33 research outputs found
Polystyrene-based nanocomposites with different fillers: fabrication and mechanical properties
The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of elastic properties of
polystyrene-based nanocomposites filled with different types of inclusions:
small spherical particles (SiO2 and Al2O3), alumosilicates (montmorillonite,
halloysite natural tubules and Mica) and carbon nanofillers (carbon black and
multi-walled carbon nanotubes). Composites were fabricated by melt technology.
The analysis of composite melts showed that the introduction of
Montmorillonite, Multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and Al2O3 particles provided an
increase in melt viscosity by an average of 2 to 5 orders of magnitude over the
pure polystyrene. Block samples of composites with different filler
concentrations were prepared, and their linear and nonlinear elastic properties
were studied. The introduction of more rigid particles led to a more profound
increase in the elastic modulus of the composite, with the highest rise of
about 80% obtained with carbon fillers. Carbon black particles provided also an
enhanced strength at break of about 20% higher than that of pure polystyrene.
The nonlinear elastic moduli of composites were shown to be more sensitive to
addition of filler particles to the polymer matrix than the linear ones. The
nonlinearity coefficient comprising the combination of linear and
nonlinear elastic moduli of a material demonstrated considerable changes
correlating with changes of the Young's modulus. The absolute value of
showed rise in 1.5-1.6 times in the CB- and HNT-containing composites as
compared to that of pure PS. The changes in nonlinear elasticity of fabricated
composites were compared with measurements of the parameters of bulk nonlinear
strain waves in them. Variations of wave velocity and decay decrement
correlated with observed enhancement of materials nonlinearity
Single-cell and neuronal network alterations in an in vitro model of Fragile X syndrome
The Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) is involved in many cellular processes and it regulates synaptic and network development in neurons. Its absence is known to lead to intellectual disability, with a wide range of comorbidities including autism. Over the past decades, FMRP research focused on abnormalities both in glutamatergic and GABAergic signaling, and an altered balance between excitation and inhibition has been hypothesized to underlie the clinical consequences of absence of the protein. Using Fmrp knockout mice, we studied an in vitro model of cortical microcircuitry and observed that the loss of FMRP largely affected the electrophysiological correlates of network development and maturation but caused less alterations in single-cell phenotypes. The loss of FMRP also caused a structural increase in the number of excitatory synaptic terminals. Using a mathematical model, we demonstrated that the combination of an increased excitation and reduced inhibition describes best our experimental observations during the ex vivo formation of the network connections
Low-Impedance 3D PEDOT:PSS Ultramicroelectrodes
The technology for producing microelectrode arrays (MEAs) has been developing since the 1970s and extracellular electrophysiological recordings have become well established in neuroscience, drug screening and cardiology. MEAs allow monitoring of long-term spiking activity of large ensembles of excitable cells noninvasively with high temporal resolution and mapping its spatial features. However, their inability to register subthreshold potentials, such as intrinsic membrane oscillations and synaptic potentials, has inspired a number of laboratories to search for alternatives to bypass the restrictions and/or increase the sensitivity of microelectrodes. In this study, we present the fabrication and in vitro experimental validation of arrays of PEDOT:PSS-coated 3D ultramicroelectrodes, with the best-reported combination of small size and low electrochemical impedance. We observed that this type of microelectrode does not alter neuronal network biological properties, improves the signal quality of extracellular recordings and exhibits higher selectivity toward single unit recordings. With fabrication processes simpler than those reported in the literature for similar electrodes, our technology is a promising tool for study of neuronal networks. \ua9 Copyright \ua9 2020 Jones, Moskalyuk, Barthold, Gut\uf6hrlein, Heusel, Schr\uf6ppel, Samba and Giugliano
