314 research outputs found

    Upaya Penerapan Nilai-nilai Adat dan Syarak dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Nagari

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    Minangkabau nagari (local state resembling village) serve as the lowest level of administration in the Indonesian government as well as the basis for the implementationand preservation of traditional values based on Islamic sharia. Nagari is not only led byWali Nagari as the formal leader but also balanced by Tungku Tigo Sajarangan—a termfor three leaders in the society; Niniak Mamak, Alim Ulama, and Cadiak Pandai—andBundo Kanduang as the social leader. Each element has to cooperate and contributeaccording to their tasks to achieve the goal of wealthy, prosperous, secure, and peacefulNagari community. Those functions will work well if each leader understands,comprehends, and implements the cultural and religious values as mentioned inMinangkabau catchphrase “Adat Basandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah.

    Pola Kepemimpinan Organisasi Muhammadiyah

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    Tujuan penulisan ini berusaha mengungkap pola kepemimpinan organisasi Muhammadiyah. Data penelitian berupa data literer yang diperoleh dari perpustakaan dan lembaga kearsipan. Data yang telah terkumpul dikritik, baik internal ataupun eksternal, sehingga didapatkan data yang valid dan otentik. Selanjutnya data-data tersebut dianalisis dengan dua metode, yakni metode sejarah dan induktif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan, bahwa Pola kepemimpinan Muhammadiyah pada masa-masa awal perkembangannya, cenderung bersifat kharismatik. Kepemimpinan pada organisasi tersebut lebih didasarkan karena mereka memiliki kewibawaan personal sebagai seorang ulama intelek. Baru dalam perkembangan lebih lanjut, yaitu pada tahun 1990 an Muhammadiyah memiliki pola kepemimpinan yang bersifat Legal-rasional. Pada masa ini Muhammadiyah dipimpin oleh figur intelektual akademisi yang memiliki wawasan keulamaan. Disamping itu, masa kepemimpinan Muhammadiyah relatif pendek, hanya satu atau dua periode

    Dynamical symmetry breaking of SU(6) GUT in 5-dimensional spacetime with orbifold S1/Z2

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    The symmetry breaking of 5-dimensional SU(6) GUT into 4-dimensional SU(3) x SU(3) x U(1) with orbifold S1/Z2 through Scherk-Schwarz mechanism is investigated. It is shown that the origin of Little Higgs can be generated to further break SU(3) x SU(3) x U(1) down to the electroweak scale through Higgs mechanism.Comment: 4 page

    Proton decay in 5D SU(6) GUT with orbifold S^1/Z_2 breaking in Scherk-Schwarz mechanism

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    Proton decay within 5-dimensional SU(6) GUT with orbifold S^1/Z_2 breaking is investigated using Scherk-Schwarz mechanism. It is shown that in the model neither leptoquark like heavy gauge bosons nor violation of baryon number conservation are allowed due to the orbifold breaking parity splitting. These results prevent too short proton lifetime within the model.Comment: 6 pages, Proceeding of the Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday : Quantum Mechanics, Elementary Particles, Quantum Cosmology, Complexity (2011) 544-54


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     Abstract: The many regulations in Indonesia make it difficult to realize harmonization of law, even what happens is the opposite, namely the emergence of conflicting legal norms between laws and regulations. Conflict of norms results in legal uncertainty. Therefore, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as the leading sector in the development of national law initiates the settlement of conflict of norms / disharmony in legislation through mediation. However, the resolution of norm conflicts through mediation is an anomaly from resolving norm conflicts that are generally known. In addition, the authority of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as a mediator in resolving conflicting norms is also a polemic. Analysis through a conceptual approach and legislation in this paper shows that although the function of fostering national law lies with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is not authorized to resolve conflicts of laws and norms, even through mediation. The function of developing national law is only limited to evaluating the draft laws and regulations. Based on Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning Formation of Regulations and Regulations, the resolution of conflicting norms of laws and regulations under the law can only be done through judicial review to the Supreme Court. Keywords: Dispute; Regulation; Mediatio

    Analisis Kerusakan Retak Lelah Pada Struktur Perkerasan Kaku Landasan Pesawat Udara Dengan Menggunakan Program Airfield

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    . Structural design of an airport rigid pavement carrying mixed traffic should be based in principle upon fatigue cracking criterion, as stated by the PCA method (Yoder, et.al., 1975). By this approach, every departing aircraft is assumed to cause certain damage in the pavement that corresponds to the flexural stress level occurring therein. When the cumulative total damage reaches 100% in the end of its design life, the pavement is expected to experience fatigue cracking within the wheel path of a certain aircraft, which is then defined as the design aircraft. Such a design aircraft must be determined iteratively during the design process. This paper outlines a design example in determining a design aircraft out of 17 typical types of aircraft operating at present on Juanda airport of Surabaya by using program Airfield (Kosasih, 2004). The contribution of each type of aircraft on pavement structural damage is described in detail. The effect of Load Repetition Factor (LRF) to account for aircraft wander in a lateral direction of the pavement on delaying fatigue cracking is also discussed

