1,752 research outputs found

    The long time-scale X-ray variability of the radio-quiet quasar PG 0804+761

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    We present the results from a study of the timing properties and the energy spectrum of the radio-quiet quasar PG0804+761, based on monitoring RXTE PCA observations that lasted for a year. This is a systematic study of the X-ray variations on time scales of weeks/months of the most luminous radio-quiet quasar studied so far. We detect significant variations in the 2-10 keV band of an average amplitude of ~15%. The excess variance of the light curve is smaller than that of Seyfert galaxies, entirely consistent with the relationship between variability amplitude and luminosity defined from the Seyfert data alone. The power spectrum of the source follows a power-like form of slope ~ -1. However, when we extend the power spectrum estimation at higher frequencies using archival ASCA data, we find strong evidence for an intrinsic steepening to a slope of ~ -2 at around ~ 1x10^(-6) Hz. This "break frequency" corresponds to a time scale of ~ 10 days. The time-average energy spectrum is well fitted by a power law model with Gamma ~ 2. We also find evidence for an iron line at \~ 6.4 keV (rest frame) with EW 110 eV, similar to what is observed in Seyfert galaxies. The flux variations are not associated with any spectral variation. This is the only major difference that we find when we compare the variability properties of the source with those of Seyfert galaxies. Our results support the hypothesis that the same X-ray emission and variability mechanism operates in both Seyfert galaxies and quasars.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Probing BH mass and accretion through X-ray variability in the CDFS

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    Recent work on nearby AGNs has shown that X-ray variability is correlated with the mass and accretion rate onto the central SMBH. Here we present the application of the variability-luminosity relation to high redshift AGNs in the CDFS, making use of XMM-Newton observations. We use Monte Carlo simulations in order to properly account for bias and uncertainties introduced by the sparse sampling and the very low statistics. Our preliminary results indicate that BH masses span over the range from 10^5 to 10^9 solar mass while accretion rates range from 10^-3 up to values greater than 1, in unit of Eddington accretion rate.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures,in press in the X-ray 2009 Conference Proceedings (Bologna, 7-11 September 2009

    A Cutoff in the X-ray Fluctuation Power Density Spectrum of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3516

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    During 1997 March-July, XTE observed the bright, strongly variable Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516 once every ~12.8 hr for 4.5 months and nearly continuously (with interruptions due to SAA passage but not Earth occultation) for a 4.2 day period in the middle. These were followed by ongoing monitoring once every ~4.3 days. These data are used to construct the first well-determined X-ray fluctuation power density spectrum (PDS) of an active galaxy to span more than 4 decades of usable temporal frequency. The PDS shows no signs of any strict or quasi-periodicity, but does show a progressive flattening of the power-law slope from -1.74 at short time scales to -0.73 at longer time scales. This is the clearest observation to date of the long-predicted cutoff in the PDS. The characteristic variability time scale corresponding to this cutoff temporal frequency is 1 month. Although it is unclear how this time scale may be interpreted in terms of a physical size or process, there are several promising candidate models. The PDS appears similar to those seen for Galactic black hole candidates such as Cyg X-1, suggesting that these two classes of objects with very different luminosities and putative black hole masses (differing by more than a factor of 10^5) may have similar X-ray generation processes and structures.Comment: 21 pages, incl. 5 figures, AASTe

    In-plane magnetic field-induced spin polarization and transition to insulating behavior in two-dimensional hole systems

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    Using a novel technique, we make quantitative measurements of the spin polarization of dilute (3.4 to 6.8*10^{10} cm^{-2}) GaAs (311)A two-dimensional holes as a function of an in-plane magnetic field. As the field is increased the system gradually becomes spin polarized, with the degree of spin polarization depending on the orientation of the field relative to the crystal axes. Moreover, the behavior of the system turns from metallic to insulating \textit{before} it is fully spin polarized. The minority-spin population at the transition is ~8*10^{9} cm^{-2}, close to the density below which the system makes a transition to an insulating state in the absence of a magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages with figure

