19 research outputs found

    Dynamics of transcutaneous oxygen tension at the operations on the aorto-femoral segment distal of the level of aortic compression

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    Estimation of transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen is the main noninvasive method of evaluation and study microhaemodynamics and tissue blood supply. Aim of the research: to study the dynamics of transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen at surgery of aortofemoral segment performed more distally of aortic compression. Material and methods: the survey included 49 patients with arterial sclerotic disease of aortofemoral segment with comorbid Ilb-IV stage chronic lower limb ischemia according to Pokrovsky-Fountain classification, and with II-III stage chronic infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm according to Pokrovsky classification. The patients' age was 52-76y.o. For the assessment of peripheral microhaemodynamics we used the technique of estimation of transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen (ТсРО2) with application of multichannel monitor of Radiometer TCM-400 system. The suggested method offers the possibility to evaluate the severity degree of microcirculatory disorders in lower limbs and to assess effectiveness of revascularization process

    Влияние количества биоптатов, взятых при таргетной биопсии предстательной железы, на вероятность положительного результата у пациентов с клинически значимым раком предстательной железы

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    Background. Targeted biopsy is proposed as a method of choice in the algorithm of prostate cancer diagnosis, but not all the features of method has been evaluated. Objective: determine the rational number of targeted biopsy samples in patients with clinically significant prostate cancer. Materials and methods. The magnetic resonance imaging and fusion biopsy data of 156 patients with suspected prostate cancer were retrospectively evaluated. Results and conclusion. In the study statistically significant dependence of the positive histological results in patients with clinically significant prostate cancer from the number of biopsy samples was found. The potential probability of a false negative histological examination with an insufficient number of biopsy samples was noted. These results confirm the latest published data of potential targeted biopsy false in true positive patients after multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging. An increase in the number of biopsy samples in the target lesion reduces the likelihood of false-negative results. The main causes of such discrepancy are some technical laxity and the heterogeneous histological structure of prostate cancer. Increase the number of biopsy cores can reduce the likelihood of false-negative results. © 2020 ABC-press Publishing House. All rights reserved


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    Study of application the law of approximation to magnetic saturation in thin films type FINEMET is presented. It is shown the dependence of the coercivity on the grain size


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    Study of the heat treatment effect on Fe72.5Si14.2B8.7W3.5Cu1.1 thin films magnetic anisotropy is presented. It is shown the coercivity increase at a heat treatment of 450 ºC for all samples under study

    Surgical treatment of the severe and malignant arterial hypertension

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    Study objective - assessment of surgical methods in combine treatment of the severe and malignant arterial hypertension (AH). Material and methods. Hospital and follow up results have been studied in 80 pts. Core of surgical method was suprarenal blood flow portalization. Inclusion criteria were ineffective medical treatment in gravely hypertensive patients. Clinical assessment of pts was based on ESC/ESAH recommendations. Early postoperative period demonstrated good and satisfactory results in 77 (96.2%) pts. These pts sustained acceptable levels of blood pressure after 5 years follow up. Better immediate results were marked in essential AH pts. More prolonged antihypertensive effect was observed in pts subjected to cross-bypass methods of surgical portalization. These methods positively influenced central circulation, aldosteron, potassium and sodium serum levels. Early postoperative mortality rate was 1.25%. Long term survival was 90% after 5 and 65% after 10-year period.Цель исследования - изучение эффективности хирургических методов в комплексном лечении тяжелой и злокачественной артериальной гипертензии. Материал и методы. Изучены ближайшие и отдаленные результаты комплексного лечения тяжелой и злокачественной артериальной гипертензии (АГ) у 80 пациентов, где методы различной хирургической коррекции (портализация надпочечного кровооттока) являлись основными в связи с низкой эффективностью консервативного лечения. Всем больным проведено обследование с учетом рекомендаций ЕОК/ЕОАГ. В раннем послеоперационном периоде хорошие и удовлетворительные результаты получены у 77 пациентов (96,2%). У этих же больных отмечено сохранение оптимального уровня артериального давления (АД) в течение 5 лет. Лучшие непосредственные результаты отмечены у больных с эссенциальной АГ. Более длительный антигипертензионный эффект наблюдали у больных после перекрестных способов шунтирования. Отмечено положительное воздействие оперативного лечения на центральную гемодинамику, показатели альдостерона, калия и натрия плазмы крови. Ранняя послеоперационная летальность -1,25%. В отдаленном периоде выживаемость пациентов составила 90% (через 5 лет) и 65% (через 10 лет)

