5,816 research outputs found

    Sub-milliarcsec-scale structure of the gravitational lens B1600+434

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    In the gravitational lens system B1600+434 the brighter image, A, is known to show rapid variability which is not detected in the weaker image, B (Koopmans & de Bruyn 2000). Since correlated variability is one of the fundamental properties of gravitational lensing, it has been proposed that image A is microlensed by stars in the halo of the lensing galaxy (Koopmans & de Bruyn 2000). We present VLBA observations of B1600+434 at 15 GHz with a resolution of 0.5 milliarcsec to determine the source structure at high spatial resolution. The surface brightness of the images are significantly different, with image A being more compact. This is in apparent contradiction with the required property of gravitational lensing that surface brightness be preserved. Our results suggest that both the lensed images may show two-sided elongation at this resolution, a morphology which does not necessarily favour superluminal motion. Instead these data may suggest that image B is scatter-broadened at the lens so that its size is larger than that of A, and hence scintillates less than image A.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted in AA Letter

    Quantifying Suppression of the Cosmological 21-cm Signal due to Direction Dependent Gain Calibration in Radio Interferometers

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    The 21-cm signal of neutral hydrogen - emitted during the Epoch of Reionization - promises to be an important source of information for the study of the infant universe. However, its detection is impossible without sufficient mitigation of other strong signals in the data, which requires an accurate knowledge of the instrument. Using the result of instrument calibration, a large part of the contaminating signals are removed and the resulting residual data is further analyzed in order to detect the 21-cm signal. Direction dependent calibration (DDC) can strongly affect the 21-cm signal, however, its effect has not been precisely quantified. In the analysis presented here we show how to exactly calculate what part of the 21-cm signal is removed as a result of the DDC. We also show how a-priori information about the frequency behavior of the instrument can be used to reduce signal suppression. The theoretical results are tested using a realistic simulation based on the LOFAR setup. Our results show that low-order smooth gain functions (e.g. polynomials) over a bandwidth of ~10\,MHz - over which the signal is expected to be stationary - is sufficient to allow for calibration with limited, quantifiable, signal suppression in its power spectrum. We also show mathematically and in simulations that more incomplete sky models lead to larger 21-cm signal suppression, even if the gain models are enforced to be fully smooth. This result has immediate consequences for current and future radio telescopes with non-identical station beams, where DDC might be necessary (e.g. SKA-low).Comment: Submitted to MNRAS on 10-Aug-201

    Micro & strong lensing with the Square Kilometer Array: The mass--function of compact objects in high--redshift galaxies

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    We present the results from recent VLA 8.5-GHz and WSRT 1.4 and 4.9-GHz monitoring campaigns of the CLASS gravitational lens B1600+434 and show how the observed variations argue strongly in favor of microlensing by MACHOs in the halo of a dark-matter dominated edge-on disk galaxy at z=0.4. The population of flat-spectrum radio sources with micro-Jy flux-densities detected with the Square-Kilometer-Array is expected to have dimensions of micro-arcsec. They will therefore vary rapidly as a result of Galactic scintillation (diffractive and refractive). However, when positioned behind distant galaxies they will also show variations due to microlensing, even more strongly than in the case of B1600+434. Relativistic or superluminal motion in these background sources typically leads to temporal variations on time scales of days to weeks. Scintillation and microlensing can be distinguished, and separated, by their different characteristic time scales and the frequency dependence of their modulations. Monitoring studies with Square-Kilometer-Array at GHz frequencies will thus probe both microscopic and macroscopic properties of dark matter and its mass-function as a function of redshift, information very hard to obtain by any other method.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Perspectives in Radio Astronomy: Scientific Imperatives at cm and m Wavelengths (Dwingeloo: NFRA), Edited by: M.P. van Haarlem & J.M. van der Huls

    Robust Foregrounds Removal for 21-cm Experiments

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    Direct detection of the Epoch of Reionization via the redshifted 21-cm line will have unprecedented implications on the study of structure formation in the early Universe. To fulfill this promise current and future 21-cm experiments will need to detect the weak 21-cm signal over foregrounds several order of magnitude greater. This requires accurate modeling of the galactic and extragalactic emission and of its contaminants due to instrument chromaticity, ionosphere and imperfect calibration. To solve for this complex modeling, we propose a new method based on Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) which is able to cleanly separate the cosmological signal from most of the foregrounds contaminants. We also propose a new imaging method based on a maximum likelihood framework which solves for the interferometric equation directly on the sphere. Using this method, chromatic effects causing the so-called "wedge" are effectively eliminated (i.e. deconvolved) in the cylindrical (k⊥,k∥k_{\perp}, k_{\parallel}) power spectrum.Comment: Subbmited to the Proceedings of the IAUS333, Peering Towards Cosmic Dawn, 4 pages, 2 figure

