14 research outputs found

    Исследование острой токсичности монокатионного производного хлорина е6 – перспективного фотосенсибилизатора для антимикробной и противоопухолевой фотодинамической терапии

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    In this experimental work the acute toxicity of a chemically modified derivative of the natural pigment chlorophyll a called monocationic chlorin e6, which is a promising photosensitizer (PS) for antimicrobial and antitumor photodynamic therapy, was studied using white rats. The advantages of the PS under investigation are an intense absorption in the long-wavelength region of the visible spectrum, a sufficiently high quantum yield of singlet oxygen generation, pronounced amphiphilic properties along with an appropriate solubility in water, and a high level of photocytotoxic- ity in relation to both malignant HeLa cells and antibiotic-resistant hospital strains of E. сoli bacteria., P. aerugenosa and others. It has been shown that the value of LD50 of the considered PS can be calculated as the value of 100 mg/kg. In the reproduced experimental model of acute toxicity, pathomorphological changes in the vital organs of laboratory animals indicate a pronounced vasopathic effect of the drug with the development of cerebral edema and respiratory distress syndrome, which have become the main signs of thanatogenesis.На белых крысах изучены особенности острой токсичности химически модифицированного производного природного пигмента хлорофилла а монокатионного хлорина e6 – перспективного фотосенсибилизатора (ФС) для антимикробной и противоопухолевой фотодинамической терапии. Преимуществами ФС являются интенсивное поглощение в длинноволновой области видимого спектра, достаточно высокий квантовый выход генерации синглетного кислорода, выраженные амфифильные свойства наряду с хорошей растворимостью в воде и высокий уровень фотоцитотоксичности в отношении как злокачественных клеток линии HeLa, так и антибиотикорезистентных госпитальных штаммов бактерий E. coli, P. Aerugenosa и других. Величина ЛД50 для монокатионного хлорина e6 составляет 100 мг/кг массы тела. В воспроизведенной экспериментальной модели острой токсичности патоморфологические изменения жизненно важных органов лабораторных животных свидетельствуют о выраженном вазопатическом действии препарата с развитием отека головного мозга и респираторного дистресс-синдрома, ставшими основными звеньями танатогенеза


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    OBJECTIVE. This paper reviews literature and provides results of original trial data on early diagnostics of lung cancer (LC) with primary and work-up diagnostic procedures. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The pospective diagnostic data of 537 patients divided into 2 groups was analyzed: 1) panel study in early diagnostics of LC using low-dose computed tomography (369 patients) and 2) transthoracic core biopsy (168 patients). RESULTS. The pathological lesions in lung parenchyma, suspicious for early peripheral lung cancer, were detected in 24 % of study participants. The effectiveness of transthoracic core biopsy as diagnostic work-up method was 87.5 % and it correlated with nodule size and location in lungs parenchyma. CONCLUSION. The modern lung cancer diagnostics allows detecting the disease on the early stage and collecting the morphologic materials sufficiently enough for personalization of management algorithms


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    An analysis of modern methods of diagnostics such as morphological, immunohistochemical and spectral, which included the bronchoscopy and spectrometry by using reflectance and autofluorescent regime, was made. The data involved the results of prospective follow-up study of 167 patients (620 biopsies). An obligatory spectrometry of suspicious area was carried out before the forceps biopsy. The microslides, which met the requirements of criteria of one of the carcinogen steps (n=201), were subjected to the in-depth morphological and immunohistochemical investigations. The tendency of angiogenesis (CD31 and CD34), proliferative activity (Ki-67), level of apoptosis (P53), EGFR expression were estimated. The sensitivity of combined endoscopic method was 94,74% by specificity 79,95% and high prognostic value of negative endoscopic diagnosis — 99,4%

    Subspecialty training in Europe: A report by the European Network of Young Gynaecological Oncologists

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    Background ESGO (European Society of Gynaecological Oncology) and partners are continually improving the developmental opportunities for gynaecological oncology fellows. The objectives of this survey were to evaluate the progress in the infrastructure of the training systems in Europe over the past decade. We also evaluated training and assessment techniques, the perceived relevance of ENYGO (European Network of Young Gynaecological Oncologists) initiatives, and unmet needs of trainees. Methodology National representatives of ENYGO from 39 countries were contacted with an electronic survey. A graduation in well/moderately/loosely-structured training systems was performed. Descriptive statistical analysis and frequency tables, as well as two-sided Fisher's exact test, were used. Results National representatives from 33 countries answered our survey questionnaire, yielding a response rate of 85%. A national fellowship is offered in 22 countries (66.7%). A logbook to document progress during training is mandatory in 24 (72.7%) countries. A logbook of experience is only utilized in a minority of nations (18%) for assessment purposes. In 42.4% of countries, objective assessments are recognized. Trainees in most countries (22 (66.7%)) requested additional training in advanced laparoscopic surgery. 13 (39.4%) countries have a loosely-structured training system, 11 (33.3%) a moderately-structured training system, and 9 (27.3%) a well-structured training system. Conclusion Since the last publication in 2011, ENYGO was able to implement new activities, workshops, and online education to support training of gynaecological oncology fellows, which were all rated by the respondents as highly useful. This survey also reveals the limitations in establishing more accredited centers, centralized cancer care, and the lack of laparoscopic training. © 2021 BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved