the scatter of points on the light curve, the periods and amplitudes of the objects’ pulsations, and those of the Blazhko effect.Conclusions. A statistical analysis has been performed on a large population of Blazhko effect stars from the wide-field SuperWASP survey. No correlations were found between the Blazhko period and other parameters including the Blazhko amplitude, although we confirmed a lower rate of occurrence of the Blazhko effect in long pulsation period objects