396 research outputs found

    Vergiftungen in der Schweiz

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    Moderate toxic effects following acute zonisamide overdose

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    Zonisamide is an antiepileptic drug that acts on voltage-sensitive sodium and calcium channels, with a modulatory effect on GABA-mediated neuronal inhibition and an inhibitory effect on carbonic anhydrase. It is used mainly for the treatment of partial seizures, and is generally well tolerated at therapeutic doses. The most common reported adverse effects are somnolence, anorexia, dizziness, and headache. There are limited data on zonisamide overdose in the literature, and no case of zonisamide mono-intoxication has been published to date. We describe the first case of zonisamide mono-intoxication in a 25-year-old woman who ingested 12.6 g of this substance with suicidal intent. Despite a plasma zonisamide concentration of 182 mg/L on admission, the patient exhibited a benign clinical course with vomiting and central nervous system depression, requiring brief intubation. Somnolence persisted for 50 hours, and normal-anion-gap metabolic acidosis and polyuria for several days. Complete recovery may be expected with supportive care, even after ingestion of large zonisamide overdoses

    Disseminated Microsporidiosis Due to Encephalitozoon hellem: Pulmonary Colonization, Microhematuria, and Mild Conjunctivitis in a Patient with AIDS

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    Four genera of microsporidia have been associated with disease in humans, which predominantly affects immunocompromised persons. Systemic infection with a newly characterized microsporidian species, Encephalitozoon hellem, was recently reported in a patient with AIDS. This article describes a second patient with AIDS and disseminated E. hellem infection. In this case the parasite was detected in sputum, urine, and conjunctival swab specimens. Apart from recurrent mild conjunctivitis and asymptomatic microhematuria, the patient had no findings or symptoms that could be related to this parasite. Specifically, no microsporidian-associated pulmonary pathology was documented. Detection of E. hellem in the patient's sputum may have epidemiological implications in that this finding suggests transmission of microsporidia by the aerosol route. Because the patient died of unrelated complications, it remains unknown whether he was an asymptomatic carrier of microsporidia or whether microhematuria heralded early microsporidian disease, with the onset of cellular damage in the urinary trac

    Switching to second-line antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings: comparison of programmes with and without viral load monitoring.

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    In high-income countries, viral load is routinely measured to detect failure of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and guide switching to second-line ART. Viral load monitoring is not generally available in resource-limited settings. We examined switching from nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-based first-line regimens to protease inhibitor-based regimens in Africa, South America and Asia

    Mode-locked diode-pumped vanadate lasers operated with PbS quantum dots

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    The use of glasses doped with PbS nanocrystals as intracavity saturable absorbers for passive Q-switching and mode locking of c-cut Nd:Gd0.7Y0.3VO4, Nd:YVO4, and Nd:GdVO4 lasers is investigated. Q-switching yields pulses as short as 35 ns with an average output power of 435mW at a repetition rate of 6-12 kHz at a pump power of 5-6W. Mode locking through a combination of PbS nanocrystals and a Kerr lens results in 1.4 ps long pulses with an average output power of 255 mW at a repetition rate of 100 MH

    Investigation of diode-pumped 2.8-µm laser performance in Er:BaY2F8

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    Laser operation at 2.8 mm in BaY2F8 with erbium concentrations of 7.5% and 20% is investigated under laser-diode pumping at 967 nm. Output powers as high as 250 mW and slope efficiencies as high as 24% are obtained. Results are comparable with those of Er3+:LiYF4 under the same pump conditions. Slope efficiencies above 30% are predicted for optimized erbium concentrations

    Detection of Septata intestinalis in Stool Specimens and Coprodiagnostic Monitoring of Successful Treatment with Albendazole

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    We describe two patients with AIDS and chronic diarrhea in whom the microsporidian Septata intestinalis was detected with use of light and electron microscopic coprodiagnostic techniques. The ultrastructure of the microsporidian spores found in their stool specimens was distinctly different from that of Enterocytozoon bieneusi, another intestinal microsporidian found in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Electron microscopic examination of duodenal biopsy specimens available from one of the patients enabled identification of S. intestinalis and confirmed the similarity of spores found in feces and in duodenal tissue. Both patients' diarrhea stopped when they were treated with albendazole. Coprodiagnostic monitoring indicated disappearance of the parasites and allowed the diagnosis of a relapse in one patient, who responded well to a second course of treatmen

