78 research outputs found

    A Joint Limit Theorem for Laplace Transforms of the Riemann Zeta–Function

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    In the paper, a joint limit theorem in the sense of weak convergence of probability measures on the complex plane for Laplace transforms of the Riemann zetafunction is obtained

    Approximation by mean of the function given by dirichlet series by absolutely convergent Dirichlet series

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    It is proved an uniform on compact sets approximation by mean of the general Dirichlet series

    On Joint Distribution of General Dirichlet Series

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    In the paper a joint limit theorem in the sense of the weak convergence in the space of meromorphic functions for general Dirichlet series is proved under weaker conditions as in [1]

    The joint distribution of the Riemann zeta - function

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    On Zeros of Periodic Zeta Functions

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    We consider zeta functions ζ(s; a) given by Dirichlet series with multiplicative periodic coefficients and prove that, for some classes of functions F , the functions F(ζ(s; a)) have infinitely many zeros in the critical strip. For example, this is true for sin(ζ(s; a)).Розглянуто дзета-функції ζ(s; a ), що задані рядами Діріхлє з мультиплікативними періодичними коефiцiєнтами, та доведено, що для деяких класів функцій F функції F(ζ(s; a )) мають нескінченну кількість нулів у критичній смузі. Наприклад, це виконується для sin(ζ(s; a ))


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    Bagchi's Theorem for families of automorphic forms

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    We prove a version of Bagchi's Theorem and of Voronin's Universality Theorem for family of primitive cusp forms of weight 22 and prime level, and discuss under which conditions the argument will apply to general reasonable family of automorphic LL-functions.Comment: 15 page


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    The Mishou theorem asserts that a pair of analytic functions from a wide class can be approximated by shifts of the Riemann zeta and Hurwitz zeta-functions (ζ(s+iτ),ζ(s+iτ,α))(\zeta(s+i\tau), \zeta(s+i\tau, \alpha)) with transcendental α\alpha, τR\tau\in\mathbb{R}, and that the set of such τ\tau has a positive lower density. In the paper, we prove that the above set has a positive density for all but at most countably many \varepsilon>0, where ε\varepsilon is the accuracy of approximation. We also obtain similar results for composite functions F(ζ(s),ζ(s,α))F(\zeta(s),\zeta(s,\alpha)) for some classes of operator FF.В 2007 г. Г. Мишу доказал совместную теорему унивурсальности для дзета-функции Римана ζ(s)\zeta(s) и дзета-функции Гурвица ζ(s,α)\zeta(s,\alpha) с трансцендентным параметром α\alpha об одновременном приближении пары функций из широкого класса аналитических функций сдвигами (ζ(s+iτ),ζ(s+iτ,α))(\zeta(s+i\tau), \zeta(s+i\tau,\alpha)), τR\tau\in \mathbb{R}. Он получил, что множество таких сдвигов, приближающих данную пару аналитических функций, имеет положительную нижнюю плотность. В статье получено, что множество таких сдвигов имеет положительную плотность для всех \varepsilon>0, за исключением счетного множества значений ε\varepsilon, где ε\varepsilon -- точность приближения.Результаты аналогичного типа также получены для сложных функций F(F( ζ(s),ζ(s,α))\zeta(s),\zeta(s,\alpha)) для некоторых классов операторов FF в пространстве аналитических функций

    On the sign of the real part of the Riemann zeta-function

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    We consider the distribution of argζ(σ+it)\arg\zeta(\sigma+it) on fixed lines σ>12\sigma > \frac12, and in particular the density d(σ)=limT+12T{t[T,+T]:argζ(σ+it)>π/2},d(\sigma) = \lim_{T \rightarrow +\infty} \frac{1}{2T} |\{t \in [-T,+T]: |\arg\zeta(\sigma+it)| > \pi/2\}|\,, and the closely related density d(σ)=limT+12T{t[T,+T]:ζ(σ+it)<0}.d_{-}(\sigma) = \lim_{T \rightarrow +\infty} \frac{1}{2T} |\{t \in [-T,+T]: \Re\zeta(\sigma+it) < 0\}|\,. Using classical results of Bohr and Jessen, we obtain an explicit expression for the characteristic function ψσ(x)\psi_\sigma(x) associated with argζ(σ+it)\arg\zeta(\sigma+it). We give explicit expressions for d(σ)d(\sigma) and d(σ)d_{-}(\sigma) in terms of ψσ(x)\psi_\sigma(x). Finally, we give a practical algorithm for evaluating these expressions to obtain accurate numerical values of d(σ)d(\sigma) and d(σ)d_{-}(\sigma).Comment: 22 pages, 3 tables. To appear in Proceedings of the International Number Theory Conference in Memory of Alf van der Poorten (Newcastle, Australia, 2011