87 research outputs found

    Big Data analysis and Finance: a literature review

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    In this paper, we discuss the exploitation of Big Data in finance, particularly; we discuss financial opportunities to better management and challenges related to the emergence of big data. We review various works putting big data at the service of finance using analytical or predictive techniques. Furthermore, we recall some methods suitable to handle and extract relevant information from big data


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    L’utilisation des énergies renouvelables connaît une croissance significative dans le monde. Devant la demandecroissante d’énergie électrique essentiellement pour les besoins des régions éloignées, désertes et montagneuses; lessystèmes photovoltaïques, en particulier les systèmes de pompage d’eau, commencent a trouvé des grandesapplications. Dans ce sens, l’étude proposée concerne une comparaison entre les techniques d’optimisation de puissancedelivrée. Parmi ces techniques on trouve la technique de poursuite des points de puissance maximale (MPPT) vraie etles techniques d’optimisation sans et avec compensation de température. Les deux dernières techniques sont moinsperformantes que la première mais plus facile à implémentée. Dans le but d’augmenté leurs performances, uneamélioration a été proposée.. Les résultats obtenus étaient prometteux et restent à valider pratiquement

    Laser surface colouring of titanium for contemporary jewellery

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    This paper describes work which emerged through a need to understand more about the potential of laser surface engineering for use in the creative industries. The method of creation of contemporary jewellery pieces and the resultant 'Ocular' jewellery series are described from the creative point of view. The work demonstrates how laser controlled oxide growth on Ti–6Al–4V alloy under ambient conditions can be used as an artistic tool by producing precisely defined colours. Use of the method to produce regular areas of even colour and to reproduce freehand drawings on a titanium alloy surface is described. Analysis highlights interference as the main colouring mechanism and suggests a graded surface layer, progressing from an outer layer of TiO2 to lower layers rich in TiO and Ti2O. The model of research by practice presented in this paper offers a contribution to the current debate on partnerships between art and science and engineering


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    ABSTRACTpaper presents a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) used as a maximum power point tracker(MPPT) of a line commutated inverter ina photovoltaic (PV) grid connected system, under variable irradiance conditions. The purpose is to find the relationshipbetween the maximum power point (MPP) and weather parameters and track the MPP and transferring the maximum power toutility grid. The design of control rules were found by genetic algorithms (GAs) to modulate the firing angle of the inverter fortracking the MPP. Simulation results prove the superior tracking efficiency of the fuzzy controller optimized under variableparameters.KEYWORDS: Fuzzy Controller, Genetic Algorithm, Grid Connection, Maximum Power Point Tracking, PhotovoltaicEnergy. Weather conditions


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    This paper presents a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) using fuzzy logic for a PV grid connected system. Since the PVarray characteristic is hardly nonlinear, conventional control technics could be inefficient for an optimal use of these systems.Knowing that PV systems are still very expensive, therefore a fuzzy logic controller is proposed to ensure the transfer of themaximam power to the utility grid system. This method has proved its effeciency and robustness inspite of climatic conditionsvariations


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    This paper presents an optimal operation of a photovoltaic pumping system. An analysis by witch the dynamic performances of a permanent magnet brushless DC (PMBLDC) motor is controlled through a hysteresis current loop and an outer speed loop with different controllers. The dynamics of the drive system with (PI) and a Fuzzy logic (FL) speed controllers are presented. In order to optimize the overall system efficiency, a maximum power point tracker is also used. Simulation is carried out by formatting the mathematical model for photovoltaic source, MPPT, motor and pump load. The results with FL speed controller show improvement in transient response of PMBLDC drive over conventional PI. The effectiveness of the FL controller is also demonstrated

    SPFC: a tool to improve water management and hay production in the Crau region

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    Correspondance: [email protected] ; UMR SYSTEM équipe CONSYSTThis article deals with the development and application of SPFC, a model used to improve water and grassland production (HC) in this region of France. This model is composed of two sub-models: an irrigation model and a crop model. As the fields are border irrigated, these two sub-models are coupled. The crop model simulates dry matter, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and soil water reserve (SWR) variations. LAI and SWR are both used for border model updating: SWR for the deficit of saturation required by the infiltration equation and LAI for the roughness coefficient n. After calibration and validation, SPFC is then used to identify realistic management strategies for the irrigation and production system at the plot level. By scheduling irrigation when SWR is 50% depleted, would result in a low Dry Matter DM production loss (around 10%), reduced labour (8 irrigation events instead of 11) and in significant water saving compared with farmers' practices, on the basis of an average climatic scenario. Furthermore, this improvement of irrigation efficiency is not incompatible with groundwater recharge used for the potable water supply of the region

    Novel community data in ecology-properties and prospects

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    New technologies for monitoring biodiversity such as environmental (e)DNA, passive acoustic monitoring, and optical sensors promise to generate automated spatiotemporal community observations at unprecedented scales and resolutions. Here, we introduce ‘novel community data’ as an umbrella term for these data. We review the emerging field around novel community data, focusing on new ecological questions that could be addressed; the analytical tools available or needed to make best use of these data; and the potential implications of these developments for policy and conservation. We conclude that novel community data offer many opportunities to advance our understanding of fundamental ecological processes, including community assembly, biotic interactions, micro- and macroevolution, and overall ecosystem functioning