16,603 research outputs found

    Trophic model of the coastal fisheries ecosystem of the west coast of peninsular Malaysia

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    A preliminary mass-balance trophic model was constructed for the coastal fisheries ecosystem of the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia (0 - 120 m depth). The ecosystem was partitioned into 15 trophic groups, and biomasses for selected groups were obtained from research (trawl) surveys conducted in the area in 1987 and 1991. Trophic interactions of the groups are presented. The network analysis indicates that fishing fleets for demersal fishes and prawns have a major direct or indirect impact on most high-trophic level groups in the ecosystem.Fishery resources, Demersal fisheries, Fishery surveys, Biomass, Population density, Shrimp fisheries, Catch/effort, Trawling, Mathematical models, Coastal fisheries, Marine fisheries, Ecosystems, Trophic structure, ISEW, Malaysia, Malaya,


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    Sample-specific and Ensemble-averaged Magnetoconductance of Individual Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    We discuss magnetotransport measurements on individual single-wall carbon nanotubes with low contact resistance, performed as a function of temperature and gate voltage. We find that the application of a magnetic field perpendicular to the tube axis results in a large magnetoconductance of the order of e^2/h at low temperature. We demonstrate that this magnetoconductance consists of a sample-specific and of an ensemble-averaged contribution, both of which decrease with increasing temperature. The observed behavior resembles very closely the behavior of more conventional multi-channel mesoscopic wires, exhibiting universal conductance fluctuations and weak localization. A theoretical analysis of our experiments will enable to reach a deeper understanding of phase-coherent one-dimensional electronic motion in SWNTs.Comment: Replaced with published version. Minor changes in tex

    Equation of motion for multiqubit entanglement in multiple independent noisy channels

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    We investigate the possibility and conditions to factorize the entanglement evolution of a multiqubit system passing through multi-sided noisy channels. By means of a lower bound of concurrence (LBC) as entanglement measure, we derive an explicit formula of LBC evolution of the N-qubit generalized Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GGHZ) state under some typical noisy channels, based on which two kinds of factorizing conditions for the LBC evolution are presented. In this case, the time-dependent LBC can be determined by a product of initial LBC of the system and the LBC evolution of a maximally entangled GGHZ state under the same multi-sided noisy channels. We analyze the realistic situations where these two kinds of factorizing conditions can be satisfied. In addition, we also discuss the dependence of entanglement robustness on the number of the qubits and that of the noisy channels.Comment: 14 page

    Normal approximation under local dependence

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    We establish both uniform and nonuniform error bounds of the Berry-Esseen type in normal approximation under local dependence. These results are of an order close to the best possible if not best possible. They are more general or sharper than many existing ones in the literature. The proofs couple Stein's method with the concentration inequality approach.Comment: Published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org) in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/00911790400000045

    Spin-dependent Quantum Interference in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes with Ferromagnetic Contacts

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    We report the experimental observation of spin-induced magnetoresistance in single-wall carbon nanotubes contacted with high-transparency ferromagnetic electrodes. In the linear regime the spin-induced magnetoresistance oscillates with gate voltage in quantitative agreement with calculations based on a Landauer-Buttiker model for independent electrons. Consistent with this interpretation, we find evidence for bias-induced oscillation in the spin-induced magnetoresistance signal on the scale of the level spacing in the nanotube. At higher bias, the spin-induced magnetoresistance disappears because of a sharp decrease in the effective spin-polarization injected from the ferromagnetic electrodes.Comment: Replaced with published versio

    Atomic entanglement sudden death in a strongly driven cavity QED system

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    We study the entanglement dynamics of strongly driven atoms off-resonantly coupled with cavity fields. We consider conditions characterized not only by the atom-field coupling but also by the atom-field detuning. By studying two different models within the framework of cavity QED, we show that the so-called atomic entanglement sudden death (ESD) always occurs if the atom-field coupling lager than the atom-field detuning, and is independent of the type of initial atomic state
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