    Minimally invasive open bladder resection

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    A new method of bladder cancer surgical treatment (minimally invasive open resection) was invented in urology department of Ural state medical academy. During yy. 2002-2007 39 patients (8 female, 31 male) were treated, following current methodic, considering indications and contraindications. Analysis of postoperative results displayed serious reduction department staying (less than 7 days) because of minimally invasive treatment, blood supply and innervation saving, ability of BCG instillations. Dispensary observation, during the period yy. 2002-2007 revealed considerable reduction of bladder cancer recurrences (15 patients - 39%) after microinvasive resection that is below between all amount of recurrences after traditional open operations.В клинике урологии Уральской государственной медицинской академии (УГМА) разработан новый метод оперативного лечения рака мочевого пузыря — малоинвазивная открытая резекция. По данной методике за период 2002-2007 г. было прооперировано 39 больных (8 женщин и 31 мужчина) с учетом определенных показаний и противопоказаний. Анализ результатов послеоперационного течения и диспансерного наблюдения за пациентами выявил значительное сокращение пребывания больных в стационаре (не более 7 дней) за счет малоинвазивности предложенного метода -сохранения кровоснабжения и иннервации прямых мышц живота, а также возможности проведения на более ранних сроках (30 сутки) курса внутрипузырных инстилляций вакцины БЦЖ. Диспансерное наблюдение за пациентами (2002-2007 гг.) выявило: рецидив рака мочевого пузыря был значительно реже — 15 больных (39%) после малоинвазивной резекции, что значительно ниже общего количества рецидивов, регистрируемых после традиционных открытых вмешательств

    Влияние количества биоптатов, взятых при таргетной биопсии предстательной железы, на вероятность положительного результата у пациентов с клинически значимым раком предстательной железы

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    Background. Targeted biopsy is proposed as a method of choice in the algorithm of prostate cancer diagnosis, but not all the features of method has been evaluated.Objective: determine the rational number of targeted biopsy samples in patients with clinically significant prostate cancer.Materials and methods. The magnetic resonance imaging and fusion biopsy data of 156 patients with suspected prostate cancer were retrospectively evaluated.Results and conclusion. In the study statistically significant dependence of the positive histological results in patients with clinically significant prostate cancer from the number of biopsy samples was found. The potential probability of a false negative histological examination with an insufficient number of biopsy samples was noted. These results confirm the latest published data of potential targeted biopsy false in true positive patients after multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging. An increase in the number of biopsy samples in the target lesion reduces the likelihood of false-negative results. The main causes of such discrepancy are some technical laxity and the heterogeneous histological structure of prostate cancer. Increase the number of biopsy cores can reduce the likelihood of false-negative results. Введение. Таргетная биопсия предлагается в алгоритме диагностики рака предстательной железы как метод выбора, однако роль и возможности данной методики до настоящего времени остаются не полностью изученными.Цель исследования — определить минимально необходимое количество сэмплов таргетной биопсии у пациентов с клинически значимым раком предстательной железы.Материалы и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ результатов магнитно-резонансной томографии и таргетной биопсии у 156 пациентов с подозрением на рак предстательной железы.Результаты и заключение. Найдена статистически значимая зависимость положительного результата гистологического исследования у пациентов с клинически значимым раком предстательной железы от количества биопсийных сэмплов. Отмечена потенциальная вероятность ложноотрицательного результата гистологического исследования при недостаточном количестве биопсийных сэмплов. Данные, полученные в работе, соответствуют результатам исследований, опубликованных в литературе. Увеличение количества биопсийных столбиков в очаге интереса достоверно снижает вероятность получения ложноотрицательных результатов

    The value of genetic analysis in the study of the nature of congenital malformations

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    Congenital malformations are the main cause of infant and child morbidity and mortality worldwide. Most congenital malformations are represented by non-syndromic forms, their etiology has not yet been studied. However, the latest genetic technologies have opened up new possibilities in the study of congenital malformations. The article presents latest achievements in the genetics of non-syndromic forms of congenital malformations. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) is an effective method for identifying gene variants associated with a predisposition to the congenital malformations; this method helps to identify correlations between single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and certain malformations. Numerous studies demonstrate that in addition to SNP the copy number variations (CNV) play an important role in the etiology of some birth defects (for example, congenital heart defects). It has been established that 5—10% of isolated congenital heart defects can be associated with rare CNV. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is expected to play important role in the identification of birth defect etiology. The authors have obtained the first data on the genes involved in the development of malformations such as congenital heart defects, neural tube defects, facial clefts


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    The article describes the electronic educational resources – multimedia training system for congenital malformations and developmental anomalies. The work objective is an integrated approach to self-training and testing that combines the traditional principle of the control of knowledge and graphic tests with animation elements that provides high-quality remote to increase knowledge. We describe the structure of the system, screenshots, as well as Web-technology used for its development. The functionality of the system and the experience of Internet-based applications to improve the skills of doctors and students are given training. Criterion for assessing the level of knowledge of students on the basis of test results, taking into account the complexity of tests offered have been proposed. Evaluating the effectiveness of the use of distance training system allows us to conclude that multimedia training system «Congenital malformations» can be successfully applied for remote medical information support medical genetic counselors and physicians of different specialties involved in diagnosing congenital malformations in children and for training students – future doctors