261 research outputs found

    Cooling Strategies for Greenhouses in Summer: Control of Fogging by Pulse Width Modulation

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    The possibilities for improving the control of greenhouse fogging systems, were studied by comparing several combinations of ventilation cooling techniques, shade screening and low-pressure fogging. The study was divided into three parts: experiments, modelling and simulations. In the first part of the paper, ten combinations of five cooling techniques were tested during the summers of 2002 and 2003 in a 132m2 greenhouse with a steel structure and a single-layer methacrylate cover located in Madrid, Spain. An analysis of variance of the climatic parameters was carried out to determine which combinations produced significant differences in inside temperature or relative humidity. Comparing the values for the inside to outside temperature difference, the combination of a shade screen and above-screen fogging achieved a difference in temperature almost the same as that for under-screen fogging, but the relative humidity was significantly lower. In the second part of the study a dynamic model was developed (2002) and validated (2003). The mean absolute error obtained for inside temperature was similar in the fit and the validation and it was less than 1.5 1C in both cases. The model was used to simulate the inside air temperature for a fog system working without shading, and above and under a shade screen. Control algorithms were developed for reducing system water consumption. In the three cases a simple on/off control with a fixed fogging cycle was compared with a pulse width modulation (PWM) strategy, in which the duration of the fogging pulse was increased as a function of inside temperature. The strategies with PWM applied to the fog system were able to reduce water consumption by 8–15% with respect to the strategies with a fixed fogging cycle

    Oral non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with etanercept and methotrexate

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    Oral non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (O-NHLs) are a rare group of diverse lymphoid tissue malignancies and represent less than 5% of the oral cavity malignancies and 2% of all extra-nodal NHLs. Oral-NHLs affect the Waldeyer’s- ring, the salivary glands, the bone of the jaws and the oral mucosa, their clinical appearance is very heterogeneous. Among the risk factors for NHLs are immunosuppression (primary or secondary), autoimmunity and inflammation. O-NHLs share the same risk factors. This case report describes a patient with O-NHL which was possibly linked to the combination of methotrexate and etanercept for the treatment of her rheumatoid arthritis. To our knowledge this is probably among the first cases of O-NHL with possible relation to the use of a Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) antagonist biological agent (etanercept). This case could contribute to the sensitization of the dentists for the signs and symptoms of this rare malignancy. It also underlines the need for thorough medical history and medication recording for all the dental patients

    Age-related EBV positive clonal B-cell Lymphoid proliferation (EBV+-DLBCL)

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    The Ebstein Barr virus(EBV), herpes virus 5 has been associated with lymphoproliferative disordrers. Age-related EBV+ B-LPD is defined as an EBV+ clonal B-cell lymphoid proliferation or EBV+-DLBCL developing in patients over the age of 40 years in the absence of any known immunodeficiency and without an underlying T-cell lymphoma1. We present a case of EBV+ clonal B-cell lymphoid proliferation

    Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis after Long-Term Treatment with Sunitinib: A Case Report

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    We report on a 63-year-old woman, previously in good health, who had undergone nephrectomy for clear cell renal cell carcinoma in 2002. Because of systemic relapse with multiple lung metastases in 2006, the patient was treated with sunitinib 50 mg daily on a 4-weeks on-/2-weeks off-schedule. After 3 years of treatment, she developed a purpuric rash on her feet and trunk. Biopsy revealed leukocytoclastic vasculitis. No other organ involvement was diagnosed. She was started on oral prednisone 30 mg daily with rapid resolution of the vasculitic skin lesions. Sunitinib was temporally discontinued and reintroduced at the same dose level. Reappearance of a less serious vasculitis after 2 cycles of re-treatment was resolved in the weeks off-treatment and by reducing the dose of sunitinib along with 5 mg of prednisone daily. One year after the diagnosis, the patient is still on this therapy. Oncology providers should be aware of this rare but potentially serious, possible adverse effect of sunitinib

    Anomalous behavior of trapping on a fractal scale-free network

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    It is known that the heterogeneity of scale-free networks helps enhancing the efficiency of trapping processes performed on them. In this paper, we show that transport efficiency is much lower in a fractal scale-free network than in non-fractal networks. To this end, we examine a simple random walk with a fixed trap at a given position on a fractal scale-free network. We calculate analytically the mean first-passage time (MFPT) as a measure of the efficiency for the trapping process, and obtain a closed-form expression for MFPT, which agrees with direct numerical calculations. We find that, in the limit of a large network order VV, the MFPT behaves superlinearly as V3/2 \sim V^{{3/2}} with an exponent 3/2 much larger than 1, which is in sharp contrast to the scaling Vθ \sim V^{\theta} with θ1\theta \leq 1, previously obtained for non-fractal scale-free networks. Our results indicate that the degree distribution of scale-free networks is not sufficient to characterize trapping processes taking place on them. Since various real-world networks are simultaneously scale-free and fractal, our results may shed light on the understanding of trapping processes running on real-life systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; Definitive version accepted for publication in EPL (Europhysics Letters

    Trapping in complex networks

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    We investigate the trapping problem in Erdos-Renyi (ER) and Scale-Free (SF) networks. We calculate the evolution of the particle density ρ(t)\rho(t) of random walkers in the presence of one or multiple traps with concentration cc. We show using theory and simulations that in ER networks, while for short times ρ(t)exp(Act)\rho(t) \propto \exp(-Act), for longer times ρ(t)\rho(t) exhibits a more complex behavior, with explicit dependence on both the number of traps and the size of the network. In SF networks we reveal the significant impact of the trap's location: ρ(t)\rho(t) is drastically different when a trap is placed on a random node compared to the case of the trap being on the node with the maximum connectivity. For the latter case we find \rho(t)\propto\exp\left[-At/N^\frac{\gamma-2}{\gamma-1}\av{k}\right] for all γ>2\gamma>2, where γ\gamma is the exponent of the degree distribution P(k)kγP(k)\propto k^{-\gamma}.Comment: Appendix adde

    Detection of Composite Communities in Multiplex Biological Networks

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    The detection of community structure is a widely accepted means of investigating the principles governing biological systems. Recent efforts are exploring ways in which multiple data sources can be integrated to generate a more comprehensive model of cellular interactions, leading to the detection of more biologically relevant communities. In this work, we propose a mathematical programming model to cluster multiplex biological networks, i.e. multiple network slices, each with a different interaction type, to determine a single representative partition of composite communities. Our method, known as SimMod, is evaluated through its application to yeast networks of physical, genetic and co-expression interactions. A comparative analysis involving partitions of the individual networks, partitions of aggregated networks and partitions generated by similar methods from the literature highlights the ability of SimMod to identify functionally enriched modules. It is further shown that SimMod offers enhanced results when compared to existing approaches without the need to train on known cellular interactions

    Exact eigenvalue spectrum of a class of fractal scale-free networks

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    The eigenvalue spectrum of the transition matrix of a network encodes important information about its structural and dynamical properties. We study the transition matrix of a family of fractal scale-free networks and analytically determine all the eigenvalues and their degeneracies. We then use these eigenvalues to evaluate the closed-form solution to the eigentime for random walks on the networks under consideration. Through the connection between the spectrum of transition matrix and the number of spanning trees, we corroborate the obtained eigenvalues and their multiplicities.Comment: Definitive version accepted for publication in EPL (Europhysics Letters