338 research outputs found

    Features of the transition radiation generated by weakly-relativistic electrons in the regime of grazing escape from a flat target

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    Features of the transition radiation (TR) generated in the vacuum ultraviolet range by weakly-relativistic electrons escaping from a target at small (grazing) angles have been theoretically studied. A significant (more than tenfold) increase in the angular density of TR with decreasing escape angle is predicted. It is established that the spectral and angular distribution of the TR intensity significantly depends on the target permittivity and the electron energy and escape angleyesBelgorod State Universit

    Experimental setup for studying the processes occurring during interaction of fast electrons with matter

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    Experimental setup designed for studying the processes occurring under fast electrons interaction with a matter is presented. The setup is based on an electron gun, which produces the electron beam with current in range from 10 nA to 5 A and electrons energies from 8 up to 60 keV. The rest parts of the setup are the electron gun chamber, electromagnetic system for the electron beam formation, target vacuum chamber, target goniometer, equipment for the beam diagnostics and spectrometr

    On the possibility of using parametric X-ray radiation to study anisotropy of a crystal mosaic structure

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    Parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) of relativistic electrons moving in a mosaic crystal is considered. A strong dependence of the PXR angular spectral distribution on the mosaic structure is shownyesBelgorod State Universit

    Spectrum of collimated X-rays emitted from relativistic electrons crossing an aligned crystal

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    Analytic description of X-ray emission from relativistic electrons crossing a thin aligned crystal is presented. The suggested model takes into account contributions of the transition radiation and coherent bremsstrahlung on atomic strings and has no limitations on the emitting particle energyyesBelgorod State Universit

    Cherenkov effect and parametric X-rays

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    Self-diffracted Cherenkov X-rays emitted from relativistic electrons penetrating into the periodic multilayer nanostructure are consid-ered in this workyesBelgorod State Universit

    DarkSide status and prospects

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    DarkSide uses a dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber to search for WIMP dark matter. The current detector, DarkSide-50, is running since mid 2015 with a target of 50 kg of Argon from an underground sourc

    An investigation of the parametric X-ray along the velocity of emitting particle

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    Parametric X-rays (PXR) along the velocity of relativistic electrons crossing a crystalline target is studied in this work. The detailed theory of PXRfor Laue scattering geometry is developed with account of contributions of both PXRand transition radiation (TR) to the total emission yield. An influence of photoabsorption and interference between PXRand TRon the forward PXR properties are studied. Most appropriate conditions for the real experiment devoted to forward PXRobservation are elucidated on the basis of the developed theory. The advantage of the use of heavy crystals with this aim in mind is shown. The expected experimental results are discussedyesBelgorod State Universit

    On X-ray sources based on Cherenkov and quasi-Cherenkov emission mechanisms

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    A variety of possible schemes of X-ray sources based on Cherenkov like emission mechanisms is considered theoretically. The possibility to increase substantially an angular density of parametric X-ray source under conditions of grazing incidence of emitting relativistic electrons on the reflecting crystallographic plane of a crystalline target is shownye

    Angular distribution of X-ray radiation by 500 MeV electrons in a tungsten crystal

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    X-rays generated by a 500 MeV electron beam of the Tomsk synchrotron in a tungsten single crystal with a mosaic factor less than 80'' has been studied theoretically and experimentallyyesBelgorod State Universit