456 research outputs found

    Emergent autonomous scientific research capabilities of large language models

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    Transformer-based large language models are rapidly advancing in the field of machine learning research, with applications spanning natural language, biology, chemistry, and computer programming. Extreme scaling and reinforcement learning from human feedback have significantly improved the quality of generated text, enabling these models to perform various tasks and reason about their choices. In this paper, we present an Intelligent Agent system that combines multiple large language models for autonomous design, planning, and execution of scientific experiments. We showcase the Agent's scientific research capabilities with three distinct examples, with the most complex being the successful performance of catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. Finally, we discuss the safety implications of such systems and propose measures to prevent their misuse.Comment: Version 1, April 11, 2023. 48 page

    Developmentally regulated HEART STOPPER, a mitochondrially targeted L18 ribosomal protein gene, is required for cell division, differentiation, and seed development in Arabidopsis.

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    Evidence is presented for the role of a mitochondrial ribosomal (mitoribosomal) L18 protein in cell division, differentiation, and seed development after the characterization of a recessive mutant, heart stopper (hes). The hes mutant produced uncellularized endosperm and embryos arrested at the late globular stage. The mutant embryos differentiated partially on rescue medium with some forming callus. HES (At1g08845) encodes a mitochondrially targeted member of a highly diverged L18 ribosomal protein family. The substitution of a conserved amino residue in the hes mutant potentially perturbs mitoribosomal function via altered binding of 5S rRNA and/or influences the stability of the 50S ribosomal subunit, affecting mRNA binding and translation. Consistent with this, marker genes for mitochondrial dysfunction were up-regulated in the mutant. The slow growth of the endosperm and embryo indicates a defect in cell cycle progression, which is evidenced by the down-regulation of cell cycle genes. The down-regulation of other genes such as EMBRYO DEFECTIVE genes links the mitochondria to the regulation of many aspects of seed development. HES expression is developmentally regulated, being preferentially expressed in tissues with active cell division and differentiation, including developing embryos and the root tips. The divergence of the L18 family, the tissue type restricted expression of HES, and the failure of other L18 members to complement the hes phenotype suggest that the L18 proteins are involved in modulating development. This is likely via heterogeneous mitoribosomes containing different L18 members, which may result in differential mitochondrial functions in response to different physiological situations during development.Hongyu Zhang, Ming Luo, Robert C. Day, Mark J. Talbot, Aneta Ivanova, Anthony R. Ashton, Abed M. Chaudhury, Richard C. Macknight, Maria Hrmova, and Anna M. Koltuno

    Tidal, Geological, and Biological Impacts to Humboldt Bay\u27s pH

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    This research examines factors that control pH in Humboldt Bay – a shallow, tidally-driven estuary in northern California (USA) that supports shellfisheries which are economically important to the state. Time-series data from hydrographic sensors at two Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CenCOOS) stations, as well as multiple 2021 undergraduate cruises, were used to understand the role of tides, biological productivity and carbonate dissolution in controlling pH on various timescales. Differences in pH, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and temperature between an in-bay sensor and a coastal sensor indicate that the tidal flux exerts a long term, seasonal control on pH, but biological productivity substantially modifies carbon and oxygen thereby controlling pH on daily and weekly timescales. Sediment samples were also collected from the bay in 2021 to study carbonate dissolution. Sediments were incubated for three days in both stirred and unstirred conditions (to mimic tidal mixing and no tidal mixing respectively) and DO, pH and alkalinity were monitored. For all stirred incubations, large increases in pH and alkalinity suggested considerable carbonate sediment dissolution. When scaled to the bay’s in-situ suspended sediment concentrations, carbonate dissolution may exert a supplementary control on pH at similar time scales as biological productivity, but the magnitude of its effect is less

    A Toolkit for bulk PCR-based marker design from next-generation sequence data: application for development of a framework linkage map in bulb onion (Allium cepa L.)

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    BACKGROUND: Although modern sequencing technologies permit the ready detection of numerous DNA sequence variants in any organisms, converting such information to PCR-based genetic markers is hampered by a lack of simple, scalable tools. Onion is an example of an under-researched crop with a complex, heterozygous genome where genome-based research has previously been hindered by limited sequence resources and genetic markers. RESULTS: We report the development of generic tools for large-scale web-based PCR-based marker design in the Galaxy bioinformatics framework, and their application for development of next-generation genetics resources in a wide cross of bulb onion (Allium cepa L.). Transcriptome sequence resources were developed for the homozygous doubled-haploid bulb onion line ‘CUDH2150’ and the genetically distant Indian landrace ‘Nasik Red’, using 454™ sequencing of normalised cDNA libraries of leaf and shoot. Read mapping of ‘Nasik Red’ reads onto ‘CUDH2150’ assemblies revealed 16836 indel and SNP polymorphisms that were mined for portable PCR-based marker development. Tools for detection of restriction polymorphisms and primer set design were developed in BioPython and adapted for use in the Galaxy workflow environment, enabling large-scale and targeted assay design. Using PCR-based markers designed with these tools, a framework genetic linkage map of over 800cM spanning all chromosomes was developed in a subset of 93 F(2) progeny from a very large F(2) family developed from the ‘Nasik Red’ x ‘CUDH2150’ inter-cross. The utility of tools and genetic resources developed was tested by designing markers to transcription factor-like polymorphic sequences. Bin mapping these markers using a subset of 10 progeny confirmed the ability to place markers within 10 cM bins, enabling increased efficiency in marker assignment and targeted map refinement. The major genetic loci conditioning red bulb colour (R) and fructan content (Frc) were located on this map by QTL analysis. CONCLUSIONS: The generic tools developed for the Galaxy environment enable rapid development of sets of PCR assays targeting sequence variants identified from Illumina and 454 sequence data. They enable non-specialist users to validate and exploit large volumes of next-generation sequence data using basic equipment

