294 research outputs found

    Strong enhancement of direct magnetoelectric effect in strained ferroelectric-ferromagnetic thin-film heterostructures

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    The direct magnetoelectric (ME) effect resulting from the polarization changes induced in a ferroelectric film by the application of a magnetic field to a ferromagnetic substrate is described using the nonlinear thermodynamic theory. It is shown that the ME response strongly depends on the initial strain state of the film. The ME polarization coefficient of the heterostructures involving Terfenol-D substrates and compressively strained lead zirconate titanate (PZT) films, which stabilize in the out-of-plane polarization state, is found to be comparable to that of bulk PZT/Terfenol-D laminate composites. At the same time, the ME voltage coefficient reaches a giant value of 50 V/(cm Oe), which greatly exceeds the maximum observed static ME coefficients of bulk composites. This remarkable feature is explained by a favorable combination of considerable strain sensitivity of polarization and a low electric permittivity in compressively strained PZT films. The theory also predicts a further dramatic increase of ME coefficients at the strain-induced transitions between different ferroelectric phases.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamic theory of epitaxial ferroelectric thin films with dense domain structures

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    A Landau-Ginsburg-Devonshire-type nonlinear phenomenological theory is presented, which enables the thermodynamic description of dense laminar polydomain states in epitaxial ferroelectric thin films. The theory explicitly takes into account the mechanical substrate effect on the polarizations and lattice strains in dissimilar elastic domains (twins). Numerical calculations are performed for PbTiO3 and BaTiO3 films grown on (001)-oriented cubic substrates. The "misfit strain-temperature" phase diagrams are developed for these films, showing stability ranges of various possible polydomain and single-domain states. Three types of polarization instabilities are revealed for polydomain epitaxial ferroelectric films, which may lead to the formation of new polydomain states forbidden in bulk crystals. The total dielectric and piezoelectric small-signal responses of polydomain films are calculated, resulting from both the volume and domain-wall contributions. For BaTiO3 films, strong dielectric anomalies are predicted at room temperature near special values of the misfit strain.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Soft modes of collective domain-wall vibrations in epitaxial ferroelectric thin films

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    Mechanical restoring forces acting on ferroelastic domain walls displaced from the equilibrium positions in epitaxial films are calculated for various modes of their cooperative translational oscillations. For vibrations of the domain-wall superlattice with the wave vectors corresponding to the center and boundaries of the first Brillouin zone, the soft modes are singled out that are distinguished by a minimum magnitude of the restoring force. It is shown that, in polydomain ferroelectric thin films, the soft modes of wall vibrations may create enormously large contribution to the film permittivity.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Creep motion of a domain wall in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model with a driving field

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    With Monte Carlo simulations, we study the creep motion of a domain wall in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model with a driving field. We observe the nonlinear fieldvelocity relation, and determine the creep exponent {\mu}. To further investigate the universality class of the creep motion, we also measure the roughness exponent {\zeta} and energy barrier exponent {\psi} from the zero-field relaxation process. We find that all the exponents depend on the strength of disorder.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Polarization states of polydomain epitaxial Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 thin films and their dielectric properties

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    Ferroelectric and dielectric properties of polydomain (twinned) single-crystal Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 thin films are described with the aid of a nonlinear thermodynamic theory, which has been developed recently for epitaxial ferroelectric films with dense laminar domain structures. For Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 (PZT) films with compositions x = 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, and 0.4, the "misfit strain-temperature" phase diagrams are calculated and compared with each other. It is found that the equilibrium diagrams of PZT films with x > 0.7 are similar to the diagram of PbTiO3 films. They consist of only four different stability ranges, which correspond to the paraelectric phase, single-domain tetragonal ferroelectric phase, and two pseudo-tetragonal domain patterns. In contrast, at x = 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, the equilibrium diagram displays a rich variety of stable polarization states, involving at least one monoclinic polydomain state. Using the developed phase diagrams, the mean out-of-plane polarization of a poled PZT film is calculated as a function of the misfit strain and composition. Theoretical results are compared with the measured remanent polarizations of PZT films grown on SrTiO3. Dependence of the out-of-plane dielectric response of PZT films on the misfit strain in the heterostructure is also reported.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure
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