The article presents the parameters of acute toxicity and side effects of new acid–detergent disinfectant TDS, which is used to sanitize dairy liquid. It was established that the figures DL50 native solution (concentrate) disinfectant is more than 2500 mg/kg. According to its toxic properties owned disinfectant according to GHS (globally harmonized system of classification and hazard labeling of chemicals) to the V class of toxicity – low toxic substance has weak skin–irritating properties and strong locally irritating action.The working preparation solution (0,5 % concentration) for its toxic properties not classified by GHS, because DL50 is larger that 10,000 mg / kg. Working solution has no skin–irritant properties, and locally irritant effect is 24–48 hours.В статье приведены параметры острой токсичности и побочного действия нового кислотного моюще–дезинфицирующего средства ТДС, который применяется для санитарной обработки молочной посуды. Установлено, что показатели DL50 нативного раствора (концентрата) дезинфектанта — больше 2500 мг/кг. По своим токсичным свойствам дезинфектант принадлежит, согласно СГС (согласованная на глобальном уровне система классификации опасности и маркировки химической продукции), к V классу токсичности – малотоксичные вещества, обладает слабыми кожно–раздражающими свойствами и сильным местно–раздражающим действием. Рабочий раствор препарата (0,5 % концентрации) по своим токсичным свойствам не квалифицируется по СГС, поскольку его DL50 является больше 10000 мг/кг. Рабочий раствор не обладает кожно–раздражающими свойствами, а местно–раздражающее действие проявляется в течение 24–48 часов.У статті наведено параметри гострої токсичності та побічної дії нового кислотного мийно–дезінфікуючого засобу ТДС, що застосовується для санітарної обробки молочного посуду. Встановлено, що показник DL50 нативного (розчину концентрату) дезінфектанту є більшим як 2500 мг/кг. За своїми токсичними властивостями дезінфектант належить, згідно з УГС (узгоджена на глобальному рівні система класифікації небезпеки та маркування хімічної продукції ), до V класу токсичності – малотоксичні речовини, володіє слабкими шкірно–подразнюючими властивостями та сильною місцево–падразнюючою дією.Робочий розчин препарату у 0,5 % концентрації за своїми токсичними властивостями не кваліфікується за УГС, оскільки DL50 його є більшим, ніж 10000 мг/кг. Робочий розчин не володіє шкірно–подразнюючими властивостями, а місцево–подразнююча дія проявляється протягом 24–48 годин
Більшість мийно–дезінфікуючих засобів вітчизняного та закордонного виробництва для санітарної обробки обладнання в повній мірі не відповідають новим підвищеним вимогам до санітарних умов одержання молока за якістю екстра–ґатунку. Розробка нових вітчизняних, ефективних, екологічно безпечних та дешевих засобів для санітарної обробки доїльного устаткування і молочного інвентаря є актуальною та перспективною.Нами створений кислотний мийно–дезінфікуючий засіб «ТДС», в склад якого входять азотна та лимонна кислоти, який пройшов усі лабораторні та токсикологічні дослідження.У статті наведено результати розробки режимів санітарної обробки доїльних установок з молокопроводом та доїльних залів новим кислотним мийно–дезінфікуючим засобом «ТДС».Встановлено, що 0,5 % робочий розчин кислотного засобу «ТДС» застосовують у поєднанні з лужними мийно–дезінфікуючими засобами за температури розчинів + 60 ± 5 °С та експозиції 15 − 20 хв. − для доїльних установок з молокопроводом і доїльних залів. Використання кислотного засобу «ТДС»у поєднанні з лужним засобом ”Сандез” забезпечує нормативний стан робочих поверхонь устаткування з мікробним числом змиву в середньому до 500 КУО/см3, руйнує молочний камінь та дозволяє одержати молоко свіжонадоєне з умістом мікроорганізмів 20−30 тис. КУО/см3, тобто екстра ґатунку згідно з ДСТУ 3662–97 і належної якості згідно з вимогами Європейського Союзу.Большинство моечно–дезинфицирующих средств отечественного и зарубежного производства для санитарной обработки оборудования в полной мере не соответствуют новым повышенным требованиям к санитарным условиям получения молока по качеству высшего сорта. Разработка новых отечественных, эффективных, экологически безопасных и дешевых средств для санитарной обработки доильного оборудования и молочного инвентаря есть актуальной и перспективной.Нами создано кислотное моечно–дезинфицирующее средство «ТДС», в состав которого входят азотная и лимонная кислоты, который прошел все лабораторные и токсикологические исследования.В статье приведены результаты разработки режимов санитарной обработки доильных установок с молокопроводом и доильных залов новым кислотным моечно–дезинфицирующим средством «ТДС».Установлено, что 0,5 % рабочий раствор кислотного средства «ТДС» применяют в сочетании со щелочными моечно–дезинфицирующими средствами при температуре растворов + 60 ± 5 0С и экспозиции 15 – 20 мин. – для доильных установок с молокопроводом и доильных залов. Использование кислотного средства «ТДС» в сочетании со щелочным средством «Сандез» обеспечивает нормативное состояние рабочих поверхностей оборудования с микробным числом смыва в среднем до 500 КОЕ/см3. Кислотное средство разрушает молочный камень и позволяет получить молоко свеженадоенное с содержанием микроорганизмов 20−30 тыс. КОЕ/см3, то есть экстра сорта по ДСТУ 3662–97 и надлежащего качества в соответствии с требованиями Европейского Союза.Most detergent–sanitizers of domestic and foreign production for equipment sanitization do not fully meet the new higher requirements to sanitary conditions of obtaining milk of extra quality. Developing new domestic, efficient, environmentally friendly and cheap means for sanitization of milking equipment and milk inventory is relevant and promising.We created the «TDS» acid detergent–sanitizer, which is composed of nitric and citric acids that passed all laboratory and toxicological