127 research outputs found

    Uticaj -hidroksi--metilbutirata (hmb) dodavanog u hranu na imunitet i otpornost na bakterijske infekcije kod smuđa (sander lucioperca)

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    U ovoj studiji je ispitivan uticaj metabolita leucina β-hidroksi-β-metilbutirata (HMB) na imunitet i zaštitu od enterične bolesti crvenih usta (ERM) i furunkuloze kod smuđa (Sander lucioperca). Ribe su bile hranjene 18 sati dnevno komercijalnom hranom za pastrmke. Hrana je formulisana tako da obezbedi ili 0 (kontrolna grupa) ili 50 mg HBM/kg telesne težine na dan (grupa hranjena sa HBM) tokom 4 nedelje. Posle hranjenja sa HBM 20 zdravih smuđeva prosečne težine 35 g je anestezirano i uzeta je krv iz kaudalne vene u heparizovane špriceve. Takođe je aseptično izdvojen pronefros svake ribe i dobijena suspenzija pojedinačnih ćelija za izolovanje ćelija koristeći ili Gradisol (Polfa) ili Percoll (Pharmacia) gradijent. Test na izazivanje bolesti upotrebom Yersinia ruckeri ili Aeromonas salmonicida je obavljen 4 nedelje posle hranjenja. Ukratko, svakoj od 20 riba svake grupe data je jedna intraperitonealna injekcija 48 sati kulture Y.ruckeri ili A. salmonicida (0,2 ml). Zabeležen je mortalitet, a prisustvo patogena potvrđeno izolacijom iz bubrega. Rezultati ovog ogleda pokazuju da HBM u dozi od 50 mg/kg telesne težine statistički značajno stimuliše nespecifične ćelijske i humoralne odbrambene mehanizme i zaštitu od Yersinia ruckeri i Aeromonas salmonicida

    Nonspecific Cellular and Humoral Defence Mechanisms in Sheatfish (Silurus glanis)

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    In vitro Immunotoxicology - Practical Application

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    Anti-Birnavirus Activity of Methisoprinol – in vitro Study with Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV)

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of methisoprinol, synthetic anti-viral product, on the IPNV replication in vitro by measuring viral RNA synthesis. The monolayers of RTG-2 cells in tissue culture plates (Multiwell, 24 wells, Becton Dickinson, USA) wa

    Principles And Practices Fostering Inclusive Excellence: Lessons From The Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Capstone Institutions

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    Best-practices pedagogy in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) aims for inclusive excellence that fosters student persistence. This paper describes principles of inclusivity across 11 primarily undergraduate institutions designated as Capstone Awardees in Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s (HHMI) 2012 competition. The Capstones represent a range of institutional missions, student profiles, and geographical locations. Each successfully directed activities toward persistence of STEM students, especially those from traditionally underrepresented groups, through a set of common elements: mentoring programs to build community; research experiences to strengthen scientific skill/identity; attention to quantitative skills; and outreach/bridge programs to broaden the student pool. This paper grounds these program elements in learning theory, emphasizing their essential principles with examples of how they were implemented within institutional contexts. We also describe common assessment approaches that in many cases informed programming and created traction for stakeholder buy-in. The lessons learned from our shared experiences in pursuit of inclusive excellence, including the resources housed on our companion website, can inform others’ efforts to increase access to and persistence in STEM in higher education

    Impact of diets with different proportions of linseed and sunflower oils on the growth, liver histology, immunological and chemical blood parameters, and proximate composition of pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.)

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    The aim of the study was to determine the impact of applying different proportions of linseed (LO) and sunflower (SFO) oils in pikeperch diets on growth, histological changes in the liver, immunological and blood chemical parameters. The fish were fed isoenergetic and isoprotein feeds containing SFO (group 100SFO) or LO (group 100LO) in quantities of 67 g kg/feed, and a mixture of oils: 47 g SFO and 20 g LO kg/feed (group 70SFO/30LO) and 20 g SFO and 47 g LO kg/feed (group 30SFO/70LO). Dietary ratios of polyunsaturated fatty acids from the n-3 and n-6 series (n3/n6 index) were 0.36–2.15. Pikeperch were reared for 56 days in three replicates for each dietary treatment. Various dietary oils and ratios of n3/n6 did not impact fish growth, feed conversion ratio, viscerosomatic and hepatosomatic index, and size of the hepatocytes. Feeding the fish high quantities of LO and SO oils (groups 100LO and 100SFO) reduced the immunological response of the phagocytes and lymphocytes in the fish. Moreover, this resulted in significant differences among groups in the quantity of linolenic and linoleic acid in whole fish bodies, viscera, fillets, and livers. Various quantities of vegetable oils in the fish diets did not impact the quantity of arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid in the fillets and livers. The immunological index and low quantities of linoleic acid in the fillets obtained in group 30SFO/70LO indicate that the n3/n6 dietary ratio of 1.35 was the most advantageous for feeding juvenile pikeperch feeds with vegetable oils

