86 research outputs found

    Oral Versus Standard Antimicrobial Treatment for Pyogenic Native Vertebral Osteomyelitis: A Single-Center, Retrospective, Propensity Score-Balanced Analysis

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    Background: Interest in shorter antimicrobial regimens and oral treatment for osteoarticular infections is growing. The aim of this study is to assess whether there is an association between the administration of an entirely oral antibiotic therapy (OT) and the clinical outcome of native vertebral osteomyelitis (NVOs). Methods: We conducted a single-center, retrospective, observational study on consecutive patients with pyogenic NVOs over a 10-year period (2008-2018). We performed multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify risk factors for clinical failure, both in the whole population and in subgroups. The impact of OT versus standard treatment (intravenous induction followed by oral treatment whenever possible) was assessed in patients with a non-multidrug-resistant microorganism (MDRO) etiology, and the impact of a rifampin-containing regimen was assessed in patients affected by NVOs caused by staphylococci or of unknown etiology. Results: The study population included 249 patients, and 33 (13.3%) experienced clinical failure; the OT group consisted of 54 patients (21.7%). Multivariate regression analysis of the whole population selected Charlson comorbidity index (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.291; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.114-1.497; P =. 001) and MDRO etiology (aOR, 3.301; 95% CI, 1.368-7.964; P =. 008) as independent factors for clinical failure. Among patients affected by a non-MDRO NVO, OT was not associated with an increased risk of clinical failure (aOR, 0.487; 95% CI,. 133-1.782; P =. 271), even after adjustment for the propensity score of receiving OT. In the subgroup of patients with staphylococcal or unknown etiology, NVO rifampin was independently associated with favorable outcome (aOR, 0.315; 95% CI,. 105-.949; P =. 040). Conclusions: An entirely oral, highly bioavailable treatment, including rifampin, may be as effective as parenteral treatment in selected patients with NVOs

    Physico-mechanical properties of two different heat treated Nickel-Titanium instruments: in-vitro study

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    Aim: This study aimed to define physico-mechanical properties of recently introduced thermally treated Edge Taper Platinum (ET Platinum) Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) instruments compared to conventional NiTi Edge Taper (ET) to disclose improvements obtained by heat-treatments. Methods: ET and ET Platinum instruments (n=30/each) were rotated until fracture in a stainless-steel canal with 90°curvature angle and 5mm curvature radius. Time to fracture (TtF) and number of cycles to fracture (NCF) were calculated and results were analyzed using Mann-Whitney test (p=0.05). Fractured instruments underwent fractographic analysis under Field-Emission-Gun Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG-SEM). Superficial features of additional new ET and ET Platinum instruments were analyzed under SEM at increasing magnification with standardized angulations and positions. After inspection, ET and ET Platinum instruments were used in extracted teeth to shape 4 straight canals each to simulate clinical conditions and re-evaluated under SEM at the same points to detect superficial wear features. ET and ET Platinum brand new instruments were examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to assess transformation temperatures. Results: Cyclic fatigue test showed a significant increase of fatigue resistance on ET Platinum compared to ET instruments (p=0.05). Fractographic analysis demonstrated a pattern of fatigue propagation on both instruments. SEM analysis on brand new instruments revealed a more regular surface of ET Platinum compared with ET and both instruments appeared with minimal alterations after the simulated clinical use. DSC analysis demonstrated higher amounts of martensite at 37°C in ET Platinum compared to ET instruments. Conclusions: ET Platinum instruments displayed an improved mechanical behavior, possibly related to modified phase transformation temperatures induced by thermal treatment of the alloy during manufacturing process. These results suggest a safe use in clinical conditions

    COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Italy: Predictors of Acceptance, Fence Sitting and Refusal of the COVID-19 Vaccination

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    Background: The hesitancy in taking the COVID-19 vaccine is a global challenge. The need to identify predictors of COVID-19 vaccine reluctance is critical. Our objectives were to evaluate sociodemographic, psychological, and behavioral factors, as well as attitudes and beliefs that influence COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy in the general population of Italy. Methods: A total of 2,015 people were assessed in two waves (March, April and May, 2021). Participants were divided into three groups: (1) individuals who accepted the vaccination (“accepters”); (2) individuals who refused the vaccination (“rejecters”); and (3) individuals who were uncertain about their attitudes toward the vaccination (“fence sitters”). Group comparisons were performed using ANOVA, the Kruskal-Wallis test and chi-square tests. The strength of the association between the groups and the participants' characteristics was analyzed using a series of multinomial logistic regression models with bootstrap internal validation (one for each factor). Results: The “fence sitters” group, when compared to the others, included individuals of younger age, lower educational level, and worsening economic situation in the previous 3 months. After controlling for sociodemographic factors, the following features emerged as the main risk factors for being “fence sitters” (compared with vaccine “accepters”): reporting lower levels of protective behaviors, trust in institutions and informational sources, frequency of use of informational sources, agreement with restrictions and higher conspirative mentality. Higher levels of COVID-19 perceived risk, trust in institutions and informational sources, frequency of use of informational sources, agreement with restrictions and protective behaviors were associated with a higher likelihood of becoming “fence sitters” rather than vaccine “rejecters.” Conclusions: The “fence sitters” profile revealed by this study is intriguing and should be the focus of public programmes aimed at improving adherence to the COVID-19 vaccination campaign

