73 research outputs found

    Technical note: The new comprehensive atmospheric chemistry module MECCA

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    In this technical note we present the multi-purpose atmospheric chemistry model MECCA. Owing to its versatility and modular structure, it can be used for tropospheric as well as stratospheric chemistry calculations. Extending the code to other domains (e.g. mesospheric or oceanic chemistry) is easily possible. MECCA contains a comprehensive atmospheric reaction mechanism that currently includes: 1) the basic O<sub>3</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub>, HO<sub>x</sub>, and NO<sub>x</sub> chemistry, 2) non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) chemistry, 3) halogen (Cl, Br, I) chemistry, and 4) sulfur chemistry. Not only gas-phase chemistry but also aqueous-phase and heterogeneous reactions are considered. Arbitrary subsets of the comprehensive mechanism can be selected according to the research objectives. The program code resulting from the chemical mechanism can easily be used in any model, from a simple box model to a comprehensive global general circulation model

    Technical note: Implementation of prescribed (OFFLEM), calculated (ONLEM), and pseudo-emissions (TNUDGE) of chemical species in the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)

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    International audienceWe present the submodels OFFLEM, ONLEM, and TNUDGE for the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy). Prescribed emissions from input files are handled by OFFLEM. ONLEM deals with online-calculated emissions, i.e., emissions that are calculated during the simulation. The submodel TNUDGE uses the "tracer nudging" technique for pseudo-sources and -sinks. For species with highly uncertain emission fluxes and/or with sufficiently long lifetimes, e.g., CH4, it is common to create such pseudo-fluxes by prescribing the observed mixing ratio of the species at a given boundary (e.g., the mixing ratio of methane at the surface, or the ozone mixing ratio at the tropopause). All three submodels substantially simplify the inclusion of emissions into a model. Specific emissions can easily be switched on or off. New prescribed emissions can be included without rewriting any code. New online emissions only require one additional subroutine containing the new parameterization. A major advantage is that input fields at arbitrary resolution can be used. The problem of incompatible grids between emission data and model is overcome by utilizing the MESSy data import interface. To further simplify the creation of new offline emission data, the preprocessing program EDGAR2NC is provided. EDGAR2NC transforms files from the EDGAR format into the netCDF format which is required by OFFLEM. The presented routines are a part of the community modeling project MESSy and can be made available for use to the atmospheric modeling community

    Global cloud and precipitation chemistry and wet deposition: tropospheric model simulations with ECHAM5/MESSy1

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    International audienceThe representation of cloud and precipitation chemistry and subsequent wet deposition of trace constituents in global atmospheric chemistry models is associated with large uncertainties. To improve the simulated trace gas distributions we apply the new submodel SCAV, which includes detailed cloud and precipitation chemistry and present results of the atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1. A good agreement with observed wet deposition fluxes for species causing acid rain is obtained. The new scheme enables prognostic calculations of the pH of clouds and precipitation, and these results are also in accordance with observations. We address the influence of detailed cloud and precipitation chemistry on trace constituents based on sensitivity simulations. The results confirm previous results from regional scale and box models, and we extend the analysis to the role of aqueous phase chemistry on the global scale. Some species are directly affected through multiphase removal processes, and many also indirectly through changes in oxidant concentrations, which in turn have an impact on the species lifetime. While the overall effect on tropospheric ozone is relatively small (3 can reach ?20%, and several important compounds (e.g., H2O2, HCHO) are substantially depleted by clouds and precipitation

    Technical Note: An implementation of the dry removal processes DRY DEPosition and SEDImentation in the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)

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    International audienceWe present the submodels DRYDEP and SEDI for the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy). Dry deposition of gases and aerosols is calculated within DRYDEP, whereas SEDI deals with aerosol particle sedimentation. Dry deposition velocities depend on the near-surface turbulence and the physical and chemical properties of the surface cover (e.g. the roughness length, soil pH or leaf stomatal exchange). The dry deposition algorithm used in DRYDEP is based on the big leaf approach and is described in detail within this Technical Note. The sedimentation submodel SEDI contains two sedimentation schemes: a simple upwind zeroth order scheme and a first order approach

    Technical note: A new comprehensive SCAVenging submodel for global atmospheric chemistry modelling

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    International audienceWe present the new scavenging scheme SCAV, simulating the removal of trace gases and aerosol particles by clouds and precipitation in global atmospheric chemistry models. The scheme is quite flexible and can be used for various purposes, e.g. long term chemistry simulations as well as detailed cloud and precipitation chemistry calculations. The presence of clouds can substantially change the chemical composition of the atmosphere. We present a new method of mechanistically coupling gas phase, aerosol, cloud and precipitation chemistry, which enables studies of feedbacks between multiphase chemistry and transport processes

    Technical Note: Simulation of detailed aerosol chemistry on the global scale using MECCA-AERO

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    International audienceWe present the MESSy submodel MECCA-AERO, which simulates both aerosol and gas phase chemistry within one comprehensive mechanism. Including the aerosol phase into the chemistry mechanism increases the stiffness of the resulting set of differential equations. The numerical aspects of the approach followed in MECCA-AERO are presented. MECCA-AERO requires input of an aerosol dynamical/microphysical model to provide the aerosol size and particle number information of the modes/bins for which the chemistry is explicitly calculated. Additional precautions are required to avoid the double counting of processes, especially for sulphate in the aerosol dynamical and the chemistry model. This coupling is explained in detail. To illustrate the capabilities of the new aerosol submodel, examples for species usually treated in aerosol dynamical models are shown. The aerosol chemistry as provided by MECCA-AERO is very sumptuous and not readily applicable for long-term simulations, though it provides a reference to evaluate simplified approaches

