770 research outputs found

    Highly efficient fe simulations by means of simplified corotational formulation

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    Finite Element Method (FEM) has deservedly gained the reputation of the most powerful numerical method in the field of structural analysis. It offers tools to perform various kinds of simulations in this field, ranging from static linear to nonlinear dynamic analyses. In recent years, a particular challenge is development of FE formulations that enable highly efficient simulations, aiming at real-time dynamic simulations as a final objective while keeping high simulation fidelity such as nonlinear effects. The authors of this paper propose a simplified corotational FE formulation as a possible solution to this challenge. The basic idea is to keep the linear behavior of each element in the FE assemblage, but to extract the rigid-body motion on the element level and include it in the formulation to cover geometric nonlinearities. This paper elaborates the idea and demonstrates it on static cases with three different finite element types. The objective is to check the achievable accuracy based on such a simplified geometrically nonlinear FE formulation. In the considered examples, the difference between the results obtained with the present formulation and those by rigorous formulations is less than 3% although fairly large deformations are induced

    In vivo imaging reveals reduced activity of neuronal circuits in a mouse tauopathy model

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    Pathological alterations of tau protein play a significant role in the emergence and progression of neurodegenerative disorders. Tauopathies are characterized by detachment of the tau protein from neuronal microtubules, and its subsequent aberrant hyperphosphorylation, aggregation and cellular distribution. The exact nature of tau protein species causing neuronal malfunction and degeneration is still unknown. In the present study, we used mice transgenic for human tau with the frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism-associated P301S mutation. These mice are prone to develop fibrillar tau inclusions, especially in the spinal cord and brainstem. At the same time, cortical neurons are not as strongly affected by fibrillar tau forms, but rather by soluble tau forms. We took advantage of the possibility to induce formation of neurofibrillary tangles in a subset of these cortical neurons by local injection of preformed synthetic tau fibrils. By using chronic in vivo two-photon calcium imaging in awake mice, we were able for the first time to follow the activity of individual tangle-bearing neurons and compare it to the activity of tangle-free neurons over the disease course. Our results revealed strong reduction of calcium transient frequency in layer 2/3 cortical neurons of P301S mice, independent of neurofibrillary tangle presence. These results clearly point to the impairing role of soluble, mutated tau protein species present in the majority of the neurons investigated in this study

    Kinematic magnetic resonance imaging study of the brain stem and cervical cord by dynamic neck motion

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    Background: The aim was to examine the position of the brain stem and cervical cord following the neck flexion and extension. Materials and methods: The serial sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sections of the cervical cord and brain stem were made in 6 volunteers. The images were mainly used to measure certain distances and angles of the brain stem and cervical cord in the neutral position, and then following the head and neck flexion and extension. Results: The measurements showed that the pons is slightly closer to the clivus following the neck flexion; the medulla oblongata is somewhat distant to the basion but closer to the odontoid process. At the same time, the spino-medullary angle diminishes in size. On the other hand, the upper cervical cord slightly approaches the posterior wall of the spinal canal, the lower cervical cord is closer to the anterior wall, while the angle between them is significantly larger in size. After the cervical cord extension, the rostral pons is somewhat distant to the clivus, whereas the caudal pons and the medulla are slightly closer to the clivus and the basion. At the same time, the spino-medullary angle diminishes in size. The cervical cord is mainly closer to the posterior wall of the spinal canal, whilst its angle is significantly smaller. Conclusions: The obtained results regarding the brain stem and cervical cord motion can be useful in the kinetic MRI examination of certain congenital disorders, degenerative diseases, and traumatic injuries of the craniovertebral junction and the cervical spine

    Properties of New York/New Jersey Harbor Sediments

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    Sediments found in waterways around the world may contain toxic compounds of anthropogeilic origin that can harm the environment and human health. As a result, it is often necessary to remove them and find disposal methods that are environmentally and economically acceptable. Here, we report on results obtained in an experimental program to characterize the nature of the sediment contamination. The objective was to gain a better understanding of the properties of the sediments to develop better methods for understanding the fate and transport of the contaminants and for improving methods for their removal from the sediments. Our investigations made use of x-ray facilities at the Brookhaven National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) at Grenoble, France. The experiments included: measurements of the microstructure of the sediments using computed microtomography, x-ray absorption, and fluorescence microscopy with resolutions as low as 0.2 micrometers to obtain information on the relationships of organic and mineral components of the sediments and on the distribution of contaminants on the surfaces of the sediment grains, investigation of functional groups of chemical compounds using x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe measurements were made to ascertain the morphology of the sediment surfaces and the distribution of metals on individual sediment grains

    Active Degassing of Deeply Sourced Fluids in Central Europe: New Evidences From a Geochemical Study in Serbia

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    We report on the results of an extensive geochemical survey of fluids released in the Vardar zone (central-western Serbia), a mega-suture zone at the boundary between Eurasia and Africa plates. Thirty-one bubbling gas samples are investigated for their chemical and isotopic compositions (He, C, Ar) and cluster into three distinct groups (CO2-dominated, N2-dominated, and CH4-dominated) based on the dominant gas species. The measured He isotope ratios range from 0.08 to 1.19 Ra (where Ra is the atmospheric ratio), and reveal for the first time the presence of a minor (<20%) but detectable regional mantle-derived component in Serbia. δ13C values range from −20.2‰ to −0.1‰ (versus PDB), with the more negative compositions observed in N2-dominated samples. The carbon-helium relationship indicates that these negative δ13C compositions could be due to isotopic fractionation processes during CO2 dissolution into groundwater. In contrast, CO2-rich samples reflect mixing between crustal and mantle-derived CO2. Our estimated mantle-derived He flux (9.0 × 109 atoms m−2 s−1) is up to 2 orders of magnitude higher than the typical fluxes in stable continental areas, suggesting a structural/tectonic setting favoring the migration of deep-mantle fluids through the crust

    Domain wall QCD with physical quark masses

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    We present results for several light hadronic quantities (fπf_\pi, fKf_K, BKB_K, mudm_{ud}, msm_s, t01/2t_0^{1/2}, w0w_0) obtained from simulations of 2+1 flavor domain wall lattice QCD with large physical volumes and nearly-physical pion masses at two lattice spacings. We perform a short, O(3)%, extrapolation in pion mass to the physical values by combining our new data in a simultaneous chiral/continuum `global fit' with a number of other ensembles with heavier pion masses. We use the physical values of mπm_\pi, mKm_K and mΩm_\Omega to determine the two quark masses and the scale - all other quantities are outputs from our simulations. We obtain results with sub-percent statistical errors and negligible chiral and finite-volume systematics for these light hadronic quantities, including: fπf_\pi = 130.2(9) MeV; fKf_K = 155.5(8) MeV; the average up/down quark mass and strange quark mass in the MSˉ\bar {\rm MS} scheme at 3 GeV, 2.997(49) and 81.64(1.17) MeV respectively; and the neutral kaon mixing parameter, BKB_K, in the RGI scheme, 0.750(15) and the MSˉ\bar{\rm MS} scheme at 3 GeV, 0.530(11).Comment: 131 pages, 30 figures. Updated to match published versio