    Augmented serum levels of the IGF-I/IGF-binding protein-3 ratio in pre-menopausal patients with type I breast cysts

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    Objective: Gross cystic disease (GCD) is the most common benign breast pathology. Although breast cysts are not considered pre-malignant lesions, an increased risk of breast cancer has been reported for patients with type I cysts (Na+/K+ < 3). Furthermore, an augmented IGF-I/IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) ratio has been described in breast cancer patients. The objective was to evaluate serum IGF-I and binding protein concentrations of type I and type II cyst patients as compared with healthy women. Methods: Twenty-four patients with type I cysts, 17 with type II cysts and 25 healthy women were evaluated. Serum IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-1 concentrations were measured by IRMA. Results: IGF-I concentrations were significantly higher in sera from patients with type I cysts than in patients with type II cysts. A highly significant decrease of IGFBP-3, the major IGFBP, was found in patients with type I cysts with respect to healthy women, whereas no significant difference was evident between the different cyst types. The IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio, an estimate of biologically active IGF-I, was very significantly higher in patients with type I cysts than in both type II patients and healthy women. IGFBP-1 levels were significantly lower in patients with type I than in controls and type II cysts. The IGF-I/IGFBP-1 ratio was significantly higher in patients with type I cysts than in type II bearers and healthy women. Estrogen levels correlated with IGF-I in patients and controls. Conclusions: The enhanced levels of IGF-I/IGFBP-3 found in patients with type I cysts could eventually be associated with the increased risk of breast cancer described for this group.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Augmented serum levels of the IGF-I/IGF-binding protein-3 ratio in pre-menopausal patients with type I breast cysts

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    Objective: Gross cystic disease (GCD) is the most common benign breast pathology. Although breast cysts are not considered pre-malignant lesions, an increased risk of breast cancer has been reported for patients with type I cysts (Na+/K+ < 3). Furthermore, an augmented IGF-I/IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) ratio has been described in breast cancer patients. The objective was to evaluate serum IGF-I and binding protein concentrations of type I and type II cyst patients as compared with healthy women. Methods: Twenty-four patients with type I cysts, 17 with type II cysts and 25 healthy women were evaluated. Serum IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-1 concentrations were measured by IRMA. Results: IGF-I concentrations were significantly higher in sera from patients with type I cysts than in patients with type II cysts. A highly significant decrease of IGFBP-3, the major IGFBP, was found in patients with type I cysts with respect to healthy women, whereas no significant difference was evident between the different cyst types. The IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio, an estimate of biologically active IGF-I, was very significantly higher in patients with type I cysts than in both type II patients and healthy women. IGFBP-1 levels were significantly lower in patients with type I than in controls and type II cysts. The IGF-I/IGFBP-1 ratio was significantly higher in patients with type I cysts than in type II bearers and healthy women. Estrogen levels correlated with IGF-I in patients and controls. Conclusions: The enhanced levels of IGF-I/IGFBP-3 found in patients with type I cysts could eventually be associated with the increased risk of breast cancer described for this group.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Dapsone/Pyrimethamine May Prevent Mycobacterial Disease in Immunosuppressed Patients Infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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    Dapsone exhibits activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) in vitro. We retrospectively examined the incidence of mycobacterial diseases within a randomized prospective trial of prophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and toxoplasmosis. Of 501 participants who had not previously had a mycobacterial disease, 274 received dapsone/pyrimethamine (200/75 mg once weekly) and 227 received aerosolized pentamidine (300 mg once every 4 weeks). The median CD4 lymphocyte count was 113/µL, and the median duration of treatment was 369 days. Six cases of tuberculosis, 22 of MAC infection, and 3 of Mycobacterium genavense disease occurred during treatment. Stratified by baseline CD4 lymphocyte counts, the annual product-limit incidence of mycobacterial disease was 5% during treatment with dapsone/pyrimethamine vs. 12% during treatment with aerosolized pentamidine for patients whose counts were 0-24/µL, 0 vs. 12% for those whose counts were 25-49/µL, and 7% vs. 9% for those whose counts were 50-99/µL. Adjusted for CD4 lymphocyte counts at start of treatment, the relative risk for patients receiving dapsone/pyrimethamine was 0.47 (95% confidence interval, 0.19-1.16; P = .10). This inexpensive and simple regimen may prevent mycobacterial diseases and warrants further investigation as a means of prophylaxis for multiple opportunistic disease