investigations.The results of the mode of development sanitizing milking machines with the milk and milking parlors new acid washing and disinfectant «TDS»It is established that 0,5 % working solution of «TDS» acid detergent–sanitizer should be used in combination with alkaline detergent–sanitizers at a temperature of solutions + 60 ± 5 °C and 15 – 20 min exposure for milking machines with the milk and milking parlors. Consequently, the use of «TDS» acid agent in combination with alkaline agent «Sandez» provides regulatory microbiological cleanness of equipment with flushing microbial count of 500 CFU/cm3, destroys the milk stone and allows to obtain a fresh milk, which contains microorganisms of 20−30 thousands CFU/cm3, i.e. of extra quality in accordance with DSTU 3662–97 and of the proper quality according to the requirements of the European Union
Comparative Evaluation of Biomechanical Characteristics of Acellular Dermal Matrix for Hernioplasty
Background. With the introduction of synthetic mesh implants into clinical practice, the recurrence rate of postoperative ventral hernias was signifi cantly reduced. The extensive use of synthetic implants led to the development of specifi c complications. The development of biological implants, based on extensively purifi ed decellularized collagen matrix of xenogeneic origin is highly relevant due to the fact that, unlike synthetic analogues, they have a biological origin and biodegrade in a natural way, gradually being replaced with newly formed connective tissue. The use of bioprostheses reduces the risk of complications.Objectives. To conduct a comparative evaluation of the biomechanical characteristics of acellular dermal matrix, obtained by detergent-enzymatic decellularization, and commercially distributed Permacol™ matrix.Methods. Acellular dermal matrix (ADM) was created by using samples of native skin of pig of Landras breed aged 4 months. The dermis was processed by means of detergent-enzymatic method. In order to evaluate and compare the mechanical properties of acellular dermal matrix, the biological samples were divided into 2 groups of 15 samples each. The fi rst group included acellular dermal matrix samples, the second group — native samples of pigs unprocessed dermis. The control group consisted of samples of PermacolTM Surgical Implant, xenotransplant for hernioplasty approved for use in the Russian Federation (Covidien, France). All samples were tested wet using universal testing instrument Instron 1122. MedCalc Statistical Software (Belgium) was used for statistical processing of the study results.Results. In the present study, pig dermis was processed using a detergent-enzymatic method to produce ADM. Routine histological examination confi rmed the removal of all cellular elements, and at the same time it was proven that the native structure of the dermis remained intact during its processing. The mechanical characteristics of xenogenic ADM were further determined. Its tensile strength was 9.1 ± 0.6 MPa (910 N/cm2 ), elongation to break was 21.1 ± 2.3%, and elastic modulus was 50.0 ± 1.6 MPa. These characteristics largely corresponded to the strength characteristics of native pig dermis and far exceeded the necessary physiological parameters. PermacolTM control was tested in two directions (longitudinal and transverse). In the longitudinal direction, the sample had higher mechanical characteristics: strength — 12.0 ± 1.7 MPa, elongation to break — 29.7 ± 2.4%, stiffness modulus — 47.2 ± 6.5 MPa. In the transverse direction, all indicators were 1.5–2 times lower.Conclusion. The developed xenogeneic biological implant in the form of ADM demonstrates rather good characteristics of plasticity, tensile strength and elasticity, to be used as a biological endoprosthesis for plasty of hernia defects of the abdominal wall of any size and shape
Study of air conditioning systems for storage and display of art works
The article describes technical characteristics of modern air conditioning systems that are of use to ensure the ambient conditions required for storage and display of art works in art museums. The author performs comparison analysis of centralized and autonomous air conditioning systems. The article includes an inference about how important it is to combine elements of both systems according to the design tasks and features of the integrated museum and exhibition platform (Museum Quarter in Krasnoyarsk), which includes historical buildings and new modern exhibition areas
Резистентность к антибактериальным препаратам и бактериофагам изолятов Klebsiella pneumoniae, выделенных от детей разного возраста с кишечными инфекциями