    Low-field magnetoresistance in GaAs 2D holes

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    We report low-field magnetotransport data in two-dimensional hole systems in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures and quantum wells, in a large density range, 2.5×1010p4.0×10112.5 \times 10^{10} \leq p \leq 4.0 \times 10^{11} cm2^{-2}, with primary focus on samples grown on (311)A GaAs substrates. At high densities, p1×1011p \gtrsim 1 \times 10^{11} cm2^{-2}, we observe a remarkably strong positive magnetoresistance. It appears in samples with an anisotropic in-plane mobility and predominantly along the low-mobility direction, and is strongly dependent on the perpendicular electric field and the resulting spin-orbit interaction induced spin-subband population difference. A careful examination of the data reveals that the magnetoresistance must result from a combination of factors including the presence of two spin-subbands, a corrugated quantum well interface which leads to the mobility anisotropy, and possibly weak anti-localization. None of these factors can alone account for the observed positive magnetoresistance. We also present the evolution of the data with density: the magnitude of the positive magnetoresistance decreases with decreasing density until, at the lowest density studied (p=2.5×1010p = 2.5 \times 10^{10} cm2^{-2}), it vanishes and is replaced by a weak negative magnetoresistance.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    An investigation of the origin of soft X-ray excess emission from Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies Akn564 and Mrk1044

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    We investigate the origin of the soft X-ray excess emission from narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies Akn564 and Mrk1044 using XMM-Newton observations. We find clear evidence for time delays between the soft and hard X-ray emission from Akn564 based on a 100ks long observation. The variations in the 4-10keV band lag behind that in the 0.2-0.5keV band by 1768+/-122s. The full band power density spectrum (PDS) of Akn~564 has a break at ~1.2e-3Hz with power-law indices of ~1 and ~3 below and above the break. The hard (3-10keV) band PDS is stronger and flatter than that in the soft (0.2-0.5keV) band. Based on a short observation of Mrk1044, we find no correlation between the 0.2-0.3keV and 5-10keV bands at zero lag. These observations imply that the soft excess is not the reprocessed hard X-ray emission. The high resolution spectrum of Akn564 obtained with the RGS shows evidence for a highly ionized and another weakly ionized warm absorber medium. The smeared wind and blurred ionized reflection models do not describe the pn data adequately. The spectrum is consistent with a complex model consisting of optically thick Comptonization in a cool plasma for the soft excess and a steep power-law, modified by two warm absorber media as inferred from the RGS data and the foreground Galactic absorption. The smeared wind and optically thick Comptonization models both describe the spectrum of Mrk1044 satisfactorily, but the ionized reflection model requires extreme parameters. The data suggest two component corona -- a cool, optically thick corona for the soft excess and a hot corona for the power-law component. The existence of a break in the soft band PDS suggests a compact cool corona that can either be an ionized surface of the inner disk or an inner optically thick region coupled to a truncated disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 19 page

    X-ray Fluctuation Power Spectral Densities of Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    By combining complementary monitoring observations spanning long, medium and short time scales, we have constructed power spectral densities (PSDs) of six Seyfert~1 galaxies. These PSDs span \gtrsim4 orders of magnitude in temporal frequency, sampling variations on time scales ranging from tens of minutes to over a year. In at least four cases, the PSD shows a "break," a significant departure from a power law, typically on time scales of order a few days. This is similar to the behavior of Galactic X-ray binaries (XRBs), lower mass compact systems with breaks on time scales of seconds. NGC 3783 shows tentative evidence for a doubly-broken power law, a feature that until now has only been seen in the (much better-defined) PSDs of low-state XRBs. It is also interesting that (when one previously-observed object is added to make a small sample of seven), an apparently significant correlation is seen between the break time scale TT and the putative black hole mass MBHM_{\rm BH}, while none is seen between break time scale and luminosity. The data are consistent with the linear relation T = M_{\rm BH}/10^{6.5} \Msun; extrapolation over 6--7 orders of magnitude is in reasonable agreement with XRBs. All of this strengthens the case for a physical similarity between Seyfert~1s and XRBs.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Typo correcte

    Quantifying Rapid Variability in Accreting Compact Objects

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    I discuss some practical aspects of the analysis of millisecond time variability X-ray data obtained from accreting neutron stars and black holes. First I give an account of the statistical methods that are at present commonly applied in this field. These are mostly based on Fourier techniques. To a large extent these methods work well: they give astronomers the answers they need. Then I discuss a number of statistical questions that astronomers don't really know how to solve properly and that statisticians may have ideas about. These questions have to do with the highest and the lowest frequency ranges accessible in the Fourier analysis: how do you determine the shortest time scale present in the variability, how do you measure steep low-frequency noise. The point is stressed that in order for any method that resolves these issues to become popular, it is necessary to retain the capabilities the current methods already have in quantifying the complex, concurrent variability processes characteristic of accreting neutron stars and black holes.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of "Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy II", University Park PA, USA, June 199