    Assessment of DXA derived bone quality indexes and bone geometry parameters in early breast cancer patients: A single center cross-sectional study

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    Background: Bone mineral density (BMD) lacks sensitivity in individual fracture risk assessment in early breast cancer (EBC) patients treated with aromatase inhibitors (AIs). New dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) based risk factors are needed. Methods: Trabecular bone score (TBS), bone strain index (BSI) and DXA parameters of bone geometry were evaluated in postmenopausal women diagnosed with EBC. The aim was to explore their association with morphometric vertebral fractures (VFs). Subjects were categorized in 3 groups in order to evaluate the impact of AIs and denosumab on bone geometry: AI-naive, AI-treated minus (AIDen-) or plus (AIDen+) denosumab. Results: A total of 610 EBC patients entered the study: 305 were AI-naive, 187 AIDen-, and 118 AIDen+. In the AI-naive group, the presence of VFs was associated with lower total hip BMD and T-score and higher femoral BSI. As regards as bone geometry parameters, AI-naive fractured patients reported a significant increase in femoral narrow neck (NN) endocortical width, femoral NN subperiosteal width, intertrochanteric buckling ratio (BR), intertrochanteric endocortical width, femoral shaft (FS) BR and endocortical width, as compared to non-fractured patients. Intertrochanteric BR and intertrochanteric cortical thickness significantly increased in the presence of VFs in AIDen- patients, not in AIDen+ ones. An increase in cross-sectional area and cross-sectional moment of inertia, both intertrochanteric and at FS, significantly correlated with VFs only in AIDen+. No association with VFs was found for either lumbar BSI or TBS in all groups. Conclusions: Bone geometry parameters are variably associated with VFs in EBC patients, either AI-naive or AI treated in combination with denosumab. These data suggest a tailored choice of fracture risk parameters in the 3 subgroups of EBC patients

    COVID‑19 in pregnant women in South Africa: A retrospective review

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    Background. The majority of maternal deaths in South Africa (SA) occur as a result of non-pregnancy-related infections (NPRI). Pregnancy is a known risk factor in severe COVID‑19, increasing the burden of NPRI in SA. In this study, we describe the prevalence, profile and clinical outcomes of pregnant women with COVID‑19 admitted to a tertiary facility. Objectives. To describe the prevalence, profile and clinical outcomes of pregnant women with COVID‑19 admitted to a tertiary facility in Gauteng, SA. Methods. We performed a retrospective review of all pregnant women with COVID‑19 admitted to Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital between 6 March and 30 August 2020. Data collected included demographics, medical history, obstetric history, clinical findings and laboratory variables. Outcomes assessed were mortality, admission to intensive care unit (ICU), symptomatic v. asymptomatic disease, maternal and fetal outcome and mode of delivery. Results. A total of 204 pregnant women were included in the study. Of these, 33 (16.2%) women were critically ill, with 21 (10.3%) admitted to the ICU and 3 (1.5%) deaths related to COVID‑19. The median gestational age was 37 weeks and median birthweight 2 940 g. Sixty-seven women (33%) were HIV-positive, in keeping with national statistics regarding HIV in pregnancy. Caesarean section was the most common mode of delivery (n=105, 60%). However, no women underwent caesarean section for indications related to COVID‑19. Conclusion. COVID‑19-related mortality in our cohort was higher than that seen internationally, likely due to differences in background maternal mortality rates and difficulty in accessing care

    PLA-based mineral-doped scaffolds seeded with human periapical cyst-derived MSCs: A promising tool for regenerative healing in dentistry