    The role of the cytoskeleton in volume regulation and beading transitions in PC12 neurites

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    We present investigations on volume regulation and beading shape transitions in PC12 neurites conducted using a flow-chamber technique. By disrupting the cell cytoskeleton with specific drugs we investigate the role of its individual components in the volume regulation response. We find that microtubule disruption increases both swelling rate and maximum volume attained, but does not affect the ability of the neurite to recover its initial volume. In addition, investigation of axonal beading --also known as pearling instability-- provides additional clues on the mechanical state of the neurite. We conclude that the initial swelling phase is mechanically slowed down by microtubules, while the volume recovery is driven by passive diffusion of osmolites. Our experiments provide a framework to investigate the role of cytoskeletal mechanics in volume homeostasis

    Source levels of social sounds in migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)

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    The source level of an animal sound is important in communication, since it affects the distance over which the sound is audible. Several measurements of source levels of whale sounds have been reported, but the accuracy of many is limited because the distance to the source and the acoustic transmission loss were estimated rather than measured. This paper presents measurements of source levels of social sounds (surface-generated and vocal sounds) of humpback whales from a sample of 998 sounds recorded from 49 migrating humpback whale groups. Sources were localized using a wide baseline five hydrophone array and transmission loss was measured for the site. Social vocalization source levels were found to range from 123 to 183 dB re 1 mu Pa @ 1 m with a median of 158 dB re 1 mu Pa @ 1 m. Source levels of surface-generated social sounds ("breaches" and "slaps") were narrower in range (133 to 171 dB re 1 mu Pa @ 1 m) but slightly higher in level (median of 162 dB re 1 mu Pa @ 1 m) compared to vocalizations. The data suggest that group composition has an effect on group vocalization source levels in that singletons and mother-calf-singing escort groups tend to vocalize at higher levels compared to other group compositions. VC 2013 Acoustical Society of America

    The History of Makassan Trepang Fishing and Trade

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    The Malayan term trepang describes a variety of edible holothurians commonly known as sea cucumbers. Although found in temperate and tropical marine waters all over the world, the centre of species diversity and abundance are the shallow coastal waters of Island Southeast Asia. For at least 300 years, trepang has been a highly priced commodity in the Chinese market. Originally, its fishing and trade was a specialized business, centred on the town of Makassar in South Sulawesi (Indonesia). The rise of trepang fishing in the 17th century added valuable export merchandize to the rich shallow seas surrounding the islands of Southeast Asia. This enabled local communities to become part of large trading networks and greatly supported their economic development. In this article, we follow Makassan trepang fishing and trading from its beginning until the industrialization of the fishery and worldwide depletion of sea cucumbers in the 20th century. Thereby, we identify a number of characteristics which trepang fishing shares with the exploitation of other marine resources, including (1) a strong influence of international markets, (2) the role of patron-client relationships which heavily influence the resource selection, and (3) the roving-bandit-syndrome, where fishermen exploit local stocks of valuable resources until they are depleted, and then move to another area. We suggest that understanding the similarities and differences between historical and recent exploitation of marine resources is an important step towards effective management solutions

    Information theory analysis of Australian humpback whale song

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    Songs produced by migrating whales were recorded off the coast of Queensland, Australia, over six consecutive weeks in 2003. Forty-eight independent song sessions were analyzed using information theory techniques. The average length of the songs estimated by correlation analysis was approximately 100 units, with song sessions lasting from 300 to over 3100 units. Song entropy, a measure of structural constraints, was estimated using three different methodologies: (1) the independently identically distributed model, (2) a first-order Markov model, and (3) the nonparametric sliding window match length (SWML) method, as described by Suzuki et al. [(2006). “Information entropy of humpback whale song,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 1849–1866]. The analysis finds that the song sequences of migrating Australian whales are consistent with the hierarchical structure proposed by Payne and McVay [(1971). “Songs of humpback whales,” Science 173, 587–597], and recently supported mathematically by Suzuki et al. (2006) for singers on the Hawaiian breeding grounds. Both the SWML entropy estimates and the song lengths for the Australian singers in 2003 were lower than that reported by Suzuki et al. (2006) for Hawaiian whales in 1976–1978; however, song redundancy did not differ between these two populations separated spatially and temporally. The average total information in the sequence of units in Australian song was approximately 35 bits/song. Aberrant songs (8%) yielded entropies similar to the typical songs

    Earlier age of dementia onset and shorter survival times in dementia patients with diabetes

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    Diabetes is a risk factor for dementia, but relatively little is known about the epidemiology of the association. A retrospective population study using Western Australian hospital inpatient, mental health outpatient, and death records was used to compare the age at index dementia record (proxy for onset age) and survival outcomes in dementia patients with and without preexisting diabetes (n = 25,006; diabetes, 17.3%). Inpatient records from 1970 determined diabetes history in this study population with incident dementia in years 1990–2005. Dementia onset and death occurred an average 2.2 years and 2.6 years earlier, respectively, in diabetic compared with nondiabetic patients. Age-specific mortality rates were increased in patients with diabetes. In an adjusted proportional hazard model, the death rate was increased with long-duration diabetes, particularly with early age onset dementia. In dementia diagnosed before age 65 years, those with a ≥15-year history of diabetes died almost twice as fast as those without diabetes (hazard ratio = 1.9, 95% confidence interval: 1.3, 2.9). These results suggest that, in patients with diabetes, dementia onset occurs on average 2 years early and survival outcomes are generally poorer. The effect of diabetes on onset, survival, and mortality is greatest when diabetes develops before middle age and after 15 years’ diabetes duration. The impact of diabetes on dementia becomes progressively attenuated in older age groups