26 research outputs found

    Политико-правовые аспекты исследования феномена информационной безопасности Украины

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    В даній статті характеризується явище інформаційної війни як загрози національним інтересам та обґрунтовується необхідність удосконалення правового базису в сфері інформаційної безпеки України як учасника міжнародних інформаційних відносин.In this article the phenomenon of informative war is described as a threat for national interests and there is a necessity of improvement of legal base in the field of informative safety of Ukraine as participant of international informative relations.В данной статье характеризуется явление информационной войны как угрозы национальным интересам и доказывается необходимость усовершенствования правового базиса в сфере информационной безопасности Украины как участника международных информационных отношений

    Low molecular weight blood plasma proteome – a source of differential diagnostic biomarkers of ovarian cancer

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    At present, there is no screening test for the early detecting of ovarian cancer, one of the most lethal form of gynaecological malignancy in the worldwide. In this study the new methodology for the search of tumor markers of ovarian cancer, involving profiling the low-molecular blood plasma proteomes, is developed, unified and approved. The given approach included three basic components: pre-preparation of samples, matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and bioinformatics software for mass spectral data processing. Opportunities and prospects of the developed approach for the detection of potential ovarian cancer markers were shown. For search of potential tumor markers, screening of 56 blood plasma samples from ovarian cancer patients and 36 benign ovarian neoplasia samples were carried out.As a result of the present research, peptides / polypeptides which can be used in future for detecting this pathology were found out


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    Neurogenic pulmonary edema is one of the complications of acute cerebral diseases and traumas and it is accompanied by severe respiratory failure. It is associated with a high mortality level. There are several theories about neurogenic pulmonary edema development. The theory of the double hit is the most recent causing significant discussion. The theory is based on the pulmonary injury due to systemic inflammatory response when the glial tissue of the injured brain becomes the source of inflammatory mediators. A similar pathogenesis allows considering neurogenic pulmonary edema to be one of the forms of acute respiratory distress syndrome. It has diagnostic criteria common with acute respiratory distress syndrome, which are identified during acute cerebral injury and not associated with the other etiological factors. Currently, there are no effective prevention and treatment of neurogenic pulmonary edema. Support of respiratory exchange through artificial pulmonary ventilation is a major tool used for its management, which is recommended to be performed in compliance with protective ventilation principles. And some particular approaches of the preventive ventilation can be applied only with neuromonitoring. Нейрогенный отек легких (НОЛ) является одним из осложнений острых заболеваний и травм головного мозга (ГМ) и сопровождается развитием тяжелой дыхательной недостаточности. Его возникновение связано с высоким уровнем летальности. Существует несколько теорий развития НОЛ. Наиболее современной и обсуждаемой среди них является теория «двойного удара». В ее основе лежит повреждение легких за счет системной воспалительной реакции, источником медиаторов воспаления для которой становится глиальная ткань поврежденного ГМ. Сходство патогенеза позволяет рассматривать НОЛ как одну из форм острого респираторного дистресс-синдрома (ОРДС). Для его диагностики используются общие с ОРДС критерии, выявляемые на фоне острого повреждения ГМ и не имеющие связи с другими этиологическими факторами. Эффективных мер профилактики и лечения НОЛ в настоящее время не разработано. Ведущее место в его терапии занимает поддержание газообмена с помощью искусственной вентиляции легких, которую рекомендуется проводить в соответствии с принципами протективной вентиляции. При этом использование ее отдельных подходов возможно только в условиях нейромониторинга.