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Sifat Magnetik Serbuk Barium M-Heksaferrit dengan Doping Ion Zn pada Variasi Temperatur Rendah

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    Sintesis Barium M-Heksaferrit (BaFe11,4Zn0,6O19) doping ion Zn telah dilakukan dengan metode kopresipitasi. Bahan yang digunakan dalam sintesis yaitu BaCO­3, FeCl3.6H2O dan ion Zn. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan variasi suhu kalsinasi pada temperatur rendah yaitu 80oC, 150oC, 200oC dan 280oC selama 4 jam. Hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan DSC-TGA (Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Thermogravimetric), XRD (X-ray Diffraction), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) dan VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer). Barium M-Heksaferrit terbentuk pada temperatur 150oC sebesar 72,54% dan mempunyai ukuran partikel sebesar 0,5μm. Kurva histerisis menunjukkan telah terbentuk softmagnetic dengan magnetisasi remanensi (Mr) sebesar 0,01 emu/gr, medan koersivitas (Hc) sebesar 0,00825 Tesla dan mempunyai magnetisasi tertinggi terjadi ketika medan koersivitas (Hc) sebesar 1 Tesla dengan magnetisasi sebesar 0,55 emu/gr

    Penelitian Proses Pembuatan Konsentrat dan Ingot Tembaga dari Batuan Mineral Cu sebagai Substitusi Impor

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    Research on the manufacturing process of concentrates and ingots of copper from Cu mineralized rocks as import substitution has been done. The aim is to produce import substitute products from raw materials from copper alloys in domestic. The research method was taken, consist of: (1) the manufacturing concentrates process, namely Cu smoothing stone (crusher), soaking in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and dilution with Zn powder, (2) ingot-making process, that is burned on non-ferrous furnace (melting process) and liquid non-ferrous metals in print according to the desired size. Based on the results of the experimentaltrial the composition of concentrates and ingots of copper is dominated by Cu-Pb (98.7% -1.05%), the hardness of copper ingots is 62.28 Hv (hardness exceeds the standards of pure copper: Hv 20-40). The results of SEM and EDS showed the presence of a layer of copper matrix is quite tight and together, where the elements of Pb slip the matrix Cu. We hope that the products manufacturing process technology of copper alloys can be produced by SMEs mining in Indonesia to developing the added value of local mineral alloy.ABSTRAKPenelitian proses pembuatan konsentrat dan ingot tembaga dari batuan mineral Cu sebagai substitusi impor dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan produk substitusi impor dari bahan baku paduan tembaga yang berasal dari dalam negeri. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah: (1) proses pembuatan konsentrat, yaitu; penghalusan batu Cu (crusher), perendaman dengan asam sulfat (H2SO4) dan pelarutan dengan serbuk Zn, (2) proses pembuatan ingot, yaitu; dibakar pada tungku non ferro (proses peleburan) dan cairan logam non ferro di cetak sesuai ukuran yang dikehendaki. Berdasarkan hasil percobaan diketahui bahwa komposisi konsentrat maupun ingot tembaga didominasi oleh Cu-Pb (98,7%-1,05%), kekerasan yang dimiliki ingot tembaga adalah 62,28Hv (melebihi kekerasan pada standar tembaga murni: 20-40 Hv). Hasil pengujian SEM dan EDS menunjukkan adanya lapisan matrix tembaga yang cukup rapat dan menyatu, dimana unsur Pb menyelip pada matrix Cu. Diharapkan teknologi proses pembuatan produk dari paduan tembaga dapat diproduksi oleh Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM) penambangan di Indonesia untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah mineral paduan lokal. Kata kunci : konsentrat, ingot tembaga, tungku non ferro

    Deep Venous Reconstruction: A Case Series

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    Objectives This study aims to review a case series of deep venous reconstruction procedures performed at one centre by a single consultant. Methods A retrospective review of deep venous reconstruction procedures performed by a single consultant from 1994 to 2013 was carried out and all notes were reviewed for outcomes. A 58-month cumulative patency rate was calculated using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Results Nineteen patients underwent deep venous reconstruction procedures including the Palma bypass, May-Husni bypass, femoral vein transposition and axillary vein transplant techniques from 1994 to 2013. Eleven patients were male and eight were female with a mean average age of 45.2 years (range 29-63). Clinical severity of disease ranged from C3 to C6, and 16 patients had a confirmed history of deep vein thrombosis. Cumulative primary patency rate for all reconstructions at 58 months was 89.5%, with two patients occluding and 17 remaining patent at last follow-up. Conclusion Deep venous reconstructions, particularly the Palma and May-Husni procedures, are feasible and can have good outcomes in patients failed by endovascular techniques and other more conservative therapies
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