16 research outputs found

    Correction: Fine tuning of ferromagnet/antiferromagnet interface magnetic anisotropy for field-free switching of antiferromagnetic spins.

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    Correction for 'Fine tuning of ferromagnet/antiferromagnet interface magnetic anisotropy for field-free switching of antiferromagnetic spins' by M. Ślęzak et al., Nanoscale, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/d0nr04193a

    Tunable interplay between exchange coupling and uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial CoO/Au/Fe trilayers

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    Abstract We show that the interaction between ferromagnetic Fe(110) and antiferromagnetic CoO(111) sublayers can be mediated and precisely tuned by a nonmagnetic Au spacer. Our results prove that the thickness of the Fe and Au layers can be chosen to modify the effective anisotropy of the Fe layer and the strength of the exchange bias interaction between Fe and CoO sublayers. Well-defined and tailorable magnetic anisotropy of the ferromagnet above Néel temperature of the antiferromagnet is a determining factor that governs exchange bias and interfacial CoO spins orientation at low temperatures. In particular, depending on the room temperature magnetic state of Fe, the low-temperature exchange bias in a zero-field cooled system can be turned “off” or “on”. The other way around, we show that exchange bias can be the dominating magnetic anisotropy source for the ferromagnet and it is feasible to induce a 90-degree rotation of the easy axis as compared to the initial, exchange bias-free easy axis orientation

    From termination dependent chemical sensitivity of spin orientation in all-bcc Fe/Co magnetic superlattices toward the concept of an artificial surface of a ferromagnet

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    Abstract Adsorption of gases on the surface of all-bcc (Fe/Co)N superlattices drives the in-plane, 90° magnetization rotation of the bulk-like Fe(110) supporting ferromagnet. Both experimental and theoretical results prove that terminating the surface of (Fe/Co)N superlattices either by Co or by Fe switches “ON” or “OFF” the spin orientation sensitivity to adsorption. Results indicate that purely surface limited adsorption processes strongly modify the magnetic anisotropy of the entire (Fe/Co)N superlattice, which acts as a kind of “artificial” surface of the bulky Fe(110) ferromagnet. Such an artificial magnetic surface anisotropy concept not only enhances the surface contribution in classical surface–bulk competition but also provides its additional chemical sensitivity

    Antiferromagnetic Hysteresis Above the Spin Flop Field - source data for https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00093

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    Magnetocrystalline anisotropy is essential in the physics of antiferromagnets and commonly treated as a constant, not depending on an external magnetic field. However, we demonstrate that in CoO the anisotropy should necessarily depend on the magnetic field, which is shown by the spin Hall magnetoresistance of the CoO | Pt device. Below the Néel temperature CoO reveals a spin-flop transition at 240 K at 7.0 T, above which a hysteresis in the angular dependence of magnetoresistance unexpectedly persists up to 30 T. This behavior is shown to agree with the presence of the unquenched orbital momentum, which can play an important role in antiferromagnetic spintronics.</p