9,610 research outputs found

    Towards a Unified Framework for Declarative Structured Communications

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    We present a unified framework for the declarative analysis of structured communications. By relying on a (timed) concurrent constraint programming language, we show that in addition to the usual operational techniques from process calculi, the analysis of structured communications can elegantly exploit logic-based reasoning techniques. We introduce a declarative interpretation of the language for structured communications proposed by Honda, Vasconcelos, and Kubo. Distinguishing features of our approach are: the possibility of including partial information (constraints) in the session model; the use of explicit time for reasoning about session duration and expiration; a tight correspondence with logic, which formally relates session execution and linear-time temporal logic formulas

    Sarcoma fibroblástico mixoinflamatorio en el pie: presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    El Sarcoma Fibroblástico Mixoinflamatorio (SFMI) es un sarcoma de escasa frecuencia, que aparece habitualmente en adultos durante la cuarta y quinta década de la vida como una masa de partes blandas, subcutánea, indolora, de preferencia localizada en partes acras, aunque también puede presentarse en otras localizaciones. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 35 años con una tumoración a nivel del primer espacio dorsal del pie derecho, indolora, de 4 meses de evolución sin antecedente traumático. Se realizó una exéresis quirúrgica de la lesión. El estudio de la anatomía patológica estableció el diagnóstico de Sarcoma Fibroblástico Mixoinflamatorio. Esta lesión es una tumoración rara, por lo que habitualmente su diagnóstico es a menudo tardío. Hemos realizado una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura con el fin de dar a conocer este tipo de tumoración y su manejo.Fibroblastic Mixoinflamatory Sarcoma is a malignant tumor of low frequency, developed in adults during the fourth and fifth decade of life as a soft tissue subcutaneous mass, usually painless, placed distally in the distal extremities. We report the case of a 35 years-old female with a painless tumour at the first dorsal space of the right foot, of 4 months evolution. She did not refer any trauma history. We removed the lump and sent the sample to pathology department, which established the diagnosis of Fibroblastic Mixoinflamatory Sarcoma. Fibroblastic Mixoinflamatory Sarcoma is a rare tumour, often misdiagnose. We carried out a thorough review of the literature to divulge this type of tumour and its management

    3D-Mesomechanical analysis of external sulfate attack in concrete

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    The present study focuses on degradation of concrete by external sulfate attack. The numerical model developed by the MECMAT/UPC group, incorporates coupled C-M analysis using a meso-mechanical approach with discrete cracking, using the MEF and zero thickness interface elements with a constitutive law based on nonlinear fracture mechanics concepts. Examples of application are run on 2D and 3D samples, with geometries and FE meshes generated with a code developed also in-house. The numerical analysis is carried out using two independent codes and a “staggered” procedure. The first code performs the mechanical analysis and the second the diffusive/reaction chemical problem. 2D uncoupled and coupled analysis are presented and discussed. Preliminary coupled 3D results are also presented and compared with equivalent 2D results, and the differences are detected and analyzed

    GAMES: A new Scenario for Software and Knowledge Reuse

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    Games are a well-known test bed for testing search algorithms and learning methods, and many authors have presented numerous reasons for the research in this area. Nevertheless, they have not received the attention they deserve as software projects. In this paper, we analyze the applicability of software and knowledge reuse in the games domain. In spite of the need to find a good evaluation function, search algorithms and interface design can be said to be the primary concerns. In addition, we will discuss the current state of the main statistical learning methods and how they can be addressed from a software engineering point of view. So, this paper proposes a reliable environment and adequate tools, necessary in order to achieve high levels of reuse in the games domain

    Advanced Design of Semantic Web Portal: ODESeW2

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    This poster presents a rapid web application development framework to build semantic por-tals. This framework is composed of reusable views of semantic information, ontology views and an intelligent controller, as elements of the Model-View-Controller design paradigm

    Labor demand and information technologies: evidence for Spain, 1980-2005

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    Utilizando la base de datos EU KLEMS, se contrasta la hipótesis de complementariedad entre habilidad y capital en los distintos sectores productivos en España en el periodo 1980-2005. Se analizan tres tipos de trabajadores clasificados según su nivel de habilidad sea alto, medio o bajo. Los activos de capital se van a clasificar entre activos TIC (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación) y activos no-TIC. La adquisición y el uso de activos TIC son costosos pero ha ido disminuyendo en el periodo en consideración en términos relativos a otros activos y al factor trabajo. El principal resultado que se obtiene es que existe un grado de sustituibilidad entre los trabajadores y los activos TIC a medida que la habilidad del trabajador va aumentando. De hecho, los activos TIC son muy complementarios con los trabajadores de alta habilidad. A lo largo del periodo analizado, la fracción de trabajadores con habilidad media y alta ha crecido un 21% y un 12%, respectivamente, en detrimento de los trabajadores de baja habilidad. Después de descomponer estos cambios, se descubre que existe un ajuste dentro de los sectores más que un ajuste del trabajo entre sectores.capital-skill complementarity, ICT, translog cost function, elasticity of substitution.