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    Aim: Characteristics of enterovirus infection morbidity and study of peculiarities of enterovirus circulation on some territories of Russia in 2017. Materials and methods: We investigated more than 5000 samples from the patients with enterovirus infection. The isolation and identification of enteroviruses were conducted by virological method and by partial sequencing of the genome region VP1. Phylogenic trees were constructed according to the method of Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain. Results: Epidemic process and clinical picture of enterovirus infection were not the same on different territories. Peculiarities of the circulation of different types of enteroviruses on the territories were also different. In Saratov region 65% of cases were represented by enterovirus meningitis. In Murmansk region and in the Komi Republic enterovirus infection with exanthema prevailed, 95% and 60% correspondingly. In Saratov region enterovirus ECHO18 was the etiological agent of enterovirus meningitis. In Murmansk region and in the Komi Republic the cases were connected mainly with Coxsackieviruses A6. The strains of enterovirus ECHO18 were distributed to three clusters. The strains which provoked enterovirus meningitis in Saratov region belonged to cluster 3, they were formed separately from other strains of this enterovirus type and differed from the stains of ECHO18 which circulated in the North-West of Russia. The strains of Coxsackieviruses A6 identified in the North-West of Russia belonged to three sub-genotypes 5, 6, 8 of pandemic genotype of CoxsackievirusesA6. The majority of the strains belonged to sub-genotypes 6 and 8 which in 2017 dominated in the structure of Coxsackieviruses A6 in the North-West of Russia and in Russia. Conclusion: Epidemic peaks of enterovirus infection represented by different clinical forms of the disease were provoked by different types of enteroviruses. Enterovirus ECHO18 was the etiological agent of enterovirus meningitis. The main etiological factors of enterovirus infection with exanthema were Coxsackieviruses A6 of different sub-genotypes.Цель: характеристика заболеваемости энтеровирусной инфекцией и изучение особенностей циркуляции неполиомиелитных энтеровирусов на ряде территорий России в 2017 г. Материалы и методы: исследовано более 5000 проб фекалий от больных энтеровирусной инфекцией. Выделение и идентификацию энтеровирусов проводили вирусологическим методом и путём частичного секвенирования области генома VP1. Филогенетические деревья были построены методом Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain. Результаты: течение эпидемического процесса и клинические проявления энтеровирусной инфекции на разных территориях отличались. Особенности циркуляции энтеровирусов разных типов на территориях также были разными. В Саратовской области 65% заболеваний были представлены энтеровирусным менингитом. В Мурманской области и в Республике Коми преобладали экзантемные формы энтеровирусной инфекции, составившие 95% и 60% соответственно. В Саратовской области этиологическим фактором энтеровирусного менингита оказался энтеровирус ЕСНО 18. В Мурманской области и в Республике Коми заболевания были обусловлены в основном Coxsackievirus А6. Штаммы энтеровируса ЕСНО 18 распределились по трем кластерам. Штаммы, обусловившие заболевания энтеровирусным менингитом в Саратовской области, вошли в кластер 3, они сформировались отдельно от штаммов этого типа вируса и отличались от штаммов ЕСНО18, которые циркулировали на северо-западе России. Штаммы вируса Coxsackievirus А6, идентифицированные на северо-западе России, относились к трем субгенотипам пандемического генотипа вируса Coxsackievirus А6 – 5, 6 и 8. Большинство штаммов относились к субгенотипам 6 и 8, которые в 2017 г. доминировали в структуре Coxsackieviruses А6 на северо-западе России и в Российской Федерации в целом. Заключение: эпидемические подъемы заболеваемости энтеровирусной инфекцией, представленной различными клиническими формами, были обусловлены разными типами энтеровирусов. Этиологическим агентом энтеровирусного менингита были энтеровирусы ЕСНО 18. Основным этиологическим фактором экзантемных форм заболевания были Coxsackieviruses A6 разных субгенотипов

    Epidemiological Characteristics of Meningococcal Infection in Moscow

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    Aims. The purpose of this study was to identify current epidemiological features of meningococcal infection in Moscow.Materials and methods. Cases of invasive meningococcal disease in Moscow from 2014 to 2018 and the biomaterial from patients with an invasive meningococcal disease were analyzed.Results. The features of the epidemic process of meningococcal disease in Moscow were revealed: increasing in the incidence rate involving teenagers and young adults into the epidemic process; meningococcal strains of serogroups W and A increased in the etiology of the invasive meningococcal disease; high mortality rate.Conclusions. It seems reasonable to recommend vaccination against meningococcal disease by including adolescents, young adults and persons over 65 years old

    Sarcomas of the cervix uteri (a review of literature)

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    The review of literature describes the etiology and clinical features of sarcomas of the cervix uteri and current approaches to their diagnosis and treatment


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    Neurogenic pulmonary edema is one of the complications of acute cerebral diseases and traumas and it is accompanied by severe respiratory failure. It is associated with a high mortality level. There are several theories about neurogenic pulmonary edema development. The theory of the double hit is the most recent causing significant discussion. The theory is based on the pulmonary injury due to systemic inflammatory response when the glial tissue of the injured brain becomes the source of inflammatory mediators. A similar pathogenesis allows considering neurogenic pulmonary edema to be one of the forms of acute respiratory distress syndrome. It has diagnostic criteria common with acute respiratory distress syndrome, which are identified during acute cerebral injury and not associated with the other etiological factors. Currently, there are no effective prevention and treatment of neurogenic pulmonary edema. Support of respiratory exchange through artificial pulmonary ventilation is a major tool used for its management, which is recommended to be performed in compliance with protective ventilation principles. And some particular approaches of the preventive ventilation can be applied only with neuromonitoring

    Micrometastases identification in malignant tumors

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    The article reviewed literature data relating to the methods used for detection of single tumor cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, and peripheral blood. Sensitivity of modern detection methods is analyzed. Despite advances in the development of molecular biology and cytology, until now there is no universal approach to the micrometastases identification, and existing methods optimization are recommended

    Discovery of potential ovarian cancer biomarkers using low molecular weight blood plasma proteome profiling by mass spectrometry

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    At present, there is no screening test for the early detecting and monitoring of ovarian cancer, one of the most lethal form of gynaecological malig- nancy in the worldwide. In this study, the new methodology for the search of tumor markers of ovarian cancer, involving profiling the low-molec- ular blood plasma proteomes, is developed, unified and approved. The given approach included three basic components: pre-preparation of samples, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and bioinformatics software for mass spectral data process- ing. Opportunities and prospects of the developed approach for the detection of potential ovarian cancer markers were shown. For search of po- tential tumor markers, screening of 40 blood plasma samples from ovarian cancer patients and 48 control samples were carried out. As a result of the present research, peptides/polypeptides which can be used in future for detecting this pathology were found out