175 research outputs found

    N-body decomposition of bipartite networks

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    In this paper, we present a method to project co-authorship networks, that accounts in detail for the geometrical structure of scientists collaborations. By restricting the scope to 3-body interactions, we focus on the number of triangles in the system, and show the importance of multi-scientists (more than 2) collaborations in the social network. This motivates the introduction of generalized networks, where basic connections are not binary, but involve arbitrary number of components. We focus on the 3-body case, and study numerically the percolation transition.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to PR

    Concurrence in Disordered Systems

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    Quantum systems exist at finite temperatures and are likely to be disordered to some level. Since applications of quantum information often rely on entanglement, we require methods which allow entanglement measures to be calculated in the presence of disorder at non-zero temperatures. We demonstrate how the disorder averaged concurrence can be calculated using thermal many-body perturbation theory. Our technique can also be applied to other entanglement measures. To illustrate, we find the disorder averaged concurrence of an XX spin chain. We find that concurrence can be increased by disorder in some parameter regimes.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetotransport in the Kondo model with ferromagnetic exchange interaction

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    We consider the transport properties in an applied magnetic field of the spin S=1/2 Kondo model with ferromagnetic exchange coupling to electronic reservoirs, a description relevant for the strong coupling limit of underscreened spin S=1 Kondo impurities. Because the ferromagnetic Kondo interaction is marginally irrelevant, perturbative methods should prove accurate down to low energies. For the purpose of this study, we use a combination of Majorana diagrammatic theory with Density Matrix Numerical Renormalization Group simulations. In the standard case of antiferromagnetic Kondo exchange, we first show that our technique recovers previously obtained results for the T-matrix and spin relaxation at weak coupling (above the Kondo temperature). Considering then the ferromagnetic case, we demonstrate how the low-energy Kondo anomaly splits for arbitrary small values of the Zeeman energy, in contrast to fully screened Kondo impurities near the strong coupling Fermi liquid fixed point, and in agreement with recent experimental findings for spin S=1 molecular quantum dots.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, minor changes in V

    Finite temperature Dicke phase transition of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity

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    Dicke model predicts a quantum phase transition from normal to superradiant phases for a two-level atomic ensemble coupled with an optical cavity at zero temperature. In a recent pioneer experiment [Nature 464, 1301 (2010)], such a phase transition has been observed using a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in an optical cavity. Compared with the original Dicke model, the experimental system features finite temperature and strong atom-photon nonlinear interaction in BEC. In this Letter, we develop a finite temperature theory for the Dicke phase transition of a BEC in an optical cavity, taking into account the atom-photon nonlinear interaction. In addition to explaining the experimentally observed transition from normal to superradiant phases at finite-temperature, we point it out that a new phase, the coexistence of normal and superradient phases, was also observed in the experiment. We show rich finite temperature phase diagrams existing in the experimental system by tuning various experimental parameters. We find that the specific heat of the BEC can serve as a powerful tool for probing various phases.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Remarks on hard Lefschetz conjectures on Chow groups

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    We propose two conjectures of Hard Lefschetz type on Chow groups and prove them for some special cases. For abelian varieties, we shall show they are equivalent to well-known conjectures of Beauville and Murre.Comment: to appear in Sciences in China, Ser. A Mathematic

    Stochastic evaluation of second-order Dyson self-energies

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    A stochastic method is proposed that evaluates the second-order perturbation corrections to the Dyson self-energies of a molecule (i.e., quasiparticle energies or correlated ionization potentials and electron affinities) directly and not as small differences between two large, noisy quantities. With the aid of a Laplace transform, the usual sum-of-integral expressions of the second-order self-energy in many-body Greens function theory are rewritten into a sum of just four 13-dimensional integrals, 12-dimensional parts of which are evaluated by Monte Carlo integration. Efficient importance sampling is achieved with the Metropolis algorithm and a 12-dimensional weight function that is analytically integrable, is positive everywhere, and cancels all the singularities in the integrands exactly and analytically. The quasiparticle energies of small molecules have been reproduced within a few mEh of the correct values with 108 Monte Carlo steps. Linear-to-quadratic scaling of the size dependence of computational cost is demonstrated even for these small molecules.open9

    Temperature dependence of the electronic structure of semiconductors and insulators

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    The renormalization of electronic eigenenergies due to electron-phonon coupling is sizable in many materials with light atoms. This effect, often neglected in ab-initio calculations, can be computed using the perturbation-based Allen-Heine-Cardona theory in the adiabatic or non-adiabatic harmonic approximation. After a short description of the numerous recent progresses in this field, and a brief overview of the theory, we focus on the issue of phonon wavevector sampling convergence, until now poorly understood. Indeed, the renormalization is obtained numerically through a q-point sampling inside the BZ. For q-points close to G, we show that a divergence due to non-zero Born effective charge appears in the electron-phonon matrix elements, leading to a divergence of the integral over the BZ for band extrema. Although it should vanish for non-polar materials, unphysical residual Born effective charges are usually present in ab-initio calculations. Here, we propose a solution that improves the coupled q-point convergence dramatically. For polar materials, the problem is more severe: the divergence of the integral does not disappear in the adiabatic harmonic approximation, but only in the non-adiabatic harmonic approximation. In all cases, we study in detail the convergence behavior of the renormalization as the q-point sampling goes to infinity and the imaginary broadening parameter goes to zero. This allows extrapolation, thus enabling a systematic way to converge the renormalization for both polar and non-polar materials. Finally, the adiabatic and non-adiabatic theory, with corrections for the divergence problem, are applied to the study of five semiconductors and insulators: a-AlN, b-AlN, BN, diamond and silicon. For these five materials, we present the zero-point renormalization, temperature dependence, phonon-induced lifetime broadening and the renormalized electronic bandstructure.Comment: 27 pages and 26 figure

    Vertex Corrections and the Korringa Ratio in Strongly Correlated Electron Materials

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    We show that the Korringa ratio, associated with nuclear magnetic resonance in metals, is unity if vertex corrections for the dynamic spin susceptibility are negligible and the hyperfine coupling is momentum independent. In the absence of vertex corrections we also find a Korringa behaviour for T1T_1, the nuclear spin relaxation rate, i.e., 1/T1T1/T_1\propto T, and a temperature independent Knight shift. These results are independent of the form and magnitude of the self-energy (so far as is consistent with neglecting vertex corrections) and of the dimensionality of the system.Comment: 5 pages. accepted for publication in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter from realistic many-body approaches

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    The existence of a liquid-gas phase transition for hot nuclear systems at subsaturation densities is a well established prediction of finite temperature nuclear many-body theory. In this paper, we discuss for the first time the properties of such phase transition for homogeneous nuclear matter within the Self-Consistent Green's Functions approach. We find a substantial decrease of the critical temperature with respect to the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation. Even within the same approximation, the use of two different realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions gives rise to large differences in the properties of the critical point.Comment: REVTEX4 - 23 pages, 5 figures, 1 table; corrections added, final versio