The aim is to study the antibiotic and phage resistance of K. pneumoniae strains isolated from children with acute intestinal infections. Materials and methods. 490 K. pneumoniae strains isolated by the bacteriological method from feces from patients with intestinal infections of various etiologies aged from 1 month to 18 years in the period 2019—2021 were studied. The diagnosis of intestinal infection caused by K. pneumoniae was established taking into account the detection of the pathogen at a concentration of at least 5 lg CFU/g (n = 283; 57.8%). Children with Klebsiella seeding, made up three age groups: from 1 to 12 months of life (n = 245; 50%); from 1 to 3 years (n = 131; 26.7%); from 3 to 18 years (n = 114; 23.3%). Results. A higher frequency of K. pneumoniae seeding in high concentrations from fecal samples of children with intestinal infections aged from 1 to 12 months was established (?2 = 14.24; p < 0.001). Analysis of the frequency of K. pneumoniae resistance to antimicrobials revealed its increase to ampicillin/sulbactam from 4.2 ± 1.6% to 9.7 ± 1.9% and to gentamicin from 3.0 ± 1.3% to 7.6 ± 1.7% (p < 0.05) with an increase in the concentration of the pathogen from 3—4 to 5—6 lg CFU/ml. In K. pneumoniae strains isolated in low concentrations, resistance to polyvalent anti-klebsiella bacteriophage was significantly higher than to monovalent bacteriophage. Conclusion. Children of the first year of life belong to the risk group for the development of klebsiella intestinal infection. An increase in the frequency of K. pneumoniae resistance to ampicillin/sulbactam and gentamicin correlates with an increase in the concentration of the pathogen in fecal samples.Цель — совершенствование этиотропной терапии бактериальных ОКИ у детей различных возрастных групп на основе определения резистентности штаммов Klebsiella рneumoniae внебольничного происхождения к антибиотикам и бактериофагам. Материалы и методы. Исследованы 490 штаммов K. pneumoniae, выделенных бактериологическим методом из фекалий от больных кишечными инфекциями различной этиологии в возрасте от 1 месяца до 18 лет в период 2019—2021 гг. Диагноз кишечной инфекции, вызванной K. pneumoniae, устанавливали при обнаружении возбудителя в концентрации не менее 5 lg КОЕ/г (n = 283; 57,8%). Дети с высевом клебсиелл составили три возрастные группы: от 1 до 12 месяцев (n = 245; 50%); от 1 до 3 лет (n = 131; 26,7%); от 3 до 18 лет (n = 114; 23,3%). Результаты. Установлена более высокая частота высевов K. pneumoniae в высоких концентрациях из фекальных проб детей с кишечными инфекциями в возрасте от 1 до 12 месяцев (χ2 = 14,24; p < 0,001). Анализ частоты резистентности K. pneumoniae к антимикробным препаратам выявил ее нарастание к ампициллину/сульбактаму с 4,2 ± 1,6% до 9,7 ± 1,9% и к гентамицину с 3,0 ± 1,3% до 7,6 ± 1,7% (p < 0,05) с повышением концентрации возбудителя от 3—4 до 5—6 lg КОЕ/мл. У штаммов K. pneumoniae, выделенных в низкой концентрации, резистентность к поливалентному антиклебсиеллезному бактериофагу, была значимо выше, чем к моновалентному бактериофагу. Заключение. Дети первого года жизни относятся к группе риска по развитию клебсиеллезной кишечной инфекции. Нарастание частоты резистентности K. pneumoniae к ампициллину/сульбактаму и к гентамицину коррелирует с повышением концентрации возбудителя в пробах фекалий
Background. The study of the plants life form makes it possible to objectively assess the species significance
in the vital activity of the plant community. In this respect, dwarf pine (Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel) is of
great interest, as it is the main species in the undergrowth of forests of the Extreme North-east of Russia. The goal
of research is to explore the peculiarities of the formation of dwarf pine ecobiomorphs in the stone-birch-forests
of the Northern Coast of the Sea of Okhotsk as an example of the species biomorphological adaptation to different
ecological-cenotic conditions. Materials and methods. The studies were carried out on the southern macroslope
of the Hasyn ridge in the Coastal-Okhotsk floristic region of the Magadan Region. The objects of research
are the phytocenoses of four forest types of the stone-birch group of associations (Betuleta lanata pumilapinulosa)
of middle and overripe age, which compose ecological and age pairs. In them, according to generally accepted
methods of examining forest types, experimental plots were established, where forestry-geobotanical studies were carried out, the phytocenotic structure was explored, and the forms of growth and development of
the model bushes were described in detail. Results. A brief history of the biomorphological study of dwarf pine
was given. The formation and transformation laws of the species forms in dry and wet ecotopes for 20 years were
studied. The previously unknown life features of the seasonal and age development of the dwarf pine were noted.
Conclusions. Five main (bushy) and one rare (semi-tree-like) ecobiomorphs of dwarf pine and two kinds of its cupshaped
ecobiomorph were identified. The light factor and micro-relief play decisive role in the formation of the dwarf
pine ecobiomorphs. The typical ecobiomorphs of the species were defined: at a young age (up to 50 years) – compact
roundish bush, in 50–70 years old –classic cup-shaped bush. For bushes older than 80 years the creeping ecobiomorph
is characteristic, under the forest canopy – creeping with trunks, buried in the forest floor. In the most
developed specimens of 70-80-year-old dwarf pine, secondary growth in terminal shoots was noted in years with
abnormally warm autumn, while faults of skeletal branches-trunks by the fusion lines at the bush base – during periods
of intense snowmelt in spring