4,732 research outputs found

    Free yaw performance of the Mod-0 large horizontal axis 100 kW wind turbine

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    The NASA Mod-0 Large Horizontal Axis 100 kW Wind Turbine was operated in free yaw with an unconed teetered, downwind rotor mounted on a nacelle having 8-1/2 deg tilt. Two series of tests were run, the first series with 19 meter twisted aluminum blades and the second series with 19 meter untwisted steel spar blades with tip control. Rotor speed were nominally 20, 26 and 31 rpm. It was found the nacelle stabilized in free yaw at a yaw angle of between -55 deg to -45 deg was relatively independent of wind speed and was well damped to short term variations in wind direction. Power output of the wind turbine in free yaw, aligned at a large yaw angle, was considerably less than that if the wind turbine were aligned with the wind. For the Mod-0 wind turbine at 26 rpm, the MOSTAB computer code calculations of the free yaw alignment angle and power output compare reasonably well with experimental data. MOSTAB calculations indicate that elimination of tilt and adding coning will improve wind turbine alignment with the wind and that wind shear has a slight detrimental effect on the free yaw alignment angle

    Boundary breathers in the sinh-Gordon model

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    We present an investigation of the boundary breather states of the sinh-Gordon model restricted to a half-line. The classical boundary breathers are presented for a two parameter family of integrable boundary conditions. Restricting to the case of boundary conditions which preserve the \phi --> -\phi symmetry of the bulk theory, the energy spectrum of the boundary states is computed in two ways: firstly, by using the bootstrap technique and subsequently, by using a WKB approximation. Requiring that the two descriptions of the spectrum agree with each other allows a determination of the relationship between the boundary parameter, the bulk coupling constant, and the parameter appearing in the reflection factor derived by Ghoshal to describe the scattering of the sinh-Gordon particle from the boundary.Comment: 16 pages amslate

    Sacred Heart University Alma Mater

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    On the occasion of its 35th anniversary in 1998, Sacred Heart University adopted its official Alma Mater. Words by Ralph Corrigan et al. Music by Margaret A. Palliser

    Elemental composition and oxidation of chamber organic aerosol

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    Recently, graphical representations of aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) spectra and elemental composition have been developed to explain the oxidative and aging processes of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). It has been shown previously that oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA) components from ambient and laboratory data fall within a triangular region in the f_(44) vs. f_(43) space, where f_(44) and f_(43) are the ratios of the organic signal at m/z 44 and 43 to the total organic signal in AMS spectra, respectively; we refer to this graphical representation as the "triangle plot." Alternatively, the Van Krevelen diagram has been used to describe the evolution of functional groups in SOA. In this study we investigate the variability of SOA formed in chamber experiments from twelve different precursors in both "triangle plot" and Van Krevelen domains. Spectral and elemental data from the high-resolution Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer are compared to offline species identification analysis and FTIR filter analysis to better understand the changes in functional and elemental composition inherent in SOA formation and aging. We find that SOA formed under high- and low-NO_x conditions occupy similar areas in the "triangle plot" and Van Krevelen diagram and that SOA generated from already oxidized precursors allows for the exploration of areas higher on the "triangle plot" not easily accessible with non-oxidized precursors. As SOA ages, it migrates toward the top of the triangle along a path largely dependent on the precursor identity, which suggests increasing organic acid content and decreasing mass spectral variability. The most oxidized SOA come from the photooxidation of methoxyphenol precursors which yielded SOA O/C ratios near unity. α-pinene ozonolysis and naphthalene photooxidation SOA systems have had the highest degree of mass closure in previous chemical characterization studies and also show the best agreement between AMS elemental composition measurements and elemental composition of identified species within the uncertainty of the AMS elemental analysis. In general, compared to their respective unsaturated SOA precursors, the elemental composition of chamber SOA follows a slope shallower than −1 on the Van Krevelen diagram, which is indicative of oxidation of the precursor without substantial losss of hydrogen, likely due to the unsaturated nature of the precursors. From the spectra of SOA studied here, we are able to reproduce the triangular region originally constructed with ambient OOA compents with chamber aerosol showing that SOA becomes more chemically similar as it ages. Ambient data in the middle of the triangle represent the ensemble average of many different SOA precursors, ages, and oxidative processes

    Form factors of boundary fields for A(2)-affine Toda field theory

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    In this paper we carry out the boundary form factor program for the A(2)-affine Toda field theory at the self-dual point. The latter is an integrable model consisting of a pair of particles which are conjugated to each other and possessing two bound states resulting from the scattering processes 1 +1 -> 2 and 2+2-> 1. We obtain solutions up to four particle form factors for two families of fields which can be identified with spinless and spin-1 fields of the bulk theory. Previously known as well as new bulk form factor solutions are obtained as a particular limit of ours. Minimal solutions of the boundary form factor equations for all A(n)-affine Toda field theories are given, which will serve as starting point for a generalisation of our results to higher rank algebras.Comment: 24 pages LaTeX, 1 figur

    Conserved Charges in the Principal Chiral Model on a Supergroup

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    The classical principal chiral model in 1+1 dimensions with target space a compact Lie supergroup is investigated. It is shown how to construct a local conserved charge given an invariant tensor of the Lie superalgebra. We calculate the super-Poisson brackets of these currents and argue that they are finitely generated. We show how to derive an infinite number of local charges in involution. We demonstrate that these charges Poisson commute with the non-local charges of the model

    Multisymplectic approach to integrable defects in the sine-Gordon model

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    Ideas from the theory of multisymplectic systems, introduced recently in integrable systems by the author and Kundu to discuss Liouville integrability in classical field theories with a defect, are applied to the sine-Gordon model. The key ingredient is the introduction of a second Poisson bracket in the theory that allows for a Hamiltonian description of the model that is completely equivalent to the standard one, in the absence of a defect. In the presence of a defect described by frozen Bäcklund transformations, our approach based on the new bracket unifies the various tools used so far to attack the problem. It also gets rid of the known issues related to the evaluation of the Poisson brackets of the defect matrix which involve fields at coinciding space point (the location of the defect). The original Lagrangian approach also finds a nice reinterpretation in terms of the canonical transformation representing the defect conditions

    G_2 invariant 7D Euclidean super Yang-Mills theory as a higher-dimensional analogue of the 3D super-BF theory

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    A formulation of the N_T=1, D=8 Euclidean super Yang-Mills theory with generalized self-duality and reduced Spin(7)-invariance is given which avoids the peculiar extra constraints of Nishino and Rajpoot, hep-th/0210132. Its reduction to 7 dimensions leads to the G_2-invariant N_T=2, D=7 super Yang-Mills theory which may be regarded as a higher-dimensional analogue of the N=2, D=3 super-BF theory. When reducing further that G_2-invariant theory to 3 dimensions one gets the N_T=2 super-BF theory coupled to a spinorial hypermultiplet.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Interplay between Zamolodchikov-Faddeev and Reflection-Transmission algebras

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    We show that a suitable coset algebra, constructed in terms of an extension of the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra, is homomorphic to the Reflection-Transmission algebra, as it appears in the study of integrable systems with impurity.Comment: 8 pages; a misprint in eq. (2.14) and (2.15) has been correcte