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    Human periapical cyst mesenchymal stem cells (hPCy-MSCs) are a newly discovered cell population innovatively collected from inflammatory periapical cysts. The use of this biological waste guarantees a source of stem cells without any impact on the surrounding healthy tissues, presenting a valuable potential in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications. In the present study, hPCy-MSCs were collected, isolated, and seeded on three experimental mineral-doped porous scaffolds produced by the thermally-induced phase-separation (TIPS) technique. Mineral-doped scaffolds, composed of polylactic acid (PLA), dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD), and/or hydraulic calcium silicate (CaSi), were produced by TIPS (PLA-10CaSi, PLA-5CaSi-5DCPD, PLA-10CaSi-10DCPD). Micro-CT analysis evaluated scaffolds micromorphology. Collected hPCy-MSCs, characterized by cytofluorimetry, were seeded on the scaffolds and tested for cell proliferation, cells viability, and gene expression for osteogenic and odontogenic differentiation (DMP-1, OSC, RUNX-2, HPRT). Micro-CT revealed an interconnected highly porous structure for all the scaffolds, similar total porosity with 99% open pores. Pore wall thickness increased with the percentage of CaSi and DCPD. Cells seeded on mineral-doped scaffolds showed a superior proliferation compared to pure PLA scaffolds (control), particularly on PLA-10CaSi-10DCPD at day 12. A higher number of non-viable (red stained) cells was observable on PLA scaffolds at days 14 and 21. DMP-1 expression increased in hPCy-MSCs cultured on all mineral-doped scaffolds, in particular on PLA-5CaSi-5DCPD and PLA-10CaSi-10DCPD. In conclusion, the innovative combination of experimental scaffolds colonized with autologous stem cells from periapical cyst represent a promising strategy for regenerative healing of periapical and alveolar bone

    Changes in body composition in early breast cancer patients treated with aromatase inhibitors

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    Purpose The aim of the study was to analyze the modification of total and regional body composition in early breast cancer patients treated with aromatase inhibitors (AIs).Methods This is a prospective, single-center, observational, longitudinal study. Four-hundred and twenty-eight patients treated with adjuvant aromatase inhibitors were enrolled at the Medical Oncology and Breast Unit of Spedali Civili Hospital in Brescia from September 2014 to June 2022. Several body composition parameters including total and regional fat and lean body mass were investigated with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan at baseline and after 18 months of treatment with aromatase inhibitors.Results A significant increase in fat body mass (mean + 7.2%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 5.5;8.9%) and a reduction in lean body mass (mean -3.1%, 95% CI -3.9; -2.4) were documented in this population. The changes in fat and lean body mass varied considerably according to different body districts ranging between + 3.2% to + 10.9% and from-1.3% to -3.9%, respectively.Conclusion Aromatase inhibitor adjuvant therapy in early breast cancer is associated with changes in body composition, with a wide variability among different body districts, leading to a risk of sarcopenic obesity. Supervised physical exercise that focuses on single body parts that may display detrimental variations may be beneficial for AIs treated patients

    Intravitreal vs. subtenon triamcinolone acetonide for the treatment of diabetic cystoid macular edema

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To assess the efficacy of the intravitreal (IVT) injection of Triamcinolone Acetonide (TA) as compared to posterior subtenon (SBT) capsule injection for the treatment of cystoid diabetic macular edema.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fourteen patients with type II diabetes mellitus and on insulin treatment, presenting diffuse cystoid macular edema were recruited. Before TA injection all focal lakes were treated by laser photocoagulation. In the same patients one eye was assigned to 4 mg IVT injection of TA and the fellow eye was then treated with 40 mg SBT injection of TA. Before and one, three and six months after treatment we measured visual acuity with ETDRS chart as well as thickness of the macula with optical coherence tomography (OCT) and intraocular pressure (IOP).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The eyes treated with an IVT injection displayed significant improvement in visual acuity, both after one (0.491 ± 0.070; p < 0.001) and three months (0.500 ± 0.089; p < 0.001) of treatment. Significant improvement was displayed also in eyes treated with an SBT injection, again after one (0.455 ± 0.069; p < 0.001) and three months (0.427 ± 0.065; p < 0.001). The difference between an IVT injection (0.809 ± 0.083) and SBT injection (0.460 ± 0.072) becomes significant six months after the treatment (p < 0.001).</p> <p>Macular thickness of the eyes treated with IVT injection was significantly reduced both after one (222.7 ± 13.4 Όm; p < 0.001) and after three months (228.1 ± 10.6 Όm; p < 0.001) of treatment. The eyes treated with SBT injection displayed significant improvement after one (220.1 ± 15.1 Όm; p < 0.001) and after three months (231.3 ± 10.9 Όm; p < 0.001). The difference between the eyes treated with IVT injection (385.2 ± 11.3 Όm) and those treated with SBT injection (235.4 ± 8.7 Όm) becomes significant six months after the treatment (p < 0.001).</p> <p>Intraocular pressure of the eyes treated with IVT injection significantly increased after one month (17.7 ± 1.1 mm/Hg; p < 0.020), three (18.2 ± 1.2 mm/Hg; p < 0.003) and six month (18.1 ± 1.3 mm/Hg; p < 0.007) when compared to baseline value (16.1 ± 1.402 mm/Hg). In the SBT injection eyes we didn't display a significant increase of intraocular pressure after one (16.4 ± 1.2 mm/Hg; p < 0.450), three (16.3 ± 1.1 mm/Hg; p < 0.630) and six months (16.2 ± 1.1 mm/Hg; p < 0.720) when compared to baseline value (16.2 ± 1.3 mm/Hg).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The parabulbar subtenon approach can be considered a valid alternative to the intravitreal injection.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials <b>ISRCTN67086909</b></p
