771 research outputs found

    Walking track analysis: an assessment method for functional recovery after sciatic nerve injury in the rat

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    Walking track analysis was first described by de Medinaceli et al. This technique has been significantly modified to provide methods of indexing nerve function that are more valid. Moreover, it has been questioned by several authors. The aim of the present review is to offer a combined knowledge about walking track analysis for scientists who deal with neuroscience

    A method for volume stabilization of single, dye-doped water microdroplets with femtoliter resolution

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    A self-control mechanism that stabilizes the size of Rhodamine B-doped water microdroplets standing on a superhydrophobic surface is demonstrated. The mechanism relies on the interplay between the condensation rate that was kept constant and evaporation rate induced by laser excitation which critically depends on the size of the microdroplets. The radii of individual water microdroplets (>5 um) stayed within a few nanometers during long time periods (up to 455 seconds). By blocking the laser excitation for 500 msec, the stable volume of individual microdroplets was shown to change stepwise.Comment: to appear in the J. Op. Soc. Am.

    Finite-size scaling for non-linear rheology of fluids confined in a small space

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    We perform molecular dynamics simulations in order to examine the rheological transition of fluids confined in a small space. By performing finite-size scaling analysis, we demonstrate that this rheological transition results from the competition between the system size and the length scale of cooperative particle motion.Comment: 4pages, 8 figure

    Lumping the approximate master equation for multistate processes on complex networks

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    Complex networks play an important role in human society and in nature. Stochastic multistate processes provide a powerful framework to model a variety of emerging phenomena such as the dynamics of an epidemic or the spreading of information on complex networks. In recent years, mean-field type approximations gained widespread attention as a tool to analyze and understand complex network dynamics. They reduce the model\u2019s complexity by assuming that all nodes with a similar local structure behave identically. Among these methods the approximate master equation (AME) provides the most accurate description of complex networks\u2019 dynamics by considering the whole neighborhood of a node. The size of a typical network though renders the numerical solution of multistate AME infeasible. Here, we propose an efficient approach for the numerical solution of the AME that exploits similarities between the differential equations of structurally similar groups of nodes. We cluster a large number of similar equations together and solve only a single lumped equation per cluster. Our method allows the application of the AME to real-world networks, while preserving its accuracy in computing estimates of global network properties, such as the fraction of nodes in a state at a given time

    Jamming and Fluctuations in Granular Drag

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    We investigate the dynamic evolution of jamming in granular media through fluctuations in the granular drag force. The successive collapse and formation of jammed states give a stick-slip nature to the fluctuations which is independent of the contact surface between the grains and the dragged object -- thus implying that the stress-induced collapse is nucleated in the bulk of the granular sample. We also find that while the fluctuations are periodic at small depths, they become "stepped" at large depths, a transition which we interpret as a consequence of the long-range nature of the force chains.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    Hysteresis phenomena during melting of an ultrathin lubricant film

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    The influence of a deformational defect of the shear modulus on the melting of an ultrathin lubricant film was investigated in the framework of the Lorenz model used for describing a viscoelastic medium. It was established that the film can undergo both stepwise and continuous melting. Analysis of the lubricant behavior revealed that there are three modes corresponding to a zero shear stress, a Hookean portion in the loading diagram, and a plastic-flow portion. The hysteresis in the dependences of the stationary shear stress on the strain and the friction surface temperature is examined. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1621

    Molecular engineering of organic semiconductors enables noble metal-comparable SERS enhancement and sensitivity

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    Nanostructured molecular semiconductor films are promising Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) platforms for both fundamental and technological research. Here, we report that a nanostructured film of the small molecule DFP-4T, consisting of a fully π-conjugated diperfluorophenyl-substituted quaterthiophene structure, demonstrates a very large Raman enhancement factor (>105) and a low limit of detection (10-9 M) for the methylene blue probe molecule. This data is comparable to those reported for the best inorganic semiconductor- and even intrinsic plasmonic metal-based SERS platforms. Photoluminescence spectroscopy and computational analysis suggest that both charge-transfer energy and effective molecular interactions, leading to a small but non-zero oscillator strength in the charge-transfer state between the organic semiconductor film and the analyte molecule, are required to achieve large SERS enhancement factors and high molecular sensitivities in these systems. Our results provide not only a considerable experimental advancement in organic SERS figure-of-merits but also a guidance for the molecular design of more sensitive SERS systems

    Modeling relaxation and jamming in granular media

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    We introduce a stochastic microscopic model to investigate the jamming and reorganization of grains induced by an object moving through a granular medium. The model reproduces the experimentally observed periodic sawtooth fluctuations in the jamming force and predicts the period and the power spectrum in terms of the controllable physical parameters. It also predicts that the avalanche sizes, defined as the number of displaced grains during a single advance of the object, follow a power-law, P(s)sτP(s)\sim s^{-\tau}, where the exponent is independent of the physical parameters

    An analysis of integrative outcomes in the Dayton peace negotiations

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    The nature of the negotiated outcomes of the eight issues of the Dayton Peace Agreement was studied in terms of their integrative and distributive aspects. in cases where integrative elements were Sound, further analysis was conducted by concentrating on Pruitt's five types of integrative solutions: expanding the pie, cost cutting, non-specific compensation, logrolling, and bridging. The results showed that real world international negotiations can arrive at integrative agreements even when they involve redistribution of resources tin this case the redistribution of former Yugoslavia). Another conclusion was that an agreement can consist of several distributive outcomes and several integrative outcomes produced by different kinds of mechanisms. Similarly, in single issues more than one mechanism can be used simultaneously. Some distributive bargaining was needed in order to determine how much compensation was required. Finally, each integrative formula had some distributive aspects as well

    Surface Roughness and Effective Stick-Slip Motion

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    The effect of random surface roughness on hydrodynamics of viscous incompressible liquid is discussed. Roughness-driven contributions to hydrodynamic flows, energy dissipation, and friction force are calculated in a wide range of parameters. When the hydrodynamic decay length (the viscous wave penetration depth) is larger than the size of random surface inhomogeneities, it is possible to replace a random rough surface by effective stick-slip boundary conditions on a flat surface with two constants: the stick-slip length and the renormalization of viscosity near the boundary. The stick-slip length and the renormalization coefficient are expressed explicitly via the correlation function of random surface inhomogeneities. The effective stick-slip length is always negative signifying the effective slow-down of the hydrodynamic flows by the rough surface (stick rather than slip motion). A simple hydrodynamic model is presented as an illustration of these general hydrodynamic results. The effective boundary parameters are analyzed numerically for Gaussian, power-law and exponentially decaying correlators with various indices. The maximum on the frequency dependence of the dissipation allows one to extract the correlation radius (characteristic size) of the surface inhomogeneities directly from, for example, experiments with torsional quartz oscillators.Comment: RevTeX4, 14 pages, 3 figure