    Peripheral, Central and Behavioral Responses to the Cuticular Pheromone Bouquet in Drosophila melanogaster Males

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    Pheromonal communication is crucial with regard to mate choice in many animals including insects. Drosophila melanogaster flies produce a pheromonal bouquet with many cuticular hydrocarbons some of which diverge between the sexes and differently affect male courtship behavior. Cuticular pheromones have a relatively high weight and are thought to be — mostly but not only — detected by gustatory contact. However, the response of the peripheral and central gustatory systems to these substances remains poorly explored. We measured the effect induced by pheromonal cuticular mixtures on (i) the electrophysiological response of peripheral gustatory receptor neurons, (ii) the calcium variation in brain centers receiving these gustatory inputs and (iii) the behavioral reaction induced in control males and in mutant desat1 males, which show abnormal pheromone production and perception. While male and female pheromones induced inhibitory-like effects on taste receptor neurons, the contact of male pheromones on male fore-tarsi elicits a long-lasting response of higher intensity in the dedicated gustatory brain center. We found that the behavior of control males was more strongly inhibited by male pheromones than by female pheromones, but this difference disappeared in anosmic males. Mutant desat1 males showed an increased sensitivity of their peripheral gustatory neurons to contact pheromones and a behavioral incapacity to discriminate sex pheromones. Together our data indicate that cuticular hydrocarbons induce long-lasting inhibitory effects on the relevant taste pathway which may interact with the olfactory pathway to modulate pheromonal perception

    Principles and Practices Fostering Inclusive Excellence: Lessons from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Capstone Institutions

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    Best-practices pedagogy in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) aims for inclusive excellence that fosters student persistence. This paper describes principles of inclusivity across 11 primarily undergraduate institutions designated as Capstone Awardees in Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s (HHMI) 2012 competition. The Capstones represent a range of institutional missions, student profiles, and geographical locations. Each successfully directed activities toward persistence of STEM students, especially those from traditionally underrepresented groups, through a set of common elements: mentoring programs to build community; research experiences to strengthen scientific skill/ identity; attention to quantitative skills; and outreach/bridge programs to broaden the student pool. This paper grounds these program elements in learning theory, emphasizing their essential principles with examples of how they were implemented within institutional contexts. We also describe common assessment approaches that in many cases informed programming and created traction for stakeholder buy-in. The lessons learned from our shared experiences in pursuit of inclusive excellence, including the resources housed on our companion website, can inform others’ efforts to increase access to and persistence in STEM in higher education

    Circadian Control of Dendrite Morphology in the Visual System of Drosophila melanogaster

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    In the first optic neuropil (lamina) of the fly's visual system, monopolar cells L1 and L2 and glia show circadian rhythms in morphological plasticity. They change their size and shape during the day and night. The most pronounced changes have been detected in circadian size of the L2 axons. Looking for a functional significance of the circadian plasticity observed in axons, we examined the morphological plasticity of the L2 dendrites. They extend from axons and harbor postsynaptic sites of tetrad synaptic contacts from the photoreceptor terminals.The plasticity of L2 dendrites was evaluated by measuring an outline of the L2 dendritic trees. These were from confocal images of cross sections of L2 cells labeled with GFP. They were in wild-type and clock mutant flies held under different light conditions and sacrified at different time points. We found that the L2 dendrites are longest at the beginning of the day in both males and females. This rhythm observed under a day/night regime (LD) was maintained in constant darkness (DD) but not in continuous light (LL). This rhythm was not present in the arrhythmic per(01) mutant in LD or in DD. In the clock photoreceptor cry(b) mutant the rhythm was maintained but its pattern was different than that observed in wild-type flies.The results obtained showed that the L2 dendrites exhibit circadian structural plasticity. Their morphology is controlled by the per gene-dependent circadian clock. The L2 dendrites are longest at the beginning of the day when the daytime tetrad presynaptic sites are most numerous and L2 axons are swollen. The presence of the rhythm, but with a different pattern in cry(b) mutants in LD and DD indicates a new role of cry in the visual system. The new role is in maintaining the circadian pattern of changes of the L2 dendrite length and shape