    Consistent simulation of bromine chemistry from the marine boundary layer to the stratosphere – Part 2: Bromocarbons

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    In this second part of a series of articles dedicated to a detailed analysis of bromine chemistry in the atmosphere we address one (out of two) dominant natural sources of reactive bromine. The two main source categories are the release of bromine from sea salt and the decomposition of bromocarbons by photolysis and reaction with OH. Here, we focus on C&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;-bromocarbons. We show that the atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy realistically simulates their emission, transport and decomposition from the boundary layer up to the mesosphere. We included oceanic emission fluxes of the short-lived bromocarbons CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Br&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;, CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;ClBr, CHClBr&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;, CHCl&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Br, CHBr&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; and of CH&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;Br. The vertical profiles and the surface mixing ratios of the bromocarbons are in general agreement with the (few available) observations, especially in view of the limited information available and the consequent coarseness of the emission fields. For CHBr&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;, CHCl&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Br and CHClBr&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; photolysis is the most important degradation process in the troposphere. In contrast to this, tropospheric CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Br&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;, CH&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;Br and CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;ClBr are more efficiently decomposed by reaction with OH. In the free troposphere approximately 40% of the C&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;-bromocarbons decompose by reaction with OH. Our results indicate that bromoform contributes substantial amounts of reactive bromine to the lower stratosphere and thus should not be neglected in stratospheric simulations

    Simulating organic species with the global atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1: a comparison of model results with observations

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    The atmospheric-chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1 is evaluated with observations of different organic ozone precursors. This study continues a prior analysis which focused primarily on the representation of atmospheric dynamics and ozone. We use the results of the same reference simulation and apply a statistical analysis using data from numerous field campaigns. The results serve as a basis for future improvements of the model system. ECHAM5/MESSy1 generally reproduces the spatial distribution and the seasonal cycle of carbon monoxide (CO) very well. However, for the background in the Northern Hemisphere we obtain a negative bias (mainly due to an underestimation of emissions from fossil fuel combustion), and in the high latitude Southern Hemisphere a yet unexplained positive bias. The model results agree well with observations of alkanes, whereas severe problems in the simulation of alkenes and isoprene are present. For oxygenated compounds the results are ambiguous: The model results are in good agreement with observations of formaldehyde, but systematic biases are present for methanol and acetone. The discrepancies between the model results and the observations are explained (partly) by means of sensitivity studies

    The atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1: consistent simulation of ozone from the surface to the mesosphere

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    International audienceThe new Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) describes atmospheric chemistry and meteorological processes in a modular framework, following strict coding standards. It has been coupled to the ECHAM5 general circulation model, which has been slightly modified for this purpose. A 90-layer model version up to 0.01 hPa was used at T42 resolution (~2.8 latitude and longitude) to simulate the lower and middle atmosphere. The model meteorology has been tested to check the influence of the changes to ECHAM5 and the radiation interactions with the new representation of atmospheric composition. A Newtonian relaxation technique was applied in the tropospheric part of the domain to weakly nudge the model towards the analysed meteorology during the period 1998?2005. It is shown that the tropospheric wave forcing of the stratosphere in the model suffices to reproduce the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and major stratospheric warming events leading e.g. to the vortex split over Antarctica in 2002. Characteristic features such as dehydration and denitrification caused by the sedimentation of polar stratospheric cloud particles and ozone depletion during winter and spring are simulated accurately, although ozone loss in the lower polar stratosphere is slightly underestimated. The model realistically simulates stratosphere-troposphere exchange processes as indicated by comparisons with satellite and in situ measurements. The evaluation of tropospheric chemistry presented here focuses on the distributions of ozone, hydroxyl radicals, carbon monoxide and reactive nitrogen compounds. In spite of minor shortcomings, mostly related to the relatively coarse T42 resolution and the neglect of interannual changes in biomass burning emissions, the main characteristics of the trace gas distributions are generally reproduced well. The MESSy submodels and the ECHAM5/MESSy1 model output are available through the internet on request

    Bacteria in the global atmosphere – Part 2: Modeling of emissions and transport between different ecosystems

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    Bacteria are constantly being transported through the atmosphere, which may have implications for human health, agriculture, cloud formation, and the dispersal of bacterial species. We simulate the global transport of bacteria, represented as 1 μm and 3 μm diameter spherical solid particle tracers in a general circulation model. We investigate factors influencing residence time and distribution of the particles, including emission region, cloud condensation nucleus activity and removal by ice-phase precipitation. The global distribution depends strongly on the assumptions made about uptake into cloud droplets and ice. The transport is also affected, to a lesser extent, by the emission region, particulate diameter, and season. We find that the seasonal variation in atmospheric residence time is insufficient to explain by itself the observed seasonal variation in concentrations of particulate airborne culturable bacteria, indicating that this variability is mainly driven by seasonal variations in culturability and/or emission strength. We examine the potential for exchange of bacteria between ecosystems and obtain rough estimates of the flux from each ecosystem by using a maximum likelihood estimation technique, together with a new compilation of available observations described in a companion paper. Globally, we estimate the total emissions of bacteria-containing particles to the atmosphere to be 7.6&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;23&lt;/sup&gt;–3.5&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;24&lt;/sup&gt; a&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;1&lt;/sup&gt;, originating mainly from grasslands, shrubs and crops. We estimate the mass of emitted bacteria- to be 40–1800 Gg a&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;1&lt;/sup&gt;, depending on the mass fraction of bacterial cells in the particles. In order to improve understanding of this topic, more measurements of the bacterial content of the air and of the rate of surface-atmosphere exchange of bacteria will be necessary. Future observations in wetlands, hot deserts, tundra, remote glacial and coastal regions and over oceans will be of particular interest
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