    Significance of interface anisotropy in laser induced magnetization precession in ferromagnetic metal films

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    Laser induced ultrafast demagnetization in ferromagnetic metals was discovered almost 20 years ago, but currently there is still lack of consensus on the microscopic mechanism responsible for the corresponding transfer of angular momentum and energy between electron, lattice and spin subsystems. A distinct, but intrinsically correlated phenomenon occurring on a longer timescale is the magnetization precession after the ultrafast demagnetization process, if a magnetic field is applied to tilt the magnetization vector away from its easy direction, which can be attributed to the change of anisotropy after laser heating. In an in-plane magnetized Pt/Co/Pt thin film with perpendicular interface anisotropy, we found excellent agreement between theoretical prediction with plausible parameters and experimental data measured using time resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect. This agreement confirms that the time evolution of the anisotropy field, which is driven by the interaction between electrons and phonons, determines the magnetization precession completely. A detailed analysis shows that, even though the whole sample is magnetized in-plane, the dynamic interface anisotropy field dictates the initial phase of the magnetization precession, highlighting the significance of the interface anisotropy field in laser induced magnetization precession.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Increasing weaning age of piglets from 4 to 7 weeks reduces stress, increases post-weaning feed intake but does not improve intestinal functionality

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    This study tested the hypothesis that late weaning and the availability of creep feed during the suckling period compared with early weaning, improves feed intake, decreases stress and improves the integrity of the intestinal tract. In this study with 160 piglets of 16 litters, late weaning at 7 weeks of age was compared with early weaning at 4 weeks, with or without creep feeding during the suckling period, on post-weaning feed intake, plasma cortisol (as an indicator of stress) and plasma intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP; a marker for mild intestinal injury) concentrations, intestinal morphology, intestinal (macro)molecular permeability and intestinal fluid absorption as indicators of small intestinal integrity. Post-weaning feed intake was similar in piglets weaned at 4 weeks and offered creep feed or not, but higher (P <0.001) in piglets weaned at 7 weeks with a higher (P <0.05) intake for piglets offered creep feed compared with piglets from whom creep feed was witheld. Plasma cortisol response at the day of weaning was lower in piglets weaned at 7 weeks compared with piglets weaned at 4 weeks, and creep feed did not affect cortisol concentration. Plasma I-FABP concentration was not affected by the age of weaning and creep feeding. Intestinal (macro)molecular permeability was not affected by the age of weaning and creep feeding. Both in uninfected and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-infected small intestinal segments net fluid absorption was not affected by the age of weaning or creep feeding. Creep feeding, but not the age of weaning, resulted in higher villi and increased crypt depth. In conclusion, weaning at 7 weeks of age in combination with creep feeding improves post-weaning feed intake and reduces weaning stress but does not improve functional characteristics of the small intestinal mucos

    Galaxy-Scale Strong Lensing Tests of Gravity and Geometric Cosmology: Constraints and Systematic Limitations

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    Galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses with measured stellar velocity dispersions allow a test of the weak-field metric on kiloparsec scales and a geometric measurement of the cosmological distance-redshift relation, provided that the mass-dynamical structure of the lensing galaxies can be independently constrained to a sufficient degree. We combine data on 53 galaxy-scale strong lenses from the Sloan Lens ACS Survey with a well-motivated fiducial set of lens-galaxy parameters to find (1) a constraint on the post-Newtonian parameter gamma = 1.01 +/- 0.05 and (2) a determination of Omega_Lambda = 0.75 +/- 0.17 under the assumption of a flat universe. These constraints assume that the underlying observations and priors are free of systematic error. We evaluate the sensitivity of these results to systematic uncertainties in (1) total mass-profile shape, (2) velocity anisotropy, (3) light-profile shape, and (4) stellar velocity dispersion. Based on these sensitivities, we conclude that while such strong-lens samples can in principle provide an important tool for testing general relativity and cosmology, they are unlikely to yield precision measurements of gamma and Omega_Lambda unless the properties of the lensing galaxies are independently constrained with substantially greater accuracy than at present.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